2021年7月24日 星期六

20 世紀日本人或 外國人的日本論、川端康成《日本的美與我》 (3次演講及沒後書......)。鈴木大拙《禅と日本文化》、鎌田慧『現代社会100面相 これだけは知ってほしい』、Donald Richie、Donald Keene的; Bruno Taut《日本美之再發現》;Ronald Barthe《符號帝國》(L'Empire des signes, 1970); Claude Lévi-Strauss 《月亮的另一面》;)尤瑟納爾(Marguerite Yourcenar)、《三島由紀夫,或空的幻景》


我想,20 世紀 外國人的日本論,或許更重要。



Zen and Japanese Culture (Bollingen Series) Paperback – September 13, 2010

対訳 禅と日本文化 - Zen and Japanese Culture

談"美しい日本"之兩進路:Bruno Taut 1880-1938)氏桂離宮等vs :川端康成《日本的美與我》(3次演講)及沒後書......

民國期的人物,如周作人或魯迅等的日本論,都有其洞識力。現在只談周作人的。他的見解,可以參考《知堂回想錄》或鍾叔河編的《知堂書話、翻譯的日本書,包括石川啄木 Ishikawa Takuboku。起碼是20 世紀上半葉日本論中最好

Katsura: Imperial Villa

by Yoshiharu Matsumura, Manfred Speidel Bruno Taut, Walter Gropius, Kenzo Tange, Francesco Dal Co, Arata Isozaki:桂離宮( Katsura Rikyū ):庭園內飛石之"真・行・草" 陶特、格罗皮乌斯、柯布与桂离宫

ブルーノ・タウト(Bruno Julius Florian Taut、1880年5月4日-1938年12月24日)は、ドイツの東プロイセン・ケーニヒスベルク生まれの建築家、都市計画家



The Films of Akira Kurosawa, Third Edition, Expanded and Updated Third Edition, With a New Epilogue 版本



ロラン・バルト(Roland Barthes、1915年11月12日 - 1980年3月26日)は、フランス哲学者記号学者批評家高等研究実習院(École pratique des hautes études)教授コレージュ・ド・フランス教授を歴任した。

    • 『表徴の帝国』宗左近訳、新潮社「創造の小径」 1974年/ちくま学芸文庫 1996年




The Other Face of the Moon Hardcover – 8 Feb. 2013

Gathering for the first time all of Claude Levi-Strauss's writings on Japanese civilization, The Other Face of the Moon forms a sustained meditation into the French anthropologist's dictum that to understand one's own culture, one must regard it from the point of view of another. Exposure to Japanese art was influential in Levi-Strauss's early intellectual growth, and between 1977 and 1988 he visited the country five times. The essays, lectures, and interviews of this volume, written between 1979 and 2001, are the product of these journeys. They investigate an astonishing range of subjects--among them Japan's founding myths, Noh and Kabuki theater, the distinctiveness of the Japanese musical scale, the artisanship of Jomon pottery, and the relationship between Japanese graphic arts and cuisine. For Levi-Strauss, Japan occupied a unique place among world cultures. Molded in the ancient past by Chinese influences, it had more recently incorporated much from Europe and the United States. But the substance of these borrowings was so carefully assimilated that Japanese culture never lost its specificity. As though viewed from the hidden side of the moon, Asia, Europe, and America all find, in Japan, images of themselves profoundly transformed. As in Levi-Strauss's classic ethnography Tristes Tropiques, this new English translation presents the voice of one of France's most public intellectuals at its most personal.



Marguerite Yourcenar,1903—1987)


