2019年11月3日 星期日

川端康成 《日本的美與我》喬炳南譯:一、月歌的桂冠;二,雪月花時最懷友。

 川端康成 《日本的美與我》喬炳南譯,諾貝爾獎的網站有 川端康成 1968年12月12日日本演講文稿 日文原版和英文翻譯

297 雪月花時最懷友 (續:295 喬炳南譯『美しい日本の私』) HC主講

295 喬炳南譯川端康成『美しい日本の私』(一、月歌的桂冠)  HC主講

川端康成 《日本的美與我》喬炳南譯,台北:臺灣商務,1970/1985 三版

現在諾貝爾獎的網站有 川端康成 1968年

川端康成 《日本的美與我》喬炳南譯,台北:臺灣商務,1970/1985 三版

我猜此篇為所有中文翻譯 (包括稍後的中國版)的原始參考版,所以最值得參考。

現在諾貝爾獎的網站有 川端康成 1968年12月12日日本演講文稿 日文原版和英文翻譯 (它與《日本的美與我》的附錄的英文版https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/1968/kawabata/lecture/

But when we come to the following poems of the Empress Eifuku, who lived at about the same time as Ikkyu, in the Muromachi Period, somewhat later than the Shinkokinshu, we have a subtle realism that becomes a melancholy symbolism, delicately Japanese, and seems to me more modern:
“Shining upon the bamboo thicket where the sparrows twitter,
The sunlight takes on the color of the autumn.”
“The autumn wind, scattering the bush clover in the garden,
sinks into one’s bones.
Upon the wall, the evening sun disappears.”


 But when we come to the following poems of the Empress Eifuku (1271~1342), from the late Kamakura and early Muromachi periods, somewhat later than the Shinkokinshu, we have a more subtle realism. It becomes a symbol of a  delicately Japanese melancholy symbolism,, and seems to me more modern:

“Shining upon the bamboo thicket where the sparrows twitter,
The sunlight takes on the color of the autumn.”

"The hagi* falls, the autumn wind is piercing, 
Upon the wall, the evening sun disappears.”



