2014年4月29日 星期二

日本核災區 Miyakoji:沒人敢回家鄉

Forced to Flee Radiation, Fearful Japanese Villagers Are Reluctant to Return


Three years after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, the government has reopened the evacuated community of Miyakoji. But many do not want to come back. 

英國《衛報》(The Guardian)以「福島災難對於世界核能是個持續的警告」為題,報導指出,福島事件屠戮了1萬9千人,這些人或失踪、或死亡;當時由本來只是個日本東部的大地震所引發的海嘯,瞬間快速變…
  • 紐約時報:沒人敢回家鄉Forced to Flee Radiation, Fearful Japanese Villagers Are Reluctant to Return
    Three years after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, the government has reopened the evacuated community of Miyakoji. But many do not want to come back.
    · ·
  • 英國《衛報》:僅管國內有著排山倒海的反核聲浪,日本首相安倍企圖重啟核電廠;不過,日本反核團體在安倍官邸的抗議,也始終沒停止過…。

2014年4月25日 星期五

Japan business lobby Keidanren plans corporate governance rules

Japan business lobby plans corporate governance rules: source

Japan's PM Abe walks past Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Mimura, Keidanren Chairman Yonekura and Japan Association of Corporate Executives Chairman Hasegawa after making a speech in Tokyo
Japan's PM Abe walks past Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Mimura, Keidanren Chairman Yonekura and Japan Association of Corporate Executives Chairman Hasegawa after making a speech in Tokyo (Toru Hanai Reuters, April 24, 2014)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's most powerful business lobby, Keidanren, plans to introduce corporate governance rules that will require better disclosure, a person familiar with the matter said, but they will stop short of bolder reforms sought by many investors.

The lobby, whose member firms include most of Japan Inc's biggest names such as Canon Inc and Nippon Steel , will launch a study group later this year with an eye to announcing the new guidelines in 2016, the person said.

The Keidanren's rules will not require independent directors or any particular governance structure, reflecting its belief that such decisions should be left up to individual companies, the person familiar with the matter said.

But they will demand companies give a detailed explanation on a set of important matters, such as why it has or has not employed independent directors or adopted a company with a committee governance structure, the person said.

As such, the guidelines will effectively incorporate only the "explain" portion of the "comply or explain" regulatory approach common in Britain and other parts of Europe, the person said.

The move is an attempt by the conservative lobby to influence a growing debate in Japan over how to bolster corporate governance. Keidanren has traditionally opposed rules mandating independent directors and other reforms seen by some investors as vital to lifting Japan's corporate performance and protecting the interests of shareholders.

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party is working on a governance code that will be part of an economic growth strategy to be announced by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in June. The government also recently introduced a stewardship code aimed holding institutional investors more accountable and encouraging better communication with corporate boards.

The rules will be applied to all of Keidanren's roughly 1,300 members.

(Writing by Nathan Layne; Editing by Chris Gallagher)

2014年4月23日 星期三

Obama Says U.S. Is Obliged to Protect Japan in Sea Dispute 歐巴馬:釣島適用美日安保

Obama Says U.S. Is Obliged to Protect Japan in Sea Dispute

President Obama on Thursday offered security assurances to Japan, but he stopped short of siding with Tokyo over islands that are also claimed by China.歐巴馬:釣島適用美日安保

支持日本 行使集體自衛權

〔駐日特派員張茂森、國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕刻在日本訪問的美國總統歐巴馬稍早接受日媒訪問時表示, 「尖閣諸島(釣魚台列嶼)在美日安保條約第五條的適用範圍內」,為歷來首位公開表態釣魚台適用美日安保條約的美國總統,中方已經強烈反彈。此外,歐巴馬也 「全面支持」日本檢討解禁行使集體自衛權的問題。
  • 日本首相安倍晉三23日晚間在東京銀座的米其林三星名店「數寄屋橋次郎」,以高檔壽司款待來訪的美國總統歐巴馬。圖為日本政府發佈的新聞照片,安倍替歐巴馬倒酒。 (法新社) 日本首相安倍晉三23日晚間在東京銀座的米其林三星名店「數寄屋橋次郎」,以高檔壽司款待來訪的美國總統歐巴馬。圖為日本政府發佈的新聞照片,安倍替歐巴馬倒酒。 (法新社)
歐巴馬已於二十三日傍晚抵達東京,展開十八年來首次的國是訪問;上述發言是他行前接受日本《讀賣新聞》書面專訪時的談話。日本共同社報 導,歐巴馬還將於二十四日與日本首相安倍舉行高峰會時,正式確認釣魚台適用美日安保條約,並在聯合記者會上宣布,日本也會要求將之納入美日共同聲明。釣魚 台適用於美日安保條約本就是美國的一貫政策,但由美國總統親口說出,對日本而言意義重大。

中國強烈反彈 批美選邊站

但 中方對此強烈反彈,抨擊美國在釣魚台問題上選邊站。中國外交部發言人秦剛二十三日表示,美日同盟是在冷戰時期形成的雙邊安排,不應損害中國的領土主權與正 當權益,中方堅決反對把釣島做為美日安保條約的適用對象。秦剛要求美方應謹言慎行,恪守在有關領土主權問題上不選邊站的承諾。


歐 巴馬總統在讀賣專訪中指出,美國樂見一個穩定、繁榮與和平的中國持續崛起,並與之在包括經濟、北韓與氣候等具有共同利益的議題上合作,但美中交往沒有、也 不會犧牲美國與包括日本在內的其他盟國的關係;此外,美國也反對任何妨害日本管轄權的行動,以及反對中國在東海企圖以武力改變現狀。
在北韓 問題上,歐巴馬重申絕不接受北韓擁有核武,美日(南)韓將就朝鮮半島非核化的目標緊密合作。歐巴馬二十四日轉往南韓訪問。根據韓聯社二十三日報導,韓美情 報當局分析認為,北韓已做好隨時進行第四次核子試爆的準備,目前已經撤除咸鏡北道吉州郡豐溪里核試爆場部分坑道入口設置的遮光板,與去年第三次核試爆前的 情況類似。

2014年4月18日 星期五

The Patriot: Shinzo Abe Speaks to Time

The Patriot: Shinzo Abe Speaks to TIME

TIME International Magazine Cover, April 28, 2014
Photograph by Takashi Osato for TIME

Japan's Prime Minister spoke to TIME managing editor Nancy Gibbs and East Asia correspondent Hannah Beech on a wide range of topics, from his country's relationships with the U.S. and China to the lessons he took from his family's political past

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has a rare electoral mandate in a nation that has churned through six Premiers in just as many years. Called a brazen nationalist by some and a brave change agent by others, the 59-year-old Prime Minister — whose first term ended abruptly after a year in 2007 and who assumed office again in December 2012 — sat down at his Tokyo office on April 9 with TIME managing editor Nancy Gibbs and East Asia correspondent Hannah Beech to discuss patriotism, “Abenomics” and his controversial grandfather.
On Japan’s relations with the U.S.:
“To preserve the national interests of Japan, first of all, I’d like to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance. Japan became an ally of the U.S., whom it fought against in the past war. I think this alliance has largely contributed to the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region.”
On Japan’s relations with China:
“Because there is a problem that exists, the doors for communication between the two nations should not be closed. Japan always keeps our door for communication open. I’d like China to take the same attitude.”
On the territorial dispute with China over islands in the East China Sea:
“Japan considers the Senkaku Islands [known as the Diaoyu by China] as Japan’s inherent territory. Unfortunately, Chinese government vessels are repeatedly violating Japan’s territorial waters near the Senkaku. China has been acting the same [way] also in the South China Sea, and many ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nation] nations have strong concerns about [these maritime disputes].”
On Japan’s brutal wartime record and official Japanese apologies for it:
“In the previous war, Japan has given tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly those of Asia. Japan’s postwar era began based on this remorse. Previous Prime Ministers have expressed their feelings of remorse and apology. In my first administration, I also did so.”
On his visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine, where the enshrined war dead include convicted war criminals:
“I paid a visit to Yasukuni Shrine to pray for the souls of those who had fought for the country and made ultimate sacrifices. I have made a pledge never to wage war again, that we must build a world that is free from the sufferings of the devastation of war.”
On the 1993 Kono Statement that recognized the Japanese military’s sexual enslavement of Asian “comfort women,” which Abe indicated during the 2012 campaign he would like to revise:
“At the time of the first Abe administration, a Cabinet decision was made stating that there was no information that shows people were forcibly recruited. Lots of Japanese citizens did not hear that, and it may have not been recognized internationally. I had been saying in the election campaign that this Cabinet decision and the Kono Statement should be considered together. Because I have said this, lots of people are aware of this issue now. As for the Japanese government, we are not considering revising the Kono Statement.”
On patriotism and criticism:
“I am a patriot. I would think there are no politicians who are not patriots. Since I am a politician, I often get criticized, as I try to exercise what I believe to be right. However, if you mind such criticism, I think you can’t protect people’s lives.”
On lessons learned from his father, former Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe:
“I have learned that being a politician is not an easy job. My father was trying to make progress in the peace treaty with the Soviet Union. At that time he was suffering from last-stage cancer, but he visited Moscow in the bitter cold. I learned from my father that you may have to risk your own life to make such a historic accomplishment.”
On his maternal grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, a member of Japan’s wartime Cabinet who was locked up (but never charged) by the Allied powers and later became Prime Minister:
“If I try to make it correct, my grandfather was arrested but not prosecuted. [As Prime Minister], my grandfather amended the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. He faced severe criticism. He passed the treaty and resigned as Prime Minister at the same time. Those who were against [revamping the treaty] are now overwhelmingly for [it]. Unfortunately, politicians don’t get applause.”
On his paternal grandfather Kan Abe, a wartime legislator:
“He was one of the few Diet members who was against [wartime leader Hideki] Tojo’s Cabinet and Japan going to war with [the] U.S. I have learned from each family member that politicians sometimes have to make decisions all alone.”
On the need to revise the postwar pacifist constitution, which was written by the Americans and precludes Japan from possessing a normal military:
“It has been believed for a long time in Japan that things such as the constitution can never be changed. I say we should change our constitution now. The U.S. has amended its constitution six times, but Japan has done it zero times.”
On the state of the nation when he assumed power in December 2012:
“When I came to office, in terms of diplomacy and national security, as well as the economy, Japan was in a very severe situation.”
On his economic reform program, dubbed Abenomics:
“The economic policy that I am implementing now is a growth strategy, which includes radical financial relaxation, flexible monetary policy and encouragement of private investment. For a long time, we have been suffering from deflation. We haven’t overcome deflation yet, but the confidence of small and medium businesses has turned to positive after 21 years and 10 months.”
On the role of women in Japan:
“I often say to entrepreneurs: ‘If Lehman Brothers were Lehman Brothers & Sisters, it wouldn’t have gone into bankruptcy.’ Hillary Clinton says if Japan were to utilize women’s power more, Japan’s GDP would increase by 16%. We have decided that at least 30% of all new hires by our government should be female. We have requested at least one female board member in first-tier listed companies. She doesn’t have to be Japanese but could be a foreigner.”

2014年4月11日 星期五

Some News

Washington Post
Japan and South Korea can work together to wash away the pains of the past
Ogata Sadako is a former president of JapanInternational Cooperation Agency and was the United Nations high commissioner for refugees from 1991 ...
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Washington Post
AP Analysis: Japan anti-whaling ruling saves face
In a March 31 ruling, the International Court of Justice in The Hague ordered Japan to stop granting permits for its Antarctic whaling program, which ...
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Japan commissioner apologizes over livelier ball
Japanese baseball plans to re-test the ball and has asked ball manufacturer Mizuno to explain why the balls are livelier than what the league specified ...

2014年4月9日 星期三

日本 2014年資生堂最重視女性

福原義春Yoshiharu Fukuhara《文化打造極致創意》


   面向職業女性的月刊雜誌《日經女性》日前實施了「企業的女性有效使用情況調查」,匯總了2014年「日本女性活躍的企業排名前100名」列表。在該 排名錶中,資生堂居榜首。第2位是住友生命保險,第3位是日本IBM。7&I控股(第7位)及永旺(第9位)首次進入前10,流通産業的躍進也引 人注目。

  上述調查于1~2月以日本國內的4183家知名企業為對象,最終從499家企業獲得了回答。評分項目包括(1)有無女性董事等女性擔任管理職務的情 況,(2)工作與生活的平衡情況,(3)女性員工有效使用情況,(4)男女就業度等4項。首先分別評分,然後計算出總分。此項調查從《日經女性》創刊的 1988年開始不定期進行,本次是第12次調查。

  資生堂提出了提高「女性領導比例」的具體數值目標,希望將企業改造成女性可以兼顧育兒、照顧老人和職業進步的企業。企業內部大學「Ecole資生堂」 的網站上為女性準備了語言能力培養及管理學等約80種豐富的網上教程。女性管理人員比例已達26%(截至2013年10月)。



   面向职业女性的月刊杂志《日经女性》日前实施了“企业的女性有效使用情况调查”,汇总了2014年“日本女性活跃的企业排名前100名”列表。在该 排名表中,资生堂居榜首。第2位是住友生命保险,第3位是日本IBM。7&I控股(第7位)及永旺(第9位)首次进入前10,流通产业的跃进也引 人注目。

  上述调查于1~2月以日本国内的4183家知名企业为对象,最终从499家企业获得了回答。评分项目包括(1)有无女性董事等女性担任管理职务的情 况,(2)工作与生活的平衡情况,(3)女性员工有效使用情况,(4)男女就业度等4项。首先分别评分,然后计算出总分。此项调查从《日经女性》创刊的 1988年开始不定期进行,本次是第12次调查。

  资生堂提出了提高“女性领导比例”的具体数值目标,希望将企业改造成女性可以兼顾育儿、照顾老人和职业进步的企业。企业内部大学“Ecole资生堂” 的网站上为女性准备了语言能力培养及管理学等约80种丰富的网上教程。女性管理人员比例已达26%(截至2013年10月)。

ボイラー大手の三浦工業 miurazは、台湾にボイラーの新工場を建設する

三浦工業、台湾に新工場 省エネ型ボイラー生産
ボイラー大手の三浦工業は、台湾にボイラーの新工場を建設する。生産能力は台湾にある現工場の約2倍の規模で、2015年3月の生産開始を目指す。台湾では ...
 http://www.miuraz.co.jp/en/  英文
  • 製品カタログ一覧
  • 色々な場面で活躍するミウラの製品
  • Miura Movie 動画紹介
日経ビジネスオンラインSpecial IRディレクトリ2014に当社も参加しています。

2014年4月8日 星期二


2014年 04月 08日 07:53



這是日本首次和主要農業出口國達成一項貿易協議。在兩國經過七年談判之后,日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)和來訪的澳大利亞總理阿博特(Tony Abbott)達成了這份協議。




Mitsuru Obe