2014年1月31日 星期五

Richie談 ”物之哀”態度/ W. H. Auden 1971.2.2發表在紐約時報的詩歌: Forgotten Laughter, Forgotten Prayer

作者Richie 的文化洞識力: (《小津安二郎的電影美學》6-7)
傳統生活的所謂物之哀態度,Richie W. H. Auden 1971.2.2發表在紐約時報的詩歌: Forgotten Laughter, Forgotten Prayer 來說明之:



  • Ozu: His Life and Films (paperback). University of California Press. 1977. ISBN 978-0520032774.
  • 《小津安二郎的電影美學》,李春發譯, 台北:電影圖書館出版部,1983

Donald Richie 1924-2013 / 《小津安二郎的電影美學》/The Japan Journals: 1947-2004 《日本日記》Donald Richie 1924-2013 / 《小津安二郎的電影美學》/The Japan J...

Japan Official Under Fire for Saying Public Broadcaster Won’t Criticize Government

TOKYO — The head of Japan’s influential public broadcaster drew sharp criticism on Sunday for saying that the broadcaster would refrain from criticizing the right-leaning government on such delicate issues as visits to a controversial shrine honoring war dead. He also said his nation should not be singled out for forcing women into sexual servitude during World War II.
The newly appointed chairman of the public broadcaster, NHK, Katsuto Momii, made the comments during his inaugural news conference on Saturday.
Other members of the news media in Japan quickly complained that NHK, widely seen as the nation’s most influential news broadcaster, appeared to be under political pressure to adhere to the government’s nationalist line on wartime and other issues. Mr. Momii, a former corporate executive, was selected chairman last month by a 12-member board of governors, four of whom were named last year by the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
While the publicly funded NHK is nominally independent from the government, members of its governing board are named by the government and approved by Parliament.
Many liberals fear that Mr. Abe will try to drive Japan to the right as he tried to do during his first term as prime minister. His government has begun to slowly make some moves in that direction, including a proposal that textbooks be rejected if they do not teach patriotism in a way officials deem proper. Mr. Abe also recently visited a Tokyo shrine that pays homage to the country’s war dead, including war criminals — angering the Chinese and South Koreans who say such visits signal a lack of repentance for Japan’s wartime atrocities.
Mr. Momii also drew criticism from the South Korean news media for his comments about the women forced to work in wartime brothels; many of the women were Korean. Many South Koreans say these so-called comfort women should be compensated as victims of imperial Japan’s brutal early 20th-century colonization of the Korean Peninsula.
Some members of the Abe government say that the women were no more than common prostitutes, a view disputed by many historians.
On Saturday, Mr. Momii said that “all nations” ran military brothels during the war, and questioned South Korean demands that Japan compensate surviving comfort women, most of them now in their 80s and 90s.
“It is puzzling for Koreans to say that Japan was the only nation that forcibly took them,” Mr. Momii said. “Give us money, compensate us, they say. But this was all resolved by the Japan-Korea peace treaty. Why are they reviving this issue? Isn’t it strange?”
Mr. Momii was referring to the 1965 treaty that normalized relations between the two nations, when the Japanese government says it resolved all issues of compensation related to the war. Many South Koreans say the comfort women were not covered by the treaty because their existence was not known until more recently.
Mr. Momii also said that it was ”only natural” for NHK to follow the Japanese government position in international broadcasts on issues such as maritime territorial disputes with China over islands in the East China Sea that both countries claim.

2014年1月28日 星期二

全日空 ANA 廣告爭議

 全日空 ANA 廣告爭議2014年01月28日 07:37 AM



根據全日空(All Nippon Airways)近期一則30秒電視廣告中用於刻畫西方人的誇張手法判斷,你或許會以為這則廣告反映的是十九世紀場景,當時美國海軍準將佩里(Perry)剛剛在江戶灣(Port of Tokyo,現稱東京灣)進入日本民眾的視野,掀開了日本對外開放的序幕。

美國駐日大使 Caroline Kennedy 直率風


Issei Kato/Reuters
東京——兩個月前,當卡洛琳·肯尼迪(Caroline Kennedy)以美國大使的身份抵達時,日本舉國一片歡騰。任命這樣一位有着名流光環的人物——她是那個黃金年代的一個活生生的見證,那時的美國尚有着令人寬慰的強大和自信——似乎證明,華盛頓終於給了日本一個盼望已久的擁抱。
當她乘坐馬車前去向明仁天皇(Emperor Akihito)遞交國書時,數千名歡呼雀躍的日本人擠滿了街道,罕見地顯示出了日本民眾對一名外交使節的感情。乘馬車向天皇遞交國書是許多大使履新過程中的一項儀式。
  • 檢視大圖周五,卡洛琳·肯尼迪大使同日本外相岸田文雄一同現身東京。
    Yoshikazu Tsuno/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
日本官員對肯尼迪有關獵殺海豚一事的評論既顯得有些不快,又感到困惑。而美國國務院(State Department)則對相關評論表示支持。
本周進行了海豚捕殺的那個縣的知事仁坂吉伸(Yoshinobu Nisaka)在一次新聞發佈會上說,「我們的生活離不開牛和豬。」
政府首席發言人菅義偉(Yoshihide Suga)為捕殺活動——就是2009年美國紀錄片《海豚灣》(The Cove)中拍攝的那種捕殺活動——進行了辯護,稱其符合國際法。但他迅速補充說,日本將嘗試「向美國解釋我們的立場」。
美國駐日本大使館將所有置評請求推給了華盛頓。周五,白宮發言人帕特里克·文特雷爾(Patrick Ventrell)表示,「在日本,肯尼迪大使在代表美國方面做得非常出色。」國務院表示,早在去年肯尼迪的任命聽證會之前,她就收到了大量有關日本捕殺海豚的活動的評論,並決定要提出這個問題。一名官員稱,在Twitter上發帖前,肯尼迪曾就政府在此事上的原則諮詢了國務院。
「像她這樣的人,你怎麼控制呢?」在日本做了25年以上電視評論員的美國人戴夫·斯派克特(Dave Spector)說,他一直在密切地關注着肯尼迪大使。「天啊,她父親可是印在50美分硬幣上的。她不是一般人。」
她這種面對棘手問題的意願,可能會讓首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)的政府頗感頭疼。作為一名保守派,安倍曾承諾要和華盛頓保持密切聯繫。在人數不多但言辭激烈的日本民族主義網民社區里,擁有26萬Twitter追隨者的安倍人氣頗高。
至少還有一位知名女性也在獵殺海豚的問題上表明了態度。在大使發出帖子後的第二天,小野洋子(Yoko Ono)發表了一封致漁民的公開信,希望停止在她看來有損日本國際形象的獵殺。(海豚肉只在日本有限幾處地方被奉為瑰寶,但保守派人士對外國人來插手日本事務怒不可遏。)
斯派克特等人說,雖然惹出這麼多是非,肯尼迪在日本依然是很受歡迎的。這在一定程度上是因為她那位至今仍籠罩在光環里的父親約翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy),在很多年長的日本人眼裡,他代表着一段令人幾欲落淚的美好往昔。在肯尼迪被任命為大使時,日本的電視台反覆播出她小時候坐在父親膝上的圖像,或者是在父親葬禮上那令人心痛的樣子。
但是也有人迅速開始批評她,認為她插手一些跟她、跟任何外國人都無關的事。有人憤怒地提醒她,海軍准將馬修·C·佩里(Matthew C. Perry)在1853年用武力打開日本國門,是為了獲取供美國捕鯨船使用的港口。
「一個受到如此廣泛認可的人可以說出其他人難以啟齒的話,坦率地說,我認為這是好事,」加州大學聖迭戈分校(University of California, San Diego)國際關係和太平洋研究學院研究日本政治的教授埃利斯·S·克勞斯(Ellis S. Krauss)說。他認為,雖然這個訊息本可以用更巧妙的、私下裡的方式傳達出來,但「如果不是卡洛琳·肯尼迪來說,就不會受到那麼多的關注。」
東京一家智庫機構的負責人、政治分析人士森田實(Minoru Morita)說,他不認為這次爭議會對她的人氣構成持續性的影響。「我認為沒有多少日本人會樂於看到她這樣來批判日本飲食文化,」他說。「但是大多數日本人對她以及他父親那個時代都是非常喜愛的,這種感情不是說沒就沒的。」
Mark Landler自華盛頓、Rick Gladstone自紐約對本文有報道貢獻。

2014年1月27日 星期一

日反核再啟動高達6成小泉純一郎/細川護熙 公開反核 籲安倍棄核電/細川護熙 可能參選東京都知事

新頭殼newtalk2014.01.27 鄭凱榕/編譯報導






 前日相細川護熙 可能參選東京都知事

〔駐日特派員張茂森/東京九日報導〕日本一九九○年代「八國聯軍」時代的 首相細川護熙,若獲得前首相小泉純一郎支持,可能重返政壇,投入東京都知事選舉!若真如此,「反核電」將成為這次選舉的最大議題。日本「朝日新聞」九日引 述細川側近人士的談話報導,若細川登記參選,目前以前厚勞大臣舛添要一為強棒的東京都知事選情,將出現重大變化。
現年七十五歲的細川,目前 正和同樣反核電的小泉討論選舉如何互動的細節,數天內將做出決定。細川曾任參議員、熊本縣知事,九二年成立「日本新黨」,九三年結合社會黨、新生黨、新黨 先驅等八個「非自民」政黨,成立所謂「八國聯軍」內閣,並出任首相,打破五五年以來自民黨一黨獨大的「五五體制」局面,也讓自民黨首次淪為在野黨。但細川 約九個月後突然閃電辭職,九八年整合各派勢力成立民主黨後退出政壇,專心從事陶瓷製作活動。
細 川引退約十五年後重返政壇的關鍵,操於小泉之手,兩人曾在去年底就反核議題舉行會談,並約定在反核議題上合作。據稱細川若決定出馬,將以無黨籍身分登記, 不受任何政黨約束。一旦「細川.小泉」組合成真,原被看好的舛添要一將遭遇空前強敵,並將對自民黨、民主黨等朝野政黨產生重大衝擊。


小泉公開反核 籲安倍棄核電

日本前首相小泉純一郎十二日罕見召開記者會,公開向首相安倍晉三喊話,要求安倍改變核能方針,宣布廢核。 (法新社)
小泉、細川、菅直人 3位前日相公開反核
日 本經歷福島核災後,已有小泉、細川及菅直人等三位前首相出面公開反核,其中小泉不但是自民黨大老,也被安倍尊稱為「政治上的師父」,具有相當的份量。小泉 上月初在一場演說中公開反核,引起正反兩面的不同評價;而安倍上月在國會答詢及接受電視專訪時表示,「現階段承諾廢核是不負責任的」,表明自己在能源政策 上與小泉不同的立場。
小 泉十二日在東京日本記者俱樂部召開記者會,首度公開向安倍喊話,有別於此前他多次發言都避免提及安倍的名字。小泉表示,日本所有在野黨都贊成廢核,只有自 民黨一黨反對,倘若讓自民黨籍議員說出真心話,他相信應有半數議員也支持廢核。小泉強調,廢核是首相可以決定的事,這涉及判斷力及洞察力問題,希望安倍改 變方針。
前日相細川 批安倍重啟核電廠是「犯罪行為」
而卸 下首相職務成為陶藝家的細川,十一日接受東京新聞專訪時,也提出相同看法。細川表示,在核廢料無處可放的情況下,安倍仍執意重啟核電廠,根本是一種「犯罪 行為」。他還引用幕末時期薩長土肥四藩聯手攘夷的精神,希望將廢核運動全民化。細川證實,一個月前曾和小泉會談,但他也否認將和小泉組黨重出江湖。
小 泉雖在核電問題上對安倍不假辭色,但對安倍在釣魚台問題上的應對卻相當肯定。曾在任內參拜靖國神社引起中國和南韓反彈的小泉表示,在他之後的歷任首相,沒 有人在任內參拜靖國神社,但日中關係並未因此變好。小泉還說,因這類問題而拒絕舉行元首峰會,「總有一天,中國會為其不成熟的應對感到羞愧」。
福島核災善後錢坑 日再舉債3兆日圓
另 據消息人士透露,日本政府準備舉債三兆日圓(約八千九百億台幣),清理福島核電廠周邊與賠償撤離當地的居民。路透報導,此舉代表日本政府坦承清理污染作業 的成本上升,以及達成降低福島核電廠周邊城鎮輻射水準的初步目標遭遇困難。瞭解相關計畫的匿名官員透露,政府新增借款將導致福島電廠相關費用增至八百億美 元以上,還不包括將福島六座核反應爐除役所需的成本。

2014年1月26日 星期日


New NHK chairman: All warring nations had 'comfort women'
The new chairman of public broadcaster Japan Broadcasting Corp. (NHK) filled his first news conference with one-sided arguments and antagonistic opinions on history, sparking...

NHK新會長 批韓炒作慰安婦問題

稱戰時很多國家有 各界非議
〔編 譯林翠儀/綜合報導〕日本放送協會(NHK)新任會長籾井勝人二十五日才剛上任,就批評南韓拿慰安婦問題炒冷飯!籾井表示,慰安婦問題從現在的道德標準來 看是錯誤的,但當年戰爭地區都曾存在過,無法理解南韓為何重提這個已在日韓(基本)條約中解決的問題。由於籾井的談話表現強烈個人色彩,隨即引發非議。
籾 井現年七十歲,福岡縣人,一九六五年進入三井物產公司,二○○四年升任副社長,○五年跳槽到日本知名資訊技術服務公司「優利」(Unisys)擔任社長。 日本「週刊文春」報導,籾井出線主要與首相安倍晉三的「九州人脈」大力推薦有關,立場和態度也比較相近,部分媒體甚至諷刺NHK將成為「安倍的NHK」。
籾 井一上任就因為批評南韓而可能面臨失言風暴。籾井強調,他並非支持慰安婦,而是這個問題在南韓以外的其他戰爭地區也存在,德國、法國和歐洲國家應該也有, 但南韓講得好像只有日本才強行擄人,還要日本道歉、賠償, 但這些問題都已在日韓條約中解決,不了解南韓為何要舊案重提。

2014年1月23日 星期四

Abe calls in Davos for military restraint in Asia

Japan PM Abe calls in Davos for military restraint in Asia

The Japanese prime minister has told the World Economic Forum in Davos that Asia needs military restraint to boost economic growth. Abe's keynote speech kicked off the four-day gathering in Switzerland.

Global economic leaders descend on Davos

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday by appealing to the high-profile policy makers and business participants to support military restraint in Asia.
"We must lay down rules that promote actions based on the international law of the sea," Prime Minister Abe said. "Only then, I believe, can we achieve growth and prosperity in Asia, where all of can realize our great potential."
Although Abe did not name China in his appeal, his speech referred apparently to a recent territorial dispute over a chain of islands in the East China Sea, which has caused renewed tensions between the two nations. Japan controls the islands - known in Japanese as Senkaku and as Diaoyu in Chinese - but China has repeatedly attempted to reclaim them.
In recent months, Beijing has required all aircraft in the East China Sea to identify themselves to Chinese authorities, including those flying near the disputed islands.
"The dividend of growth must not be wasted on military expansion," Abe said. "We must use it to invest in innovation and human capital, which will further boost growth in the region."
Abe defends shrine visit
Deep scars remain in China and South Korea from Japan's brutal militarism during WWII, which led to the death of millions of civilians. Abe recently upset China when he visited a high-profile shrine which commemorates the Japan's 2.5 million war dead.
On Wednesday, Abe reiterated that his visit was "something quite natural for a leader of any country in the world" to do, adding that it had not been done to hurt China or South Korea.
"We believe that [South] Korea and China are very important neighbors and [South] Korea shares the same value system and they are a free democratic country," Abe said.
Chinese academic, Wu Xinbo, who reputably has view close to the Chinese leadership, told another Davos panel that the Japanese leader as a "troublemaker."
The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzlerand, began on Wednesday and is scheduled to continue until Saturday.
Over 40 heads of state and government were expected to attend the networking conference, including Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who is to hold a speech on Thursday about his country's nuclear program and investment opportunities for foreign countries.
In an interview on Swiss television on Wednesday, Rouhani said troubled relations between Iran and much of the Western world could be overcome with hard work.
"This effort is necessary to create confidence on both sides. Iran is in fact stretching out its hand in peace and freindship to all countries of the world and wants friendly, good relations with all countries in the world," the president said.
Iran is facing a period of negotiations with the West to conclude a permanent agreement on Tehran's nuclear program, which many Western countries believe is aimed at developing weapons.
kms/ipj (AFP, Reuters)

2014年1月21日 星期二




 安倍身邊的秘書官今井尚哉等以及記者出身的內閣審議官谷口智彥支撐著安倍向國內外發出怎樣的信息。此外,日本首相官邸的公關方面的工作人員,還包括負責 向海外發佈信息的內閣廣報官長谷川榮一、NTT公關部出身的官房副長官世耕弘成等人。最近,安倍開始越來越多的採用年輕工作人員的方案。去年,在紐約證券 交易所的演講中引發關注的「Buy my Abenomics(請相信我的安倍經濟學)」,據稱就是出自經濟産業省出身的年輕官僚之手。


  去年底邀請馬來西亞總理納吉夫婦訪問日本之際,以「能突出氣氛」為由,在Facebook發表了在首相官邸內的竹林中拍攝的紀念照,而不是就餐場面。這是 安倍的指示。山田説:「首相也非常關注會被如何看」。日本一位社會言語學者表示,安倍第一次擔任日本首相短命而終,是因為安倍想説什麼就説什麼的「自我中 心型」,而再次當選後,安倍則展現出關注「受眾如何接受」的視點。


  但自己掌握主導權的信息發佈有時會産生與國民之間的隔閡。去年底,在《特定秘密保護法》獲得通過後,安倍正式作出表態是在3天后。這部法律仍然面臨任意指 定秘密等質疑。「我自己應該進一步作出説明」,安倍也將反省掛在嘴邊。如果除去與外國首腦等舉行的聯合發佈會,安倍就任1年內在日本國內舉行的記者發佈會 次數為14次,僅為同一期間的野田政權的70%。

2014年1月8日 星期三

加強領海防衛 日本擬將280個離島國有化/ 福島第一核電廠廠區的港灣和水井內海水和地下水的採樣鍶(Sr)濃度無法公開發表

新頭殼newtalk2014.01.09 鄭凱榕/編譯報導




加強領海防衛 日本擬將280個離島國有化



2014年1月3日 星期五

Fukushima ghost towns struggle to recover amid high radiation levels

Fukushima ghost towns struggle to recover amid high radiation levels

Post-tsunami reconstruction and radiation cleanup could take 10 years, but officials say something has been permanently lost
The evacuated town of Namie in Fukushima prefecture
Homes, shops and streets are deserted in the town of Namie, which lies six miles from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Photograph: Damir Sagolj/Reuters
Nearly three years after a major earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation leak devastated coastal and inland areas of Japan's Fukushima prefecture, 175 miles north-east of Tokyo, Namie has become a silent town of ghosts and absent lives.
Namie's 21,000 residents remain evacuated because of continuing high radiation levels, the product of the March 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, six miles to the south. Homes, shops and streets are deserted except for the occasional police patrol or checkpoint.
Like the setting for a Hollywood post-apocalypse movie, grass and weeds poke up through cracked pavements. At an abandoned garage, a rusting car sits on a raised ramp, waiting for a repair that will never be completed. A feral dog peers from a wild, untended garden.
Namie is nobody's town now. Nobody lives here, and nobody visits for long. Even the looters have stopped bothering, and no one knows exactly when the inhabitants may be allowed to return permanently – or whether they will want to.
The 2011 catastrophe faded from world headlines long ago, but in Namie, Tomioka, Okuma, Futaba and other blighted towns in the 20-mile evacuation zone around the Fukushima plant, it is a disaster that never ends.
At the plant itself, recent leaks of contaminated water into the sea and a fraught operation to remove fuel rods from one of the damaged reactors have shown how critical the situation still is – and will remain during a decommissioning process that could take up to 40 years.
For Fukushima's displaced population, the effects of the disaster continue to be deeply felt. The evacuation area was subdivided earlier this year into three zones of higher or lower radiation risk. In the worst affected zone, return will not be allowed before 2017 at the earliest.
In other areas, families and businesses face difficult decisions about whether or not to go back. At present, no one is even allowed to stay overnight. Locals say that whatever happens, many younger people will not return.
There is little or no trust in official pronouncements, given the failure of the Fukushima Daiichi operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), to take adequate measures to protect the plant against the tsunami and the company's unimpressive post-disaster record.
There are suspicions that the government knows some towns may never be safe to live in again, but refuses to admit it in order to protect Japan's unpopular nuclear power industry. There is also a sense that Fukushima's victims have been forgotten.
That said, the painstaking cleanup continues and there has been some progress in adjoining, less badly affected areas, according to Hiroshi Murata, the head of the Odaka ward of Minamisoma City, close to Namie.
As many as 18,000 people died or were declared missing in Fukushima prefecture after the tsunami struck. The radiation plumes caused the forced evacuation of a further 154,000, according to the Japan Reconstruction Agency.
In Odaka, 148 people died, and there were more than 300 fatalities in Minamisoma as a whole. But now around 53% of Odaka residents have returned home, a total of 6,800 out of a pre-disaster population of 12,800, Murata said.
Nobody has died directly as a result of the nuclear disaster, but a close eye is being kept on the incidence of thyroid cancer in children, following the experience of Chernobyl.
The biggest issues the local administration now faces, following the rehousing of residents in temporary accommodation, are the demolition of unsafe houses, replacement of infrastructure and services, including roads and school playgrounds, and the decontamination and desalination of buildings and land.
"To decontaminate one house and garden takes 10 to 14 days," Murata said. "We have to remove surface soil, cut the trees, wash the roofs, clean the rain gutters. The house owners are responsible for cleaning inside. The city and the government help with the rest."
At least in Odaka there is something to clean and repair. In Ukedo, the part of Namie municipality closest to the Pacific ocean, the devastation is total. Hardly a single house was left standing by the tsunami, which reached 17m in height in some places, Murata said – a vast wall of water that devoured all in its path.
Wrecked fishing boats still lie stranded miles inland and there are vast piles of scrap metal, smashed cars, bits of concrete bridges and broken wooden house frames where once a thriving village stood. An abandoned elementary school, 500m from the sea, looks as though it has been bombed.
But even in Ukedo, a long line of displaced local resident volunteers can be seen picking up and sorting debris on a wintry afternoon, gradually clearing the land where homes formerly stood. With impressive organisation, the local authorities are recycling everything they can, bagging it up in vast compounds erected amid the bleak, salty flatlands that were once rice paddy fields.
Tetsurou Eguchi, the deputy mayor of Minamisoma City, said the radiation-related cleanup was likely to take another five to six years and could cost as much as ¥350bn (£2bn), much of which would come from the national government. Post-tsunami reconstruction would take up to 10 years. But something intangible had been permanently lost, he said. "When it comes to the economy, and individual and social life, it is very difficult to recover this, compared with how it used to be."
The most challenging problem, he said, was decontamination. "Basically [the radioactive fallout] is not in the air any more. It's in the soil." The area was dependent economically on small businesses, agriculture, fishing and tourism, including the famous annual Soma Nomaoi samurai festival, he said. All had been seriously affected.
"People don't believe it is safe to visit here. They won't believe our produce, our livestock, our fish are safe. There is a blight. This will take a long time to change."
Much had been said by the national government about supporting Fukushima prefecture in its efforts to get back on its feet, but the reality is different, Eguchi said.
"It is a fact that we have received quite a lot of support, but is it sufficient? That is difficult, because it's not just a question of reconstruction. Politicians in Tokyo say if Fukushima does not recover, Japan will not recover, but I'm not sure they really mean that.
"I don't think Fukushima is fully supported by the whole country. And that's what the citizens here think."

2014年1月2日 星期四

Japan’s whisky makers drum up global market for their drams

Japan’s whisky makers drum up global market for their drams

TOKYO -- After years of being overshadowed at home and practically unheard of overseas, Japan’s whisky distilleries are expanding capacity as their malts become serious contenders against Scottish and Irish brands.

The oldest cask of whisky of Suntory Holdings’ Yamazaki brand is seen at its Yamazaki Distillery in Shimamoto town, Osaka prefecture Dec. 15, 2013. -- Reuters
  Exports are booming at Nikka, owned by Asahi Group Holdings , and at Suntory Holdings, which is ramping up production at its Yamazaki distillery for the first time in 45 years as domestic sales recover from a prolonged slump.

But some are concerned the distilleries may be caught out if the enthusiasm for whisky changes as it did in the 1990s, when several smaller players shut down as Japanese drinkers shifted to beer, clear spirits and imported liquor.

“At the moment, no one can see this boom busting. The difficulty is that you’re making it today for 20 or 50 years’ time,” said Marcin Miller, an importer of small-batch Japanese whisky with his British company Number One Drinks.

The drop in demand during the 1990s meant Suntory and Nikka had to cut production, industry experts say, leaving distilleries with a shortage of stock for their youngest single malts when whisky made a comeback in 2008.

Last year, Suntory stopped making its 10-year Yamazaki and Hakushu single malts and introduced “no age” versions instead. Nikka is expected to phase out its 12-year Taketsuru single malt after releasing a “no age” variety this year.

The slump had more a serious impact on minor distilleries such as Karuizawa, Mars and Hanyu. All three were mothballed by 2000 and their stock left dormant until a run of international awards for Japanese whisky brought buyers knocking.

In its earliest incarnation, Japanese whisky was a bootleg adulterated with spices and perfume. Lacking strict regulations of the Scottish and Irish varieties, it was largely ignored by foreign connoisseurs for much of its 90-year history.

“I thought going to drink Japanese whisky would be a bit like drinking a Welsh claret,” Miller said of his first trip to Japan in 1999, when he was editor of Whisky Magazine. “I wondered ‘Will my hosts be offended if I drink gin and tonic?’.”

Miller was soon converted but he found no one to share his enthusiasm with back in Britain, where Japanese whisky exports were practically non-existent.

The turning point came in 2001, when Nikka’s 10-year Yoichi single malt won “Best of the Best” at Whisky Magazine’s awards.

Japanese makers have stormed competitions ever since, with Suntory winning “Distiller of the Year” at the International Spirit Challenge for the third time in July and the Trophy prize for its 21-year Hibiki blend.

The acclaim nudged Japan’s distilleries to market overseas and sales jumped. Nikka’s exports grew 18-fold between 2006 and 2012, while Suntory is looking to double overseas shipments to 3.6 million bottles by 2016. They grew 16% in 2012.

While that is still a wee dram compared with sales of more than 72 million bottles at home, Suntory and Nikka export only premium varieties to the United States and Europe. In Japan, premium bottles make up 6% of sales.

Distillers and blenders toiled for years to replicate traditional techniques, following notes brought from Scotland in 1920 by pioneer Masataka Taketsuru, who worked for Suntory before founding Nikka.

Japan’s mountain water and icy winters proved ideal. Foreign fans rave about the authentic taste of Japanese whisky, a result of attention to every part of the process -- from imported peat to the blending.

“While Scotch is about maintaining the flavor of a certain brand or label, Japanese distillers think mainly about increasing flavors,” said Atsushi Horigami, owner of the Zoetrope bar in Tokyo, which specializes in Japanese whisky.

Horigami said most Japanese drinkers go for blended whisky but the leftover stock from the mothballed distilleries -- sold as single casks -- has been a hit with foreigners.

Aficionados and speculators alike await the releases of batches of the Karuizawa stock, which was bought by Miller’s Number One Drinks in 2011. Miller says most bottles are snapped up within seconds, going for as much as £12,500 ($20,700).

But with just two years of auctions left and the remaining bottles from Hanyu and Mars also in short supply, some wonder where Japanese whisky lovers are going to find their single cask kicks in years to come.

“We may be on the crest of a wave now and in a few years see a completely different scene,” said Stefan van Eycken, editor of Nonjatta, a blog on Japanese whisky.

That’s where Suntory and Nikka hope to step in. But time will tell whether they can sustain the fashion for their brands for the decade or more it will take to produce their famed single malts. -- Reuters