日相福田康夫辭職帶來政經混亂 | |||
9月1日晚,上台不到一年的福田康夫召開緊急記者會,宣佈辭去首相職務。一夜過後,執政黨自民黨開始準備選舉新總裁,確定於9月22日投開票。 政經混亂
據共同社報道,福田突然辭職使日本政局前景難料,9月2日,期貨市場遭遇大單砸盤。 受其拖累日經指數大幅跳水,跌幅為1.75%,創下今年3月底以來約5個月中的收盤新低。而原定於9月12日召開的臨時國會,也將延期召集。 在外交方面,原本大致定於9月21日在神戶舉行的日中韓首腦會談預計將被推遲,而為了就自衛隊繼續在印度洋供油活動一事與美國國防部長蓋茨交換意見的防衛相林芳正,也取消了原定於9月上旬的訪美計劃。 "不負責任" 9月2日,日本各報均使用大量版面報道福田首相突然辭職一事,各家電視台也分別請來執政黨、在野黨國會議員以及各路專家進行評論和分析。 對於一年前安倍晉三前首相突然辭職帶來的震蕩,大家都還記憶猶新,而福田首相再次以這種方式"放棄政權",日本國民除了感到"吃驚"、"難以置信"以外,更多的反應是"氣憤"和"無奈"。 《每日新聞》認為,擁有這種進行"毫無信念的政治漂流"的領導人,對國民來說是一個悲劇﹔ 持保守立場的《產經新聞》感嘆:支撐戰後日本的那些強有力政治家的DNA無處可尋﹔ 《讀賣新聞》呼籲政治家意識到自己所肩負的政治責任﹔ 《朝日新聞》更是明確表示,趕緊讓位給在野黨,選出一個體現民意的政權。 辭職原因 對於福田辭職的原因,媒體普遍認為有以下幾點。 首先,福田內閣成立之後,內閣支持率一直低迷。7月召開的洞爺湖八國峰會,以及8月份進行的內閣改組,均未能按照預期拉升內閣支持率。 因此,自民黨內部認為在福田領導下難以在下次眾議院選舉中獲勝的聲音日益高漲。 第二,聯合執政的公民黨在經濟政策、新反恐對策法以及解散國會的時期等問題上與福田的意見對立,使福田倍感壓力。 第三,執政黨和在野黨在眾參兩院各佔多數的"扭曲國會"局面導致國政停滯,福田無法打開局面。 而最大在野黨民主黨在黨魁小澤一郎的領導下,已表明了要奪取政權的決心。 福田在內外交困的情況下選擇辭職,被在野黨和國民批判為"自民黨沒有擔當政權的能力","只想著自己而根本不把國民放在眼裡"。 麻生太郎能否如願? 自民黨已決定自9月10日起進入新總裁選舉期,9月22日投開票。 即日,日本將誕生新首相 自民黨幹事長麻生太郎已經明確表示他將出馬競選,而輿論也普遍認為他是新總裁的有力人選。 不過,自民黨黨內普遍希望能有復數的候選人出來競選總裁,以區別於反對黨民主黨在沒有競爭的狀態下讓小澤一郎連任黨魁。 誰將出來與麻生太郎競爭總裁職位,已成為福田辭職之後最令人關注的話題。 不過,自2005年9月以來,這已經是第三次不解散眾院而進行的首相交替,預計新首相上任後將馬上被迫解散眾院,進行大選。 日本政界人士估計10月上旬或許會解散眾院,而反對黨民主黨首腦表示已經做好大選準備,讓國民來選擇具有執政能力的政黨上台。 |
Japan’s Prime Minister Resigns
TOKYO — Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda announced he would resign on Monday night, abruptly ending his chronically unpopular government after just a year and leaving Japan’s ruling party scrambling to find fresh leadership ahead of crucial national elections.
Mr. Fukuda’s surprise announcement, made at a hastily called news conference on Monday night, stunned Japan and appeared to plunge the world’s second-largest economy into further political confusion. Last year, Mr. Fukuda’s predecessor, the rightist Shinzo Abe, made an equally sudden resignation.
Mr. Fukuda’s decision was particularly unexpected because he took office last September as a veteran political insider widely counted on, after Mr. Abe’s hasty departure, to bring stability and restore the Liberal Democratic Party’s tarnished credibility. In the end, Mr. Fukuda, 72, lasted about as long as Mr. Abe — roughly a year.
His resignation was also surprising to many because it came just a month after he had reshuffled his cabinet, and just days after he unveiled a $17 billion economic stimulus package.
Still, there had been widespread speculation that Mr. Fukuda, suffering from low popular ratings, might resign ahead of the upcoming national elections, to give the party, a chance to install a more popular new leader. According to that thinking, the ruling party might then call a snap election, hoping to ride the new leader’s initial wave of approval to victory in the polls.
Most speculation on a successor has focused on Taro Aso, an outspoken, conservative former foreign minister who is now secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party. Mr. Aso, whom Mr. Fukuda beat to become prime minister last year, has not said if he will run again.
The Liberal Democrats will convene to select their new leader. Since they control the lower house of Parliament, which chooses the prime minister, their selection will automatically acquire the post. The selection process is expected to take about two weeks, during which time Mr. Fukuda will remain in office..
Mr. Fukuda, whose brief and unsuccessful term makes him unlikely to be one of the most favorably remembered Japanese prime ministers, fumed that he faced an uphill battle almost as soon as he took office. His short stint in office was also marked by a series of missteps and scandals, including allegations of graft at the defense ministry and his own cavalier comments about the government’s apparent loss of the pension records of tens of millions of Japanese.
Despite his political credentials, he proved incapable of breaking a parliamentary deadlock that delayed the selection of a new central bank chief and the renewal of a law allowing Japanese ships to refuel American and other vessels involved in the war in Afghanistan. These setbacks, along with the owlish Mr. Fukuda’s own colorless style, hurt his approval ratings, which dropped below 30 percent in recent polls.
“To be honest, from the beginning, longstanding problems appeared one after the other, and I had to face them,” Mr. Fukuda said at the news conference, which was nationally televised. “Dealing with them worked me to death.”
He said he wanted to get out of the way for a new leader to break the current stalemate in parliament, where the opposition controls the upper house, and to prepare the party for the elections.
“This is the perfect timing to not cause people too much trouble,” Mr. Fukuda said.
However, business leaders and opposition politicians were quick to criticize his abrupt exit, especially after Mr. Abe’s sudden departure.
“It is an utterly irresponsible way to quit,” Kozo Watanabe, a senior adviser at the Democratic Party was quoted as saying by Japan’s Kyodo News. “I cannot help worrying about what will happen to this country’s politics.”
Indeed, a lack of strong leadership has plagued Japan, even as it grapples with a host of new problems including the rise of neighboring China to a slowdown in its $4.7 trillion economy. The resignations of both Mr. Fukuda and Mr. Abe after short-lived, unpopular governments have highlighted the lack of stability here since the popular Junichiro Koizumi stepped down two years ago.
最有可能接替福田出任首相的是麻生太郎(Taro Aso),曾出任外相的他目前擔任執政黨自民黨的總幹事長。
他的幾位繼任人都軟弱無力。安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)在出任首相約一年後辭職,福田康夫隨後繼任日本首相。
富士膠卷(Fujifilm Holdings Corp.)上周表示,
甚至日本強大的汽車工業也難逃厄運。豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)上周宣布,其汽車年銷量突破1,000萬輛、
據日本財務省(Ministry of Finance)稱,