2007年11月28日 星期三

Japan's Oil Decoupling


Japan's Oil Decoupling

It is hard to find good investment news from Japan these days. Domestic politics are in disarray, economic reform has slowed, and the stronger yen is threatening exporters' earnings. But in this gloom, it is easy to overlook one great strength: the country's immense success in reducing oil dependence. This success is paying economic dividends as oil prices skyrocket.

Japan's oil imports today total about 4.25 million barrels per day, compared to 5 million in 1973. The change is even more dramatic when oil consumption is compared to GDP growth. During the booming 1960s, oil use grew at about twice the growth rate of inflated-adjusted, or real, GDP. But between the first and second oil crises in the 1970s, real GDP growth started to outpace oil usage. Then the trend reversed: From 1979 to 1989, oil use fell by 14% while real GDP rose by 27%. Since 1989, oil use has risen, but not as fast as output.

Japan's efforts have saved immense amounts of energy. Today's GDP would require about 40% more energy per year than is actually used, if Japan had languished at 1975 efficiency levels. Converted to barrels of oil and valued at today's oil prices, this energy saving amounts to about 16 trillion yen ($140 billion) per year.

This decoupling from oil came first from conservation. In particular, successive Japanese governments redesigned cities to encourage public transportation and high density. Auto companies kept developing high mileage engines even when oil prices fell. Oil saving was also promoted by a host of public programs and incentives. The move toward nuclear power accelerated with the 1974 laws on electric power supply, for instance. Overall conservation was accelerated with the 1979 'Law Concerning Rational Use of Energy.'

Japan's decoupling from oil is also a story of deliberate diversification of energy sources, both among fossil fuels and away from fossil fuels as a whole, as the nearby table shows. As an additional benefit, Japan is also a leader in nuclear technology today, a lucrative business.

The change in the level and composition of fossil fuel dependence has reduced the vulnerability of Japan to energy shocks. Of course, the prices of all fossil fuels tend to move together, but timing lags among the different types of fossil fuels can give the economy significant adjustment room.

Yet despite remarkable progress, Japan is not free of energy worries yet. Japan still imports 82% of its primary energy, down only five percentage points in 35 years. With oil hovering around $90 a barrel, there is likely to be another major shift away from oil. Since the end of 2003, retail gasoline prices are up by about 40%, and total passenger car sales are down about 6%, even though real wage income is up by about 2%.

If history is any guide, Japan is likely to outperform other countries in adjusting to high oil prices. Japanese companies and the government have demonstrated their ability to pursue many technology alternatives. In May last year, the cabinet pledged to improve household appliance efficiency by a further 30% on average over the next 25 years, and to raise the share of electric power from nuclear plants to as much as 40%, up from 30% today. Achieving these goals would allow virtual elimination of oil as a source of power generation.

As a result of such policies, the Japanese government can expect to enjoy a greater cushion from the economic pressures of rising oil prices than most governments could hope for. The challenge will be to exploit that maneuvering room to continue other needed economic reforms, such as pension, tax and agricultural policy, to name a few. Just reducing Japan's overreliance on oil won't be enough to fuel growth for the future.

Robert Alan Feldman


2007年11月21日13:54 wsj

日 本現在的石油進口量為每天425萬桶﹐而1973年為500萬桶。如果將石油消耗量與GDP增幅作一對比﹐這一變化就更引人矚目了。在經濟飛速發展的上世 紀60年代﹐日本石油消費量的增長速度約為經通貨膨脹因素調整後GDP(或實際GDP)增速的兩倍。但在70年代的先後兩次石油危機中﹐實際GDP的增長 速度開始超過石油用量的增速。隨後形勢發生了逆轉﹕1979至1989年間﹐石油使用量下降了14%﹐而同期實際GDP則上漲了27%。1989年後﹐石 油用量又開始增加﹐但上漲幅度趕不上GDP增幅。


日 本得以減輕對石油的依賴首先要歸功於節能。具體來說﹐歷屆日本政府都致力於城市的重新規劃﹐鼓勵發展公共交通和提高人口居住密度。汽車公司一直在努力開發 低油耗發動機﹐即便在油價下跌的時期也不例外。一係列公共項目和獎勵措施也促進了節油。比如1974年製定的電力供應法便加快了核電的發展。1979年的 《合理使用能源法》(Law Concerning Rational Use of Energy)則促進了全面節能。



不 過﹐雖然取得了顯著的成就﹐日本還沒有達到安枕無憂的地步。其一次性能源仍有82%依賴進口﹐在35年內只下降了五個百分點。隨著油價在每桶90美元左右 徘徊﹐日本在擺脫石油方面有可能再掀高潮。自2003年底以來﹐汽油零售價上漲了40%左右﹐而小汽車的總體銷量則下滑了約6%﹐雖然實際工資收入增加了 2%。

如果歷史可以為鑒﹐日本可能會比其他國家更好地適應高油價局面。日本的企業和政府已經顯示出它們有能力採用多種替代技術。日本內閣 去年5月宣稱﹐要在未來25年內將家用電器的能效平均提高30%﹐並將核電佔總發電量的比重從目前的30%提高到40%。如果達到這些目標﹐就可以實現不 再利用石油發電。


Robert Alan Feldman

(編者按﹕本文作者為Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd.的經濟研究主管)

2007年11月26日 星期一

Japan's Salarymen, With Pensions At Stake,

「退休金一半歸老婆」 日爆離婚潮
依照日本政府今年四月頒行的新法,婦女訴請離婚時最高可要求取得男方公司退休金的一半。華盛頓郵報廿六日報導,這項新法四月生效後,日本全國訴請離婚案激增六點一個百分點,且九成五是由女方提出,造成一波家庭危機。 專家認為,更多的離婚案正在醞釀中,在婚姻中備受冷落長達數十年的一些婦女,正在細算離婚後可自男方手中取得多少財產。 日本「亭主關白協會」創辦人天野秀一表示:「這項新法律促使許多日本男性重新思考岌岌可危的婚姻。」他表示,即將退休的日本男性特別緊張。他說:「對日本男性而言,離婚等於被判處死刑,因為他們不會照顧自己。」 他又說,當他的妻子八年前告訴他幾乎確定準備離他而去時,他當時下廚只會煎蛋煮麵。從此以後,他開始學習如何傾聽對方的心聲,倒垃圾,整理居家,做飯。 日本人的婚姻正歷經艱困時期。和美國及多數已開發國家一樣,日本人首次結婚的年齡不斷往後延。 1962年至去年之間,日本婦女平均首次結婚的年齡由原來的廿四歲往後延至廿八歲。 另外,受過良好教育卻決定單身的日本年輕婦女也越來越多。1980年,四分之三大學畢業的日本婦女結婚時的平均年齡是廿九歲,如今,廿九歲仍然未婚的婦女已達到七成。過去二十年來,該年齡層婦女抱定單身主義的比率增加將近一倍,達到百分之廿九。(hc案:依原文似應該是28%) 東京婚姻顧問池內裕美指出,這是因為許多婦女唯恐嫁為人婦後,陷入孤獨與無盡家務牢籠的結果。她說:「我認為這不是男人的錯,主要是因為企業文化要求男人加班到很晚。」 數十年來日本離婚率持續上升,2003年通過的新法容許離婚婦女拿到老公的半數退休金,就有人警告實施後可能爆發離婚潮,果然今年四月起離婚率激增,而且九成五是由女性提出,顯然這些婦女有意等待新法實施才提離婚。 池內裕美說,接近退休年齡的上班族特別危險,因為他們長久以來只知道賺錢養家,卻完全忽視家人的情感需求。她說:「這些男人回到家就像個外星人,任何妻子都很難接受這種外星人。」

Article | 11/26/2007

Learn to Be Nice to Your Wife, or Pay the Price: Japan's Salarymen, With Pensions At Stake, Work on...

Blaine Harden, A01 (Post)

...cronies and stumble home late to long-suffering wives -- have danger waiting for them as they near retirement. Divorce. A...


日本最佳愛侶 三浦夫婦

明治安田壽險公司發表日 本「最佳夫婦」調查結果,三浦友和與山口百惠夫婦繼去年再次名列榜首。三十至五十多歲年齡層多認為「能夠感受到他們夫妻間的相輔相愛」。據調查,四成日本 夫婦每天平均交談時間不到半小時,其中約三成表示對配偶沒有愛意;而每天交談超過半小時的夫婦中,比例僅百分之五。可見經常交談可增進夫婦的感情。(觀 蘅)




 来年のサッポロビールの顔は北海道出身――。同社が26日発表した2008年の新イメージガールは江頭(えとう)ひなたさん。お披露目の会では多才なところを見せた。(アサヒ・コム編集部) 〈写真特集〉はこちら







2007年11月20日 星期二


我們除了技術之外 還可以思考原文中的"倫理觀"在此中文中不知如何處理
還可以了解 model base 是 platform 之部分集合.....
對(好談翻譯的) 我而言 一般稱董事為"重役" 不過 Toyota公司稱"役員"




2007/11/16 22:30

 トヨタ自動車 常務役員の重松崇氏は,「組込みソフトウェア開発におけるトヨタ自動車の挑戦」と題した講演を「Embedded Technology 2007(組込み総合技術展)」(パシフィコ横浜,2007年11月14~16日)で行った(図1)。今回の講演は,組み込みソフトウエア開発というテー マを掲げてはいるが,実際は組み込みソフトウエア開発を含む,同社の電子技術開発全体について説明するものとなった。


 自動車を電子化する目的の一つに,安全技術の向上がある。同氏はまず,世界の地域ごとに,電子化による安全技術をどのように展開していくのかを述 べた。同氏によると,世界の全ての地域に電子化による安全技術を搭載した自動車をすぐに投入するつもりはないという。理由として地域ごとの交通事故状況の 違いを挙げ,特に中国を例にとって説明した。

 交通事故件数は日米欧では減少や横ばいであるのに対し,中国では急激に増加している(図2)。中国で事故件数を減らすには,電子化による安全技術 を搭載した高価な自動車を投入していくよりも,まずはメカ構造を工夫して衝突安全性などを高めるといった比較的安価な安全技術を搭載した自動車を普及して いくことが重要との認識を示した。その後,制動時にタイヤのロックを防止するABS(anti-lock brake system)や,横滑り防止装置などの電子化による安全技術を搭載した自動車を投入していく考えだという。



 次いで,自動車の電子化に対する同社の取り組み事例を順に挙げていった。ハイブリッド車による燃費向上の重要性や,横滑り防止装置などの安全技術 に対する取り組み,インフラと自動車を協調する路車間通信などである。そうした中で同氏は,同社が2007年6月に発売した「プレミオ」「アリオン」から 実用化している自動車のプローブ情報を使った交通渋滞緩和サービスについて特に言及した。プローブ情報とは,自動車を「走るセンサ」に見立てて,各車両の 位置や速度といったデータを情報収集センターに適宜送ることで蓄積した情報である。通信には携帯電話機や専用の通信モジュールを使う。この情報を使って, 精度の高い渋滞情報などをカーナビに送信する。現在,このプローブ情報を活用する自動車が全国で2000台程度走行しており,「全国主要都市の交通情報は 十分に集まっている」(重松崇氏,以下の発言は全て同氏)(図3)。ただし,全国の交通情報を集めるには「1万台程度の自動車が必要で,さらなる普及が必 要」という。

 同氏はプローブ情報を使ったサービスの課題にも言及し,情報収集センターと自動車間での通信に掛かる費用をユーザが負担している点を挙げた。プ ローブ情報を使ったビジネス・モデルは,ユーザが通信費を払う対価として,高精度の渋滞情報などを受け取るというものである。このビジネス・モデルでは, ユーザの「善意によって成り立つ」要素も大きい。このため,「さらに普及を進めるにあたり,このビジネス・モデルを多くのユーザに受け入れてもらえるかど うか分からない」と語り,「国の施策として実施するべき技術かもしれない」と述べた。


 電気自動車の開発にとって重要となる,デバイス技術の開発方針についても説明した。デバイス技術の中でも特に,パワー半導体やMEMSセンサ, ASICといった制御ICを重要な技術と捉えており,自社やグループ企業などで内製していく方針だという。特にパワー半導体については「技術の重要性はガ ソリン・エンジンと同じ位置付け」と語った。

 同社では,内製する技術を決定する際に,技術発展度の大小という軸と,車載専用機能か標準汎用機能かという軸で,4領域に分けて考えている(図 4)。技術発展度が大で,車載専用機能の領域に該当する技術を内製する方針で,パワー半導体(図5)やMEMSセンサ(図6),制御IC(図7)が該当す る。具体的なパワー半導体としてはSiCやGaN素子を使ったインバータ・モジュールなどを挙げる。MEMSセンサとしては,ヨーレート・センサや加速度 センサがある。制御ICとしては,自動車向けのノウハウが必要となる電源回路や入出力回路,通信回路などという。


 同氏は冒頭で「数年前は自動車にソフトが本当にいるのか,という雰囲気だった」と述べ,ここ数年間で急激に自動車の組み込みソフトウエア開発の重 要性に対して認識が広がっていることを指摘した。そして,現状に対する危機感を表す例として,自動車に搭載する電子制御ユニット(ECU)におけるソー ス・コードの容量を示した。例えば,エンジン制御系で1~2Mバイト,ボディー制御系で500kバイト~1Mバイト,情報系でギガ・バイト・オーダである と言う。そして,「私が入社した頃を考えると,高い信頼性が要求される自動車の組み込みソフトウエアで,1Mバイトのソース・コードになるのは信じられな い」という表現で,組み込みソフトウエアが大規模化している現状を示した。


 さらに組み込みソフトウエア開発の重要な点として,ソフトウエア技術者の育成を挙げる。現在,ソフトウエア技術者のスキルを標準化して評価すると いう取り組みが行われている(図8)。ところが,こういった活動では,エンジニアのモチベーションや倫理観といった要素は計れない。同氏は,この計れない 要素にこそ「組み込みソフトウエアの質に大きな影響がある」と述べ,技術者のモチベーションや倫理観を高めていくことの重要性を強調した。

DATE 2007/11/21

 豐田汽車的常務董事重松崇在“Embedded Technology 2007(嵌入綜合技術展)”(太平洋橫濱會展中心,2007年11月14~16日)展會上,發表了題為“豐田汽車在嵌入軟體開發方面的挑戰”的演講(圖 1)。此次的演講雖然以嵌入軟件開發為主題,但實際上卻介紹了包括嵌入軟體開發在內的豐田在汽車電子開發方面的整體情況。



  在交通事故件數方面,與日美歐地區日益減少或持平形成對比的是,中國的交通事故正迅速增加(圖2)。重松崇認為,要減少中國的事故件數,與其投放配備 了電子化安全技術的高價汽車,到不如首先普及配備較為廉價的安全技術的汽車更為重要,即:通過強化汽車的機械構造,來提高碰撞的安全性等。豐田汽車計劃在 實現了機械構造的強化之後,投放配備有制動時防止輪胎鎖死的ABS(anti-lock brake system)、以及防側滑裝置等電子安全技術的汽車。



  接下來,重松崇列舉了豐田致力於汽車電子化的事例。具體內容包括:通過混合動力車提高燃效的重要性,對防側滑裝置等安全技術的開發,以及協調基礎設施 與汽生產線關係的路生產線通信等。其中,重松崇特別提到了該公司從2007年6月推出的“Premio”“Allion”等車型開始付諸實用的利用汽車探 測資訊實現的交通堵塞疏導服務。探測資訊是指將汽車當作“行駛的感測器”,將各車輛的位置及速度數據適量地發送至資訊收集中心,累積得來的資訊。這些資訊 使用手機以及專用通信模組發送。利用這些資訊,可向汽車導航儀發送高精度的交通堵塞資訊等。目前,日本全國有大約2000輛配備有這種探測資訊的汽車, “已收集到了足夠的全國主要城市交通資訊”(重松崇,以下發言均為重松崇)(圖3)。不過,要收集日本全國的交通資訊,“需要大約1萬輛汽車,因此必需進 一步普及”。

  另外,重松崇還提到了利用探測資訊提供的服務所面臨的問題,並舉出了資訊收集中心與汽生產線通信所需的費用由用戶負擔這一點。利用探測資訊的商務模式 應該是:用戶支付通信費,作為相應的回報,可獲取高精度的交通堵塞資訊等。這種商務模式“基於(用戶)的善意,方可成立”,這一因素相當重要。因此,重松 崇表示“進一步推進探測資訊的普及所遇到的問題是不知道這一商務模式能否被大多數用戶接受”,並認為“這項技術或許應該作為國家的政策實施”。


  另外,重松崇還介紹了對於電動汽車的開發至關重要的元器件開發方針。在元器件技術中,該公司重點放在功率半導體、MEMS感測器以及ASIC之類控制 0IC技術上,計劃在公司內部以及集團企業內部進行自產。尤其是功率半導體,“我們將該技術放在與汽油引擎同等重要的位置”。

  豐田在確定自行開發技術時,根據技術是否有發展前景以及為車載專用還是通用,將開發分成了4個領域(圖4)。對於技術前景大、屬於車載專用的領域進行 自行開發,功率半導體(圖5)、MEMS感測器(圖6)以及控制IC(圖7)均屬於該領域。作為具體的功率半導體產品,重松崇列舉了採用SiC及GaN元 件的變頻器模組等;MEMS感測器則包括偏航速率感測器(Yaw Rate Sensor)以及加速度感測器;控制IC則包括需要車載用途訣竅的電源電路、輸入輸出電路以及通信電路等。


  重松崇在演講開始時便提到:“數年前,人們還普遍懷疑汽車是否真的需要軟體”,近幾年對汽車嵌入軟體開發的重要性認識才迅速提高。另外,作為對現狀抱 有危機感的例子,重松崇舉出了汽車配備的電子控制單元(ECU)中源碼容量問題。例如,引擎控制系統為1~2MB級,車體控制系統為500kB~1MB 級,資訊系統為GB級。“回想一下我進入公司的情景,具有高可靠性的車用嵌入軟體的源碼達到1MB,變化的巨大簡直難以置信”,以此反襯嵌入軟體日益大規 模化的現狀。

  重松崇表示,作為日益大規模化的嵌入軟體開發對策,開發技術將從組件開發向模型庫(Model Base)開發乃至向平臺開發過渡。

  另外,作為嵌入軟體開發的要點,重松崇指出了軟體技術人員的培養問題。目前,豐田汽車正著手將軟體技術人員的技能標準化來加以評價的系統(圖8)。不 過,這種做法並無法評價軟體工程師對待工作的態度以及理念等因素。而正是這些無法評測的因素“對嵌入軟體的品質有重大影響”,所以重松崇強調表示提高技術 人員的工作積極性以及理念最為重要。(記者:清水 直茂)

2007年11月19日 星期一

snow domes or snow globes

不過這由來已久 Wikipedia article "Snow globe".

photoSnow globes with symbols of Christmas fill the shelves at the Snow Dome Museum in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward. When shaken, white particles in the globes mimic a wintry snowfall. Operated by a nongovernmental organization, the museum has gathered more than 5,000 snow domes from around the world.(MINAKO YOSHIMOTO/ THE ASAHI SHIMBUN)



観光地シリーズの中で、海外へのお土産として大変喜ばれております。W:94mm H:74mm D:74mm

水 に満たされた小さな透明のドームの中にミニチュアの置物がはいっており、揺らすと、置物と一緒に入っている小さな粒粒がまるで雪のように舞い上がり、ファ ンタジクな気分を演出してくれるスノードームの専門店を東京青山で営業しております。2坪ほどのお店には120種類の可愛い物語が閉じ込められているドー ムばかり。ちょっとしたお土産、インテリア小物としていかがでしょうか?

2007年11月18日 星期日




2007/11/18 14:40




しょうそういん しやうさうゐん 【正倉院】


2007年11月15日 星期四

Bullying Cases

Number of Bullying Cases in Japan Rises

TOKYO (AP) — The number of bullying cases reported in schools across Japan has risen sharply after officials broadened the term's definition following a series of student suicides linked to bullying, the Education Ministry said Thursday.

A total of 124,898 cases of bullying were reported at elementary, junior high and high schools in the year ending in March 2007, up from 20,143 cases a year earlier, the ministry said.

A ministry official attributed the sharp rise to the wider definition of bullying and to the inclusion of private and national government-run schools in the total. Previous surveys only included schools run by local governments.

The ministry dropped words such as "repeated" and "one-sided" in its definition of bullying for the latest survey.

It found that six students — five in junior high school and one in high school — killed themselves in incidents that were linked to bullying in the most recent year, up from one suicide a year earlier, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, according to policy.

Most of the bullying cases at some 40,000 schools have been resolved, according to the ministry.

Bullying has long been a problem in Japanese schools, where students are under harsh competitive pressure, conformity is valued and those who do not fit in can be mercilessly picked on.

Authorities took countermeasures in the 1990s, allowing victims to attend alternative schools, lecturing students against bullying and easing curriculum requirements to reduce pressure.

But the issue came to light again following a series of student suicides linked to bullying.

The ministry will enhance counseling programs to respond to bullying, the official said.

2007年11月11日 星期日

葡萄酒 薄酒萊的亞洲攻勢


葡萄酒的亞洲攻勢:日本篇 Manga uncorks French wine

Weekend Beat: Manga uncorks French wine



French winemaker Thibault Despagne has a new appreciation for Japanese manga. Ever since the oenophile (電影迷 passion for cinema ) manga "Kami no Shizuku" ("The Drops of God"「神の雫」 a story about two guys who fights over 2000000000 yen assets which were left by world's greatest wine commentator who had been controlled a world wine market. ...) described one of his wines as the band Queen in a bottle, consumers across Asia have been clamoring to buy the elixir.

2007年11月10日 星期六

日本的殺人罪文過記 L.A. Times criticizes Japan over sumo wrestler's death

L.A. Times criticizes Japan over sumo wrestler's death

LOS ANGELES--Friday's issue of the Los Angeles Times carried a story harshly criticizing Japanese police over the recent case of a 17-year-old sumo wrestler who died after being beaten by his stablemaster and his stablemates, claiming that police are too reluctant to conduct judicial autopsies.

The article said: "Photos of the dead teenager's corpse show a deep cut on his right arm, horrific bruising...and his legs are pocked with small burns the size of a lit cigarette...The cause of death was 'heart disease,' police declared."

Referring to the decision by Aichi prefectural police not to conduct an autopsy and instead conclude that the wrestler, Takashi Saito, of the Tokitsukaze stable, had died of a health condition, the front-page article said Japanese police "try to avoid adding murders to their case load unless the identity of the killer is obvious."

As reasons for the low rate of implementing autopsies, the article quoted Japanese sources as saying, "Police discourage autopsies that might reveal a higher murder rate in their jurisdiction and pressure doctors to attribute unnatural deaths to health reasons, usually heart failure," and, "There is also a cultural resistance in Japan to handling the dead, with families often reluctant to insist upon a procedure that invades the body of a loved one."

The article concluded that though Japan's autopsy system was introduced by the United States just after the end of World War II, it is not functioning sufficiently.

(Nov. 11, 2007)



Japan's police see no evil

Kyodo News
HOMICIDE REVEALED: A sumo stable master speaks to the media after apologizing to the family of Takashi Saito, a wrestler whose killing, allegedly permitted by the stable master’s predecessor, was nearly covered up.
The boy had been badly beaten but his death was ruled natural. The case was closed in an official culture that discourages autopsies.
By Bruce Wallace, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
November 9, 2007
TOKYO — Photos of the teenager's corpse show a deep cut on his right arm, horrific bruising on his neck and chest. His face is swollen and covered with cuts. A silhouette of violence runs from the corner of his left eye over the cheekbone to his jaw, and his legs are pocked with small burns the size of a lighted cigarette.

But police in Japan's Aichi prefecture saw something else when they looked at the body of Takashi Saito, a 17-year-old sumo wrestler who arrived at a hospital in June. The cause of death was "heart disease," police declared.

Related Stories - Wider global role urged for Japan - Strong sales outside Japan drive up Toyota's earnings As is common in Japan, Aichi police reached their verdict on how Saito died without an autopsy. No need for a coroner, they said. No crime involved. Only 6.3% of the unnatural deaths in Aichi are investigated by a medical examiner, a minuscule rate even by nationwide standards in Japan, where an autopsy is performed in 11.2% of cases.

Forensic scientists say there are many reasons for the low rate, including inadequate budgets and a desperate shortage of pathologists outside the biggest urban areas. There is also a cultural resistance in Japan to handling the dead, with families often reluctant to insist upon a procedure that invades the body of a loved one.

But Saito's case has given credence to complaints by a group of frustrated doctors, former pathologists and ex-cops who argue that Japan's police culture is the main obstacle.

Police discourage autopsies that might reveal a higher homicide rate in their jurisdiction, and pressure doctors to attribute unnatural deaths to health reasons, usually heart failure, the group alleges. Odds are, it says, that people are getting away with murder in Japan, a country that officially claims one of the lowest per capita homicide rates in the world.

"You can commit a perfect murder in Japan because the body is not likely to be examined," says Hiromasa Saikawa, a former member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police security and intelligence division. He says senior police officers are "obsessed with statistics because that's how you get promotions," and strive to reduce the number of criminal cases as much as possible to keep their almost perfect solution rate.

Japan's annual police report says its officers made arrests in 96.6% of the country's 1,392 homicides in 2005.

But Saikawa, who says he became disillusioned by "fishy" police practices and in 1997 left the force in disgust after 30 years, claims that police try to avoid adding homicides to their caseload unless the identity of the killer is obvious.

"All the police care about is how they look to people; it's all PR to show that their capabilities are high," Saikawa says. "Without autopsies they can keep their percentage [of solved cases] high. It's all about numbers."

The former policeman has written a memoir of his time on the force. Called "Policeman at the Scene," it describes a police culture that has chipped away at the effectiveness of an autopsy system created during the U.S. occupation after World War II.

"The police textbooks taught us not to trust doctors," he says, adding that police officers indirectly pressure doctors to sign death certificates without an autopsy. "Doctors are afraid of the police. They are afraid of retaliation. They worry the police could prosecute them for malpractice. So they are easily pressured.

"There is no one refereeing the police," Saikawa says. "It's scary."

After the war, Americans created a medical examiner's office for Tokyo after learning that thousands of deaths in the postwar rubble were being ascribed to starvation without any forensic examination. It was soon discovered that a tuberculosis epidemic was the main culprit.

The system was soon expanded to six other big cities which, for the most part, are the jurisdictions where autopsies are done with the most frequency (in 2004, autopsies were conducted in 29% of Kanagawa prefecture's unnatural deaths; 18% of those in Tokyo). But much of the country remains without a fully functioning medical examiner system.

"There aren't many doctors who want to do this kind of work and that means some areas don't have a medical examiner at all," says Dr. Masahiko Ueno, a former chief medical examiner in Tokyo who spent 30 years in the coroner's office until he retired in 1988. Since then he has written more than 30 books about the cases that animated his career and the cold cases that intrigue him in retirement.

Ueno says his experience leaves him convinced that many homicides are being missed and he, too, blames a system that gives police great discretion over when an autopsy is performed. Although doctors are legally required to report "unnatural deaths" to police, the country's medical act does not precisely define what that is.

The philosophical approach to death investigations differs between the West and Japan.

In the West, autopsies are performed to determine the cause of death. That is one reason the autopsy rate for people who die in hospitals has fallen in most Western countries: Improved medical diagnostics has removed much of the uncertainty about why a patient died.

But in Japan, investigations are not as concerned with uncovering the cause of death as with whether a crime has been committed. Without obvious signs of homicide, police are less likely to ask for an autopsy.

Kyodo News
HOMICIDE REVEALED: A sumo stable master speaks to the media after apologizing to the family of Takashi Saito, a wrestler whose killing, allegedly permitted by the stable master’s predecessor, was nearly covered up.
Japan's police see no evil
November 9 2007

Page 2 of 2 ><<> 1 2

That applies to investigations of apparent suicides.

Japan has one of the world's highest suicide rates, accounting for more than 30,000 deaths a year, but police request "almost no autopsies on suicides," which could determine whether the cause of death is what it appears, Saikawa says.

Many police examinations of the body are cursory, he alleges, sometimes nothing more sophisticated than a visual examination.

Take the case in January 2006, when financial advisor Hideaki Noguchi was found dead in an Okinawa hotel with knife wounds. Noguchi was a close associate of Takafumi Horie, the brash founder of the Internet company Livedoor, which had just been the target of a nationally televised police raid and seen most of its multibillion-dollar value evaporate.

But despite being a central figure in a sensational criminal investigation and privy to Livedoor secrets, police declared Noguchi's death a suicide. They did not ask for an autopsy, and the body was cremated.

Or take the suicide in April of Agriculture Minister Toshikatsu Matsuoka, who was found hanged in his Tokyo apartment. Matsuoka was embroiled in a scandal involving the misappropriation of political funds that suggested a broad system of organized influence peddling. Even though Matsuoka's troubles were destabilizing the government and his death occurred just hours before his scheduled appearance to answer questions before a parliamentary committee, no autopsy was conducted to ensure that he had not died from something other than hanging.

A day later, Shinichi Yamazaki, a businessman implicated in the same scandal, plunged to his death in a parking lot outside his Yokohama apartment. No autopsy was conducted in that case either.

"The police said it was suicide," says an incredulous Saikawa, "because he had left his shoes placed neatly together on the balcony."

Japan's forensic specialists have long been calling for an overhaul of the coroner system, but it took the death of the young sumo wrestler to finally bring the shortcomings under sharper scrutiny.

Doctors at the hospital where Saito was brought in, unconscious and battered, have since acknowledged that they had doubts about the police verdict. They said they initially attributed his death to acute cardiac failure, which occurs when the heart stops suddenly and does not rule out foul play.

But the police insisted otherwise. So the hospital signed a death certificate that blamed a diseased heart for killing the 17-year-old. It released the body to Junichi Yamamoto, the master of the training facility where Saito lived and had collapsed after what was described as a "strenuous" practice session. No need to pick up the body, the boy's grieving family claims Yamamoto told them by phone. We're having him cremated.

Had Saito's parents not demanded to see their son's body, the truth about the wrestler's death might never have been known.

But when the body was returned home in another prefecture, they were shocked by its battered state. The family asked medical professors at Niigata University to perform an autopsy, which revealed that Saito's heart stopped from the shock of injuries inflicted upon him. He probably had been beaten to death.

On this wisp of suspicion rested justice for a dead boy.

More than a month later, under pressure from the family and Japan's muckraking weekly magazines, Aichi police opened an investigation that found the stable master and other wrestlers had viciously beaten Saito. It was punishment, they said, because he was trying to quit sumo. The stable master has admitted hitting Saito in the forehead with a beer bottle the night before he died.

Leaks to the media from the police investigation indicated that the boy was beaten again the next morning, punched, kicked and hit with a baseball bat by other wrestlers while Yamamoto watched.

Under fire from an appalled public, the Japanese Sumo Assn. last month finally acted and banned Yamamoto from the sport. Aichi police did not respond to questions about the investigation, or the agency's policies and practices on requesting autopsies.

They have yet to file charges.


Naoko Nishiwaki and Hisako Ueno of the Times' Tokyo Bureau contributed to this report.

2007年11月9日 星期五


(まえだおし 前倒し

~する move up.




room; space; time.
~のある暮らしがしたい I feel a need for more time to myself in my life.

Panel says cram-free education a failure

20071029 星期一

日本的"減課量"教改宣佈失敗 (英文)


新学習指導要領 実施前倒しへ

 中央教育審議会(文部科学相の諮問機関)が「ゆとり教育」からの転換を打ち出した次の学習指導要領。その実施時期が、一部の内容について、当初予定され ていた2011年度から09年度に前倒しされる見通しになった。新指導要領で学校現場や授業がどう変わるのかを探った。(社会部 村井正美、渡辺光彦)

授業内容に深み、教師ら歓迎 総合学習削減には賛否

不 満


 実は、渡海文科相が新指導要領の実施時期の前倒しを検討するよう、担当部署に指示したのは前日の8日だった。中教審が中間報告をまとめた先月30 日や正式決定した今月7日には、文部科学省は、教科書作成の時間などから、「実施は早くても11年度」と考えていた。ただ、保護者から「早く実施してほし い」という声が上がっていることも認識しており、前倒しに向け、準備を始めることになった。




復 活

 新指導要領では、台形の面積の公式は小学5年に、「さいころの目が出る確率の求め方」は中学2年から小学6年に戻る。小学理科では、「卵の中」と 「母体内」のいずれの成長も学ぶ。小学社会では縄文時代の歴史から学習するようになる。現在、中学社会の地理分野で学ぶ世界の国々は「2~3か国」とされ ているが、新指導要領では国数を限定せず、各地域の多様性を学ぶことが求められる。



影 響

 現行指導要領では、現場の教師から「実験、観察の時間がない」との声が上がっていた。例えば、小学校の理科の授業時間数は350コマ(1コマは 45分)で、総合学習の430コマより少ない。このため、東京都新宿区立戸塚第二小は、野菜栽培や小動物の観察など、従来、理科の授業で行ってきた活動 を、総合学習の時間で消化している。






 発展的記述 学習指導要領の範囲を超える内容の記述。全員が学ぶ必要はないが、学習内容の3割削減への批判を受け、2002年度検定の教科書から掲載が始まった。本文と区別するため、「発展」などのカットを付けることが条件。

中学1・2年武道必修 道具・指導者…確保に課題

道徳「教科化」は見送り 公算








 新学習指導要領に関する中教審の中間報告が公表された直後、渡海文科相は、現在のゆとり教育で学ぶ子供たちへのメッセージを問われ、「君たちの やってきたことは間違いではない。一生懸命勉強してほしい」と述べたが、やはり気がかりだったようだ。文科省が新指導要領の前倒し実施に向けて動き出した のは、「早く実施しないと子供たちがどんどん卒業してしまう」という理由が大きい。


(2007年11月10日 読売新聞)

ビーズ 1 [beads] 日本食飲產品漲價壓力

ビーズ 1 [beads]


中国、ビーズ玩具輸出停止 米豪の誤飲事故受け

2007年11月10日 11時29分





You can't put a price on reasonably priced food


Besides among people, disparity exists among mushrooms, too, and it's actually pretty extreme. Enokidake mushrooms, which have long, skinny white stems and tiny caps and are used in tabletop-cooked one-pot nabe dishes, are sold for only 100 yen a bunch. On the other hand, a single domestic matsutake 松茸mushroom can fetch 10,000 yen or thereabouts. Moreover, this mushroom has always received every kind of hyperbolic praise from epicurean writers in Japan.

Masaaki Tachihara (1926-1980) wrote: "Sautee the matsukate, pile them on a large plate of Bizen ware (a type of Japanese pottery), and squeeze fresh sudachi citrus juice onto them. For me, this is the best way to enjoy matsutake." Kenichi Yoshida (1912-1977) said of matsutake's fragrance, "Sometimes, I can even hear music in it."

I wouldn't dare to ask for a big plate of this expensive delicacy, but I certainly would love a whiff or two of what was "music" to Yoshida's nostrils.

However, this year's matsutake harvest is said to be unprecedentedly meager due to the record summer heat and prolonged drought. It appears that this seasonal luxury is going to be even less affordable this year.

Now, it's one thing to sigh in resignation at this, but much more disturbing is the recent rise in the prices of everyday groceries that are indispensable to families with growing children--juice, curry roux, ham, spaghetti and bread, just to name a few.

Price hikes are also scheduled early next year for items preferred by adults such as beer, miso bean paste and ingredients for oden.

Unlike with matsutake, the higher prices of these daily necessities are going to squeeze household budgets. One cannot feign a stiff upper lip by claiming not to really love them.

How do we survive the crunch? Sticking to sale items may be one way, but a column in the living section of The Asahi Shimbun advises: "When in doubt, don't buy."

In "Reizoko de Shokuhin o Kusarasu Nihonjin" (Japanese who let their food spoil in the fridge), published by The Asahi Shimbun, author Jinnosuke Uotsuka says that we need to start with modifying our lifestyle of loading up the shopping cart, cramming many things into the freezing compartment of our giant fridges, and forgetting about them.

Nowadays we hear so much about Chinese imports of dubious safety and false labels on food by Japanese makers, not to mention the rising food prices.

I become upset whenever I come across unwelcome news concerning food. Perhaps this is because of instinct, as no living being can do without food.

Even though there is a lot of bad news on food, with the deepening of the autumn, I find the modest price of enokidake all the more endearing on cold nights.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 3(IHT/Asahi: November 10,2007)

2007年11月5日 星期一

日刊工業新聞: Toyota 2020 Global Vision等



 トヨタ自動車は2020年に向けた経営方針「トヨタグローバルビジョン2020」を策定した。「人と技術の力で明日の世界を切り開く」をテーマと し、ハイブリッド技術の全車種展開、パートナーロボット事業の育成、バイオ燃料やバイオプラスチックの技術確立などを盛り込んだ。
 経営ビジョンの策定は02年以来。今回は創立70周年に合わせて作成し、「長期的にありたい企業像」をまとめた。世界全体での組織力の発揮、技術革新、 新しい価値の創造などの追求を表明。一方で世界各地で愛される企業になるという意味をこめて「町いちばんの企業となる努力」を掲げるなど、トヨタらしい実 直な姿勢も見せた。
(更新日 2007年11月 5日)


(更新日 2007年11月 5日)


 アタカ大機は柏事業所(千葉県柏市)に、下水処理用ばっ気撹拌(かくはん)装置の「深層型試験水槽」を新設する。外部の試験設備を借りて実施して いた水深5メートル以上の試験を、自社設備に切り替える。首都圏を中心に需要が伸びている深層型装置の試験と開発を強化する。投資額は約1億3000万 円。08年2月の稼働を目指す。
 深層型試験水槽は水深10メートルで、深さは大阪工場(大阪市大正区)の試験水槽の約2倍。容量は640立方メートルで半地下式鉄筋コンクリート構造。 大阪工場の試験水槽で手がけている流速や空気量、消費電力の基本データに加え、振動なども測定できる。また、複数のポイントを同時に測定でき、試験や開発 期間の短縮も可能になる。
(更新日 2007年11月 5日)

Ex-pats stranded by collapse of Nova schools

Nova Ex-pat

no·va (') pronunciation
n., pl. -vae (-vē) or -vas.

A star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then gradually returns to its original brightness over a period of weeks to years.

[New Latin (stēlla) nova, new (star), nova, feminine of Latin novus, new.]

(日本) Nova 倒閉案

Nova English School - Japan
200 x 266 - 69k - jpg
... working at nova, japan, ...
143 x 247 - 11k - jpg
NOVA Fails to Pay English Teachers
230 x 230 - 25k - jpg
Japan Likes Me
588 x 441 - 53k - jpg

expatriate Show phonetics
noun [C] (INFORMAL expat)
someone who does not live in their own country:
A large community of expatriates has settled there.

an expatriate Scot

verb [T] FORMAL
to use force or law to remove someone from their own country:
The new leaders expatriated the ruling family.

Ex-pat English teachers stranded by collapse of Japan's Nova schools

By David McNeill in Japan

2007年11月4日 星期日

(日本) Nova 倒閉案


同窗 同窓


日本最大補習班Nova倒閉 4000多名老外成流浪教師
2007 / 11 / 02 星期五 15:20

Gordon 5年前開始展開他的異國美夢,不料竟在瞬間成為泡沫。他的雇主-Nova Corp.從 9月開始停付他薪水。遭到日本政府取締的Nova在上週結束營運,同時申請法院保護。銀行戶頭只剩下20美元,現年28歲的Gordon表示他現在全賴信 用卡維生,「還好我有一個大冰箱,裡面還有一些食物。」他說,「我還不想要回到德拉瓦州 Milford的老家,因為我連機票錢都沒有。」

Nova因為爆發日本外語教師界多年來的最大一起醜聞,為其效命的4000多名外語教師全被掃到,即將面臨失業,Gordon亦是其中一名。這家在日本以 屁股搖擺的粉紅兔廣告而聞名的外語補習班,雇用的外籍教師人數眾多,還在美國及英國成立招募辦公室,到當地各大專院校徵求外文教師。

Nova風格特異的創辦人Nozumu Sahashi,上周被公司解除總裁職務,隨即消聲匿跡。由法院指派的一名官員聲稱,公開上市的Nova,被 56歲的Sahashi五鬼搬運,悄悄將獲利轉到他的私人公司。Nova的管理人員現在正急著要找到贊助廠商來幫助公司恢復營運。

Nova的教師現在全成了無業遊民,那些依賴每月薪水維生的教師,全都被卡在日本。有鑒於Nova已經在幾個月前停止為他們支付房租,有些老師被威脅必須 搬出他們居住的公寓。上周有300名 Nova的外籍教師擠在東京西區一向井然有序的就業輔導辦公室,尋求就業機會。

日本某個工會計畫為這些落難教師安排,讓他們透過授課換取食宿。澳洲政府乍聞該國有這麼多人受到影響,特別和該國Qantas Airways Ltd(澳洲航空)簽訂協議,針對澳洲在日本受難的教師提供返回雪梨的廉價單程機票。

現年23歲的Nova教師Matya Sheppard來自加拿大,他說他並不期望能夠找到新的工作,因為日本市場已經充斥太多外籍英文老師了。他已經掏空他所有的積蓄,支付在日本的食宿和其他開支。

來自美國費城的Nova教師Kristen Moon,現年23歲,她說她現在沒有任何人可以交談,「我好像住在監獄,我擔心我東京的住所會被剝奪。」Moon畢業自紐西蘭的大學,為了體驗新的生 活,她於今年 5月來到日本。現在的她靠著為幾名Nova學生擔任家教,勉強還能維生。

英語會話學校在日本是一個賺錢的行業。數以百萬的日本人夢想能夠說英文。不過日本初高中的教育強調文法,而非會話,因此只有少數人能把英文說的流利。根據 日本外語教育促進協會的統計,日本該項產業每年產值高達35億美元,投入的公司有1100多家,學生人數大約200萬人。

大阪出生的Sahahi在1981年成立Nova,推銷手法獨樹一格。他向客戶承諾,Nova的老師都是母語為英文的外籍人士,補習班的收費也只有對手學 校的一半或更少。他標榜Nova的課程收費和電影票一樣便宜,所以學生隨時可以前去上課,跟上酒吧沒兩樣。不過有一個條件,要享受每40分鐘課程大約 13.50美元的最廉價學費,學生必須預付600堂課的費用。

過去已有數千名Nova學生向消費者保護機構投訴。《華爾街日報》指出,今年 6月,日本政府有效禁止了Nova關鍵產品-大型預付折價券的販售,結果造成Nova資金周轉不靈,7月時 Nova開始跳票,公司被逼得走投無路,在上周五向東京法院申請破產。

其結果是造成像是Mari Matsunami等Nova的學生剩下一大堆預付券。現年39歲,擔任會計工作的她表示,我希望會有贊助商願意承接,讓Nova繼續運作下去,我才能把 我的預付券用完。 Matsunami已經在Nova上了10年的英文課,她說她持有的預付券價值大約1300美元。

在中國經營 100間語言學校的歐洲語言學校EF English First,上周在網路上對Nova的老師發布一封公開信,表示該學校有意雇用1000名的老師到中國任教。提供的報酬包括,到中國的免費機票,以及兩周導引課程期間的旅館住宿費。

剛自學校畢業的Sam Gordon,買了一張單程機票飛到東京,前去探索日本的異國文化,同時在當地最大的語言學校Nova兼教英文。他通過簡單的面試,很輕易的便得到了那份工作。

Former Nova boss oblivious to people's anguish


While Japan rushed headlong into modernizing in the wake of the 1868 Meiji Restoration, Umeko Tsuda (1864-1929) was sent to the United States to study. She was just 6 years old. When she returned to Japan 11 years later, she was shocked by the low social status of Japanese women. This inspired her to establish Joshi Eigaku Juku (Women's institute for English studies) in 1900, the predecessor of present-day Tsuda College in Tokyo.

At the institute's inaugural ceremony, Tsuda exhorted her students to become "all-around women," not just proficient in English.

All educators ought to be driven by such a sense of mission and idealism. But this is obviously not the case with Nozomu Sahashi, former president of Nova Corp., the failed operator of a major chain of English conversation schools. Sahashi reportedly pocketed huge profits by supplying teaching equipment to Nova at grossly inflated prices. He is also suspected of having sold off all his shares in a Nova-group company before Nova filed for bankruptcy protection last week. It appears that his primary mission was to line his own pockets.

Sahashi has since gone into hiding, leaving everyone else in purgatory. Unless another company comes forward to take over the failed chain, some 300,000 students and instructors will be left high and dry. There are said to be about 70 billion yen in lesson fees already paid in advance by the students. How will the money be managed?

As proof that Sahashi treated the company as though it was his private property, the bankruptcy administrator recently disclosed his "presidential office" on television, a penthouse unit in a 20-story building in Osaka with panoramic views of the city. The windows are dressed with scarlet drapes that open and close vertically. They reminded me of the curtains of a theater in some seedy neighborhood.

The office has a mini-bar and a Japanese tea ceremony room. There is also a "hidden room" furnished with a double bed and a sauna available for two people. The whole setup is a very far cry from the occupant's line of business, which is education.

The monthly rent of 2.7 million yen was being paid by Nova. I wonder if Sahashi enjoyed the colossal profit rolling in from his nationwide chain in the luxurious office.

On his desk sat the company's mascot--the bright pink Nova usagi, a bunny with long ears and the beak of a bird. The ears and the beak are said to symbolize the basics of mastering a foreign language, which are to listen a lot and speak a lot.

The animal is completely guiltless, of course, but I imagine many people must feel angry every time they look at its innocent face.

But Sahashi apparently has no ears to listen to these people's angry shouts, nor a beak-mouth with which to utter words of apology.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 2(IHT/Asahi: November 3,2007)

2007年11月3日 星期六

福井的特色 介紹BLOG: 越前和紙等等

第一次到這縣的特色 介紹BLOG







 日本画で超有名な平山 郁夫画伯は越前和紙を使用しています。






 washinosato 00.JPG

福井県 大好き!!           

お店で「福井県 大好き!!」を見て来ました、って言ってもらえると嬉しいのですが・・・。  

Nichias' 'udatsu' should never be raised again

Nichias 耐火材の性能を偽装

falsified fire-resistance tests

Nichias' 'udatsu' should never be raised again


Udatsu is an architectural detail of classic Japanese homes. The gable parapet, made with roof tiles, sticks out from the house, acting as a firewall to protect the home from a fire blazing next door. In the old days, these parapets worked so well as fire barriers and also as decorations to show off the wealth of the homeowners.

The Japanese idiom udatsu ga agaranai, which translates literally as unable to raise an udatsu, means "someone who can't get ahead"-- someone who cannot become successful in business.

Today's homeowners rely on fire-resistant construction materials, rather than udatsu, to protect their property from fires. Purchasing a home is the biggest investment that most people will make in their lives. Obviously they want their precious investment to be as safe as possible from earthquakes or fires.

But as if to scoff at these sentiments, a major supplier of construction materials has betrayed the trust of homeowners.

What Nichias Corp. has done is unconscionable. The Tokyo-based company has been found to have cheated in fire-resistance tests by presoaking its substandard building materials in water to enhance their performance. As a result, about 40,000 homes around the nation have been built with materials that do not meet the fire-resistance standards required by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

The president of the company became aware of the cheating in autumn last year. Yet, he looked the other way, continuing to ship substandard products. The company's Web site declares: "Valuing life and the natural environment, we are serving society with our 'insulation and anti-corrosion' technology."

How hollow these words ring now.

Living in buildings of "wood and paper," Japanese have always feared fires. In Edo, present-day Tokyo, during the Edo Period (1603-1867), for instance, sento public bathhouses (fueled by wood) were said to be closed on windy days. People hung colorful illustrated posters with slogans in their homes to remind themselves to be careful in the handling of fire.

One slogan went to the effect, "Don't let your guard down even in summer/ Be especially watchful when burning mosquito-repellent incense." Building homes with udatsu firewalls was one measure taken to prevent fire damage.

Nichias was trading on security when in fact the company undervalued customers' lives and property. Such a company should never be allowed to get ahead.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 1(IHT/Asahi: November 2,2007)

udatsu 卯立
CATEGORY: architecture / folk dwellings
Also written 卯建, 宇立 ; all read udachi, odatsu or odachi.

1 A term used in the Nara and Heian periods for koyazuka 小屋束 or munazuka 棟束, which were roof struts similar to a kingpost which stood upon the main transverse beam and supported the ridge purlin *munagi 棟木. These struts were spaced at regular intervals within the roof and became a prominent feature of the gable elevations gabled roof structures *kirizuma yane 切妻屋根. In the Nara period the term was noted as udachi 宇立 or 宇太知. In the Heian period, WAMYOUSHOU 倭名抄 (c930) was defined as a post standing upon a beam and the ideogram udatsu was used.

2 Roof struts *tsuka 束 providing direct support for the ridge purlin *munagi 棟木 in Japan's oldest surviving vernacular house *minka 民家, the so-called thousand-year houses sennenya 千年屋 of the Hakogi 箱木 family 15c, Kobe, Hyougo prefecture, and in certain types of thatched minka, notably on the periphery of the Kansai 関西 district. They usually stand on a longitudinal plate or beam called *jimune 地棟 (a base ridge) and rest upon the principal transverse roof beams. They were comparatively rare in Edo period minka, although they may have been more important in the medieval period and were associated particularly with rafter roof construction *taruki kouzou 垂木構造. There are, however, composite structures in which a *sasuzuka 叉首束 was used in association with the principal rafter *sasu 叉首 in various areas. Usually pronounced odachi or udachi.

3 Pronounced udatsu or udachi. Posts in the gable walls directly supporting the ridge purlin *munamochibashira 棟持柱 in simple dwelling huts or ancilliary structures called *udatsuya うだつ家. Found in Yamanashi, Nagano, Shizuoka, Chiba, and Miyagi prefectures and in the Kansai district in the Edo period. The udatsuya were gabled roof structures *kirizuma 切妻and the udatsu were often earthfast posts *hottatebashira 掘立柱.

4 Usually pronounced udatsu and written 卯立, 卯建, 宇立. A projection of the gable parapet in urban vernacular houses *machiya 町家 of the capital and its vicinity in the Muromachi period. In so far as it involves extending the vertical roof struts koyazuka, it is distantly related to the udachi or udatsu of definitions 1-3. Examples from this period do not survive but they are shown in contemporary illustrations, notably the 16c *rakuchuu rakugai-zu byoubu 洛中洛外図屏風, sets of folding screens which depict the capital and its environs. There were usually parapet walls at either end of the structure and each was provided with a miniature roof *koyane 小屋根, usually thatched or shingled to protect it from the elements. It is conjectured that this kind of udatsu may have originated as a form of protection from wind and rain for the roof verges *keraba 螻羽 of the closely-packed gable-roofed town houses. The udatsu frame was also extended to create lateral screens *sodeudatsu 袖卯立 (literally 'sleeve-udatsu') filling the trapezoidal space between the deeply overhanging eaves of the main roof and the pent roof *hisashi 廂 below. Whatever its functional origin, it is certain that the udatsu acquired connotations of status and was in use among the more prosperous property owning townsmen. The Japanese saying "udatsu ga agaru 卯立が上がる" (putting up an udatsu ) is a metaphor for achieving independence and a level of worldly success.

5 In the Edo period, a developed form of the type of udatsu defined in 3. Although shingled roofs and *shinkabe 真壁 construction persisted until the 19c. in some places, the Edo period udatsu was increasingly constructed with the more permanent roof of tile and the frame cased in a fireproof coat of plaster *ookabe-zukuri 大壁造. Thus it acquired the additional function of acting as a firebreak wall. It also retained its significance as a status symbol until the end of the Edo period. In abbreviated examples, the upper parapet walls were omitted and only the sodeudatsu beneath the eaves were constructed. Geographically the udatsu spread from the Kyoto area, where it seems to have evolved, to the machiya of towns along the principal routes, until it had penetrated almost every region of the country from a northern limit around Morioka 盛岡, in Touhoku 東北 district to Kyuushuu 九州 and Shikoku 四国. It was most prominent and elaborate in central Honshuu 本州. Paradoxically, it ceased to be a common feature of Kyoto machiya in the 19c and was not very common in Kantou, where it was sometimes called kiriyoke 霧除. The plastered gable walls *takahei 高塀 of the yamato roof style *yamatomune 大和棟, which came into vogue in the thatched farmhouses of Nara and Osaka during the 18c, was essentially another form of udatsu.
Mutou 武藤 house (Gifu)

2007年11月2日 星期五


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2007年11月1日 星期四

Cognitive Dissonance in Tokyo

Cognitive Dissonance in Tokyo

要理想(名) 更要利