2018年7月8日 星期日

日本的洪水繼續氾濫 死亡人數升至68


 Japan’s race against time.
More that three million people were told to evacuate to higher ground or shelters as flooding and landslides destroyed homes and killed at least 68 people by Sunday afternoon, with 56 more missing.
Japanese officials pleaded with residents to “take adequate actions and follow evacuation instructions” as forecasters predicted more rain.

At a meeting of an emergency disaster countermeasure task force the government set up on Sunday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said it's a race against time as many people are still missing, isolated or waiting to be rescued. He said the 54,000 people mobilized in the search and rescue operations must be flexible in responding to the changing situations.

Record rains and flooding have devastated parts of Japan, including the Okayama and Hiroshima prefectures. Over 50,000 rescue workers, police and military personnel have been mobilised in response to the disaster, which has killed at least 57 people.
Read full story: http://u.afp.com/oWuY

The death toll from heavy rains across a wide swath of western Japan rose to at least 50 by Saturday evening and about another 50 people remained missing, as downpours ...

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【即時頭條】日本的「歷史性」洪水繼續氾濫 死亡人數升至54
據日經報道,松下在岡山的一家攝影機生產廠停工,亞馬遜當地的配送中心也已歇業。NTT Docomo Inc.稱,從京都到廣島,多地手機信號都受到了影響。
另外,日本氣象廳稱千葉海岸週六晚上發生了6.0級地震。這次地震震動了東京的建築物,但政府表示眼下沒有發生海嘯的危險,當地媒體報道稱損害有限。(撰文:Yuji Nakamura、Takako Taniguchi、Kurumi Mori)
#日本關西洪水 #松下 #亞馬遜 #NTTDocomo #大發工業


