維新會、未來黨內部 選後就分裂?
日本維新會雖然在這次大選中拿下五十四席,躍升為國會第三大黨,但兩位共主橋下徹(左)與石原慎太郎(右),卻傳出不和的消息。(歐新社) |
由 滋賀縣知事嘉田由紀子號召成立的「日本未來黨」,雖然整合了數個小黨,打著「反核」旗號,獲得文化界及環保人士的支持,但為了擴大勢力,接收了民主黨「叛 將」小澤一郎帶來的大批人馬,一開始就被媒體譏諷為「女版鳩山」,鳩山指的是前民主黨代表鳩山由紀夫,鳩山因小澤而在二○○九年扳倒自民黨拿下政權,但也 埋下了民主黨在今年大選慘敗的種子。
嘉田和小澤的結合,從一開始就充滿了詭譎的氣氛,小澤甚至被排除於黨領導核心之外,就像「靠行」營業一 般。組黨匆促再加上散兵游勇候選人,使得未來黨苦嘗敗果,議席從原有的六十一席大幅降為九席。嘉田在選後分析敗因,認為是「小澤粉絲與嘉田粉絲對立」的關 係,連共患難都談不上。
Politics in Japan
The "Kamikaze" election
Nov 14th 2012, 9:40 by H.T. | TOKYO
The move was greeted with glee by Shinzo Abe, who believes he can lead the opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) back to the position of power it occupied for nearly all of the 55 years to 2009. It raises another big question for Mr Noda, though. Why is he willing to hold an election, so soon, that polls suggest he is bound to lose?
The answer would seem to reveal a lot about the prime minister, a man who seems prepared to take his party down in flames in order to do what he considers to be the right thing. Many within the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) have urged him to cling to power for as long as possible, hoping that Mr Abe, who fluffed the job of prime minister from 2006-07, will stumble again in the meantime.
Yet Mr Noda overrode their objections and set only two conditions for dissolving parliament. First, he wants the LDP-led opposition to join the DPJ in voting in the Diet to issue bonds that would cover the budget deficit—and so avoid Japan’s version of the “fiscal cliff”. The opposition has already agreed to that.
Secondly, he wants a commitment in the next parliament to reduce the number of MPs. Japan needs to redraw the electoral map after the election, in order to avoid a constitutional crisis related to voting disparities between heavily populated and depopulated areas. For Mr Abe, that appears a small price to pay for something the LDP craves: a return to power.
Standing opposite Mr Abe in a face-to-face debate in the Diet, Mr Noda sought to justify the election timing by declaring that he was honest. He had made a promise in August to the LDP that he would dissolve parliament “soon”, and he intended to stick to it. Those who know him say that he is also driven by a desire to make tough decisions about Japan’s future, however unpopular they appear to members of his party.
Earlier this year, he persuaded the DPJ and the LDP to join forces to raise the consumption tax (a tax on sales), starting in 2014, even though this went against his party’s 2009 election manifesto. The deficit-financing bill will apply until 2015, such that future governments will not be hijacked by the issue as the DPJ has been.
Some of his decisions confound those in Mr Noda’s own party, who have seen his government’s support rate plunge to 18%, according to the latest poll. They also fear holding an election during what may be the start of Japan’s third economic recession in five years. On November 12th it was reported that GDP in the third quarter declined 0.9% compared with the previous three months. Fourth-quarter data augur ill, too.
If that were not bad enough, many colleagues also fear that Mr Noda will campaign to take Japan into negotiations on a free-trade deal with America and ten other countries, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Though on November 13th a poll in the Asahi Shimbun, a newspaper, said 48% of those surveyed approved of the TPP, it is a highly controversial issue whose opponents shout much louder than its supporters. Mr Abe, whose party panders to Japan’s farm lobby, opposes it. “A party leader is just not supposed to push through unpopular policies before an election. It’s electoral suicide,” says Koichi Nakano, a political scientist at Sophia University in Tokyo.
Mr Noda may not be all lofty ideals. There may be a smidgen of political calculus there. A swift election would make it hard for Japan’s array of smaller “third” parties to band together and pose a serious challenge. And it would give Mr Abe more time to mess things up before an upper-house election due in June. Some speculate that Mr Noda may have a plan up his sleeve later to forge an alliance of pro-TPP types from both main parties.
In the meantime, though, Mr Noda appears to be on the verge of handing power on a plate back to an LDP that has barely reformed itself since it was driven out in disgrace three years ago. That, for all his good intentions, would be a legacy of failure.
Updated: This article was emended slightly at 12.45 GMT on November 14th, mainly to reflect the fact that Mr Noda has resolved to dissolve parliament on November 16th.
(Picture credit: AFP)
日政黨傾軋 5成選民不挺
野田憨直 看好安倍回鍋
野 田在與前自民黨總裁谷垣禎一會談時曾答應在「最近之內」解散國會,但是遲遲未能實現,遭自民黨以「最近之內」在日本已成為「謊言」的代名詞相激,逼野田盡 速解散國會,否則就是「說謊」,野田因受不了被說成「說謊者」,而在十四日的黨魁會談時具體的說出「十六日解散」,但是條件是自民黨必須同意在重要法案的 表決上合作。
日本除兩大政黨民主黨和自民黨外,各方勢力正在瞄準“第三極”進行摸索,但14日突然傳來的16日解散眾議院的決定對尚未做好選舉準備的“第三極勢力”造 成衝擊。大阪市長橋下徹擔任黨首的“日本維新會”和石原慎太郎等人組建的“太陽黨”仍尚未準備好候選人。選區調整等所需要的時間所剩不多。
橋下徹 |
石原「太陽黨」成立 多數日人…不期待
前東京都知事石原慎太郎十三日宣布結合「奮起日本黨」班底,成立新政黨「太陽黨」。 (路透) |
「奮 起日本黨」在今天上午完成變更黨名的手續,五名議員下午與石原共同成立新黨。石原在記者會上表示,日本的民意在「求變」,日本再不變革將從此沉淪,在眾議 院改選前一定要大團結,「不能允許自民和民主兩黨在國會過半」,與大阪市長橋下徹「日本維新會」的合作協議必須加速,「集結一個可以對抗自民、民主兩黨的 第三勢力」。
中央社報導,太 陽黨日文原文為「太陽的黨」,標誌是一個可愛的紅色太陽,有眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴,還有十道光芒,有如卡通人物,但石原的右翼立場也讓人聯想到第二次世界大戰 時日軍的太陽旗。不過,一般日本媒體都揣測是否與一九五五年石原大學時代獲得芥川賞的短篇小說「太陽的季節」有關,或是石原的大明星弟弟石原裕次郎曾主演 的系列電視警匪劇「向太陽怒吼」,以「太陽 」為名是為了造成話題。
日本政界研判,首相野田佳彥可能在年底解散眾院,太陽黨的目標是聯合橋下徹的「日本維新會」和渡邊喜美的「眾人之黨」,結合反自民、反民主的所謂「第三勢 力」。雖然最新民調顯示,不支持特定政黨的日本國民多達五成二,但對石原等人成立的新政黨,「無法期待」多於「可以期待」,第三勢力的情勢並不如預期。
Ishihara thumbs his nose at the central government
報道 2012年10月26日
作為一名民族主義政客,石原慎太郎稱日本應該發展核武器並廢除和平憲法。人們認為他的極右傾向太過嚴重,因此無法構築一個大到可以組建政府的政黨。 然而,鑒於民調顯示沒人能在必將於明年8月前舉行的選舉中成為明顯的贏家,石原慎太郎可能會在聯合政府中佔據舉足輕重的地位,並迫使政府領導人採取更加民 族主義的立場。
“如果選舉在今年年底前進行,他可能會成為暴風眼,”獨立的政治分析人士淺川廣忠(Hirotada Asakawa)對日報《神奈川新聞》(Kanagawa Shimbun)說。但他也表示,如果選舉延期,石原慎太郎可能會因自身的記錄而受到更多批評,比如他的多次失言以及東京申辦2016年奧運會的失利。
石原慎太郎在新聞發佈會上表示,自己打算同另外兩個保守派小政黨展開合作,其中包括由民粹主義者、大阪市長橋下徹(Toru Hashimoto)新近組建的那個政黨,以挑戰執政黨民主黨(Democratic Party)及其主要在野黨自民黨(Liberal Democratic Party)的政治表現。按照他的說法,這兩個政黨的表現軟弱無力。
今年春天,石原慎太郎說,他希望東京市政府將其中的幾座島嶼從身為日本公民的島主手裡買下來,以便更好地保護它們免受中國的侵犯。迫於表現不能太過 軟弱的壓力,野田佳彥(Yoshihiko Noda)首相決定由中央政府來購買這些島嶼。此舉顯然是為了緩和形勢,結果卻適得其反,引發了中國各地的抗議活動,並導致中國對日本產品的非官方抵制。
石原慎太郎曾是一名小說家。他1989年出版的《日本可以說不》(The Japan Than Can Say No)一書讓他在美國臭名昭著。該書要求日本對美國採取更強硬的政策。
石原慎太郎對政策的影響力將取決於他的政黨在國會眾議院選舉中的表現。眾議院大權在握,首相就是由眾議院選舉產生的。鑒於執政黨民主黨的支持率持續 下跌,由新任鷹派總裁安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)率領的在野黨自民黨預計會大有斬獲,但兩黨好像都不大可能贏得多數席位,在組建政府時都需要聯合小黨派。
關於自己會同橋下徹展開多麼親密的合作,石原慎太郎沒有在周四給出具體細節。橋下徹的聲望使他成為了日本最讓人畏懼的政客之一。橋下徹儘管有過一些 民族主義言論,但卻在諸如核政策之類的重大問題上同石原慎太郎存在分歧。石原慎太郎是核能的堅定支持者,橋下徹則自去年的核事故後便要求實行更嚴厲的監管 措施。
作為一名民族主義政客,石原慎太郎稱日本應該發展核武器並廢除和平憲法。人們認為他的極右傾向太過嚴重,因此無法構築一個大到可以組建政府的政黨。 然而,鑒於民調顯示沒人能在必將於明年8月前舉行的選舉中成為明顯的贏家,石原慎太郎可能會在聯合政府中佔據舉足輕重的地位,並迫使政府領導人採取更加民 族主義的立場。
“如果選舉在今年年底前進行,他可能會成為暴風眼,”獨立的政治分析人士淺川廣忠(Hirotada Asakawa)對日報《神奈川新聞》(Kanagawa Shimbun)說。但他也表示,如果選舉延期,石原慎太郎可能會因自身的記錄而受到更多批評,比如他的多次失言以及東京申辦2016年奧運會的失利。
石原慎太郎在新聞發佈會上表示,自己打算同另外兩個保守派小政黨展開合作,其中包括由民粹主義者、大阪市長橋下徹(Toru Hashimoto)新近組建的那個政黨,以挑戰執政黨民主黨(Democratic Party)及其主要在野黨自民黨(Liberal Democratic Party)的政治表現。按照他的說法,這兩個政黨的表現軟弱無力。
今年春天,石原慎太郎說,他希望東京市政府將其中的幾座島嶼從身為日本公民的島主手裡買下來,以便更好地保護它們免受中國的侵犯。迫於表現不能太過 軟弱的壓力,野田佳彥(Yoshihiko Noda)首相決定由中央政府來購買這些島嶼。此舉顯然是為了緩和形勢,結果卻適得其反,引發了中國各地的抗議活動,並導致中國對日本產品的非官方抵制。
石原慎太郎曾是一名小說家。他1989年出版的《日本可以說不》(The Japan Than Can Say No)一書讓他在美國臭名昭著。該書要求日本對美國採取更強硬的政策。
石原慎太郎對政策的影響力將取決於他的政黨在國會眾議院選舉中的表現。眾議院大權在握,首相就是由眾議院選舉產生的。鑒於執政黨民主黨的支持率持續 下跌,由新任鷹派總裁安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)率領的在野黨自民黨預計會大有斬獲,但兩黨好像都不大可能贏得多數席位,在組建政府時都需要聯合小黨派。
關於自己會同橋下徹展開多麼親密的合作,石原慎太郎沒有在周四給出具體細節。橋下徹的聲望使他成為了日本最讓人畏懼的政客之一。橋下徹儘管有過一些 民族主義言論,但卻在諸如核政策之類的重大問題上同石原慎太郎存在分歧。石原慎太郎是核能的堅定支持者,橋下徹則自去年的核事故後便要求實行更嚴厲的監管 措施。
石原慎太郎稱東京都欲買釣魚島Tokyo Gov Ishihara Eyes Purchase Of Disputed Islands
Tokyo's conservative governor said Monday that the metropolitan
government has decided to purchase a group of islands in the East China
Sea at the center of a bitter bilateral territorial dispute between the
two regional powers, in a move that could heighten tensions between
Japan and China.
Shintaro Ishihara, a popular politician known for his nationalistic views and provocative style, said Tokyo has been negotiating with the private Japanese owners of the islands--known as the Senkaku in Japanese and the Daioyu in Chinese--adding that they are close to reaching an agreement to buy them.
Both Japan and China claim the strategically coveted islands, located between Japan's southern Okinawa Prefecture and Taiwan. A collision between a Chinese fishing boat and a Japanese coast guard vessel in September 2010 near the islands ignited a diplomatic spat that has left lingering scars in bilateral relations.
'Tokyo has decided to buy the Senkaku Islands. Tokyo is going to protect the Senkakus,' Ishihara said in a speech in Washington at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. 'Would anyone have a problem with an act by the Japanese to protect our own land?'
The purchase, Ishihara explained, is aimed at preventing China from taking 'effective control' of the islands out of Japan's hands, according to Japanese media reports. He didn't disclose the value of the purchase, but added that the matter has to be discussed by the metropolitan assembly.
Japan considers the islands to be part of the southwestern prefecture of Okinawa, hundreds of miles away from the nation's capital.
A foreign ministry spokesman said Tuesday morning he couldn't comment on Ishihara's comments on Monday because the ministry hadn't confirmed them.
The bombshell comment from the influential politician comes at a time when China, backed by its growing economic might, is increasingly flexing its maritime muscle in Asian seas, putting its neighbors and the U.S., Japan's ally, on high alert.
Tensions between the Philippines and China have lately escalated to unprecedented levels after Chinese vessels were caught fishing in South China Sea waters claimed by Manila.
The territorial tensions between Japan and China subsided for awhile after the natural and nuclear disasters that struck Japan in March last year, but they have shown signs of re-emerging in recent months.
In February, Japan protested against China possibly drilling for natural gas in a field in the East China Sea, arguing that the move violates a bilateral agreement to jointly develop gas resources in the disputed area. Talks to reach a treaty on joint development of the field have been stalled since the 2010 collision near the Senkaku islands.
In mid-March, Tokyo lodged a protest with Beijing after a Chinese ship entered waters near the Senkakus.
Adding to suspicions between the two governments are provocative comments from populist politicians in Japan, who have been vying to capture the popular imagination at a time when the nation's two main political parties continue to disappoint voters with constant squabbling and failure to make progress on key issues such as fiscal consolidation and post-Fukushima energy policy.
Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura angered Chinese officials in February with his denial of a massacre of Chinese citizens by Japanese troops during World War II.
Ishihara has long been known for his highly conservative views and confrontational style. His keen interest in the Senkaku issue originated long before the dispute rose to the surface in recent years. The 79-year-old lawmaker once helped raise money to build a lighthouse on the main island of the Senkaku chain and later helped to have a later replacement lighthouse recorded on official navigation charts.
'What China is doing is very similar to what organized crime groups do to expand their turf,' the governor said during the 2010 row.
Shintaro Ishihara, a popular politician known for his nationalistic views and provocative style, said Tokyo has been negotiating with the private Japanese owners of the islands--known as the Senkaku in Japanese and the Daioyu in Chinese--adding that they are close to reaching an agreement to buy them.
Both Japan and China claim the strategically coveted islands, located between Japan's southern Okinawa Prefecture and Taiwan. A collision between a Chinese fishing boat and a Japanese coast guard vessel in September 2010 near the islands ignited a diplomatic spat that has left lingering scars in bilateral relations.
'Tokyo has decided to buy the Senkaku Islands. Tokyo is going to protect the Senkakus,' Ishihara said in a speech in Washington at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. 'Would anyone have a problem with an act by the Japanese to protect our own land?'
The purchase, Ishihara explained, is aimed at preventing China from taking 'effective control' of the islands out of Japan's hands, according to Japanese media reports. He didn't disclose the value of the purchase, but added that the matter has to be discussed by the metropolitan assembly.
Japan considers the islands to be part of the southwestern prefecture of Okinawa, hundreds of miles away from the nation's capital.
A foreign ministry spokesman said Tuesday morning he couldn't comment on Ishihara's comments on Monday because the ministry hadn't confirmed them.
The bombshell comment from the influential politician comes at a time when China, backed by its growing economic might, is increasingly flexing its maritime muscle in Asian seas, putting its neighbors and the U.S., Japan's ally, on high alert.
Tensions between the Philippines and China have lately escalated to unprecedented levels after Chinese vessels were caught fishing in South China Sea waters claimed by Manila.
The territorial tensions between Japan and China subsided for awhile after the natural and nuclear disasters that struck Japan in March last year, but they have shown signs of re-emerging in recent months.
In February, Japan protested against China possibly drilling for natural gas in a field in the East China Sea, arguing that the move violates a bilateral agreement to jointly develop gas resources in the disputed area. Talks to reach a treaty on joint development of the field have been stalled since the 2010 collision near the Senkaku islands.
In mid-March, Tokyo lodged a protest with Beijing after a Chinese ship entered waters near the Senkakus.
Adding to suspicions between the two governments are provocative comments from populist politicians in Japan, who have been vying to capture the popular imagination at a time when the nation's two main political parties continue to disappoint voters with constant squabbling and failure to make progress on key issues such as fiscal consolidation and post-Fukushima energy policy.
Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura angered Chinese officials in February with his denial of a massacre of Chinese citizens by Japanese troops during World War II.
Ishihara has long been known for his highly conservative views and confrontational style. His keen interest in the Senkaku issue originated long before the dispute rose to the surface in recent years. The 79-year-old lawmaker once helped raise money to build a lighthouse on the main island of the Senkaku chain and later helped to have a later replacement lighthouse recorded on official navigation charts.
'What China is doing is very similar to what organized crime groups do to expand their turf,' the governor said during the 2010 row.
治立場保守的東京都知事石原慎太郎(Shintaro Ishihara)週一說﹐東京都政府已決定購買日中兩國在東中國海存在主權爭議的尖閣列島(中國稱釣魚島)﹐此舉有可能加劇日本和中國間的緊張關係。
Bloomberg News
石原慎太郎訪問華盛頓期間在美國保守派智庫傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)發表演講時說﹐東京都已決定購買尖閣列島﹐東京都將保護尖閣列島。他說﹐誰能說日本人保護自己國土的行為有什麼不對嗎?
而 日本民粹派政治人物的挑舋性言論則增加了中日兩國政府間的相互猜疑。鑒於日本兩大主要政黨的不斷爭吵以及它們在財政整頓和福島核災難發生以後日本應採取何 種能源政策等關鍵問題上無法取得進展﹐這兩個黨依然無法讓日本選民感到滿意﹐在這種背景下﹐日本那些民粹派政治人物都在競相吸引公眾的注意力。
日本名古屋市市長河村隆之(Takashi Kawamura)今年2月否認中國市民在第二次世界大戰期間遭遇日軍屠殺﹐這激怒了中國官員。
石 原慎太郎早就因其高度保守的政治觀點和挑舋性的行事方式而聞名﹐早在中日兩國的釣魚島爭端近年來出現升級之前﹐石原慎太郎已經對釣魚島問題產生了濃厚興 趣。這位79歲的日本國會議員曾幫助募集資金在釣魚島的主島上建造了一座燈塔﹐在這座燈塔被另一座燈塔取代後﹐他又推動將新燈塔標入了日本正式的航海圖 中。
Yuka Hayashi