2017年9月12日 星期二

2017年日本皇室世界文化獎(Praemium Imperiale)

2017年日本皇室世界文化獎(Praemium Imperiale) 的得主
日本文化協會公佈了今年日本皇室世界文化獎(Praemium Imperiale)的得主,這一獎項堪稱藝術界的諾貝爾獎,將於10月18日頒發。得主分別為:俄羅斯美籍舞者米哈伊爾·巴雷什尼科夫(Mikhail Baryshnikov)、塞內加爾音樂人尤蘇·恩杜爾(Youssou N'Dour)、伊朗藝術家施林·奈沙(Shirin Neshat )、加納雕塑家艾爾·安納蘇伊(El Anatsui),還有西班牙建築師拉斐爾·莫尼奧(Rafael Moneo)。

日本文化协会公布了今年日本皇室世界文化奖(Praemium Imperiale)的得主,这一奖项堪称艺术界的诺贝尔奖,将于10月18日颁发。得主分别为:俄罗斯美籍舞者米哈伊尔·巴雷什尼科夫(Mikhail Baryshnikov)、塞内加尔音乐人尤苏·恩杜尔(Youssou N'Dour)、伊朗艺术家施林·奈沙(Shirin Neshat)、加纳雕塑家艾尔·安纳苏伊(El Anatsui),还有西班牙建筑师拉斐尔·莫尼奥(Rafael Moneo)。

Praemium Imperiale - Wikipedia


The Praemium Imperiale is an international art prize awarded since 1989 by the imperial family .... awards · Architecture awards · Sculpture awards · Theatre awards · Organizations based in Japan ·Recipients of the Praemium Imperiale.
First awarded‎: ‎1989
Awarded for‎: ‎"Outstanding contributions to the ...
Last awarded‎: ‎2016
Country‎: ‎Japan


The artist Shirin Neshat is among five recipients of the Japan Art Association’s Praemium Imperialeaward. CreditPascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

The dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov and the visual artist Shirin Neshat are among the five winners of this year’s prestigious Praemium Imperialeaward given by the Japan Art Association.
This award, for lifetime achievement, carries a prize of 15 million yen (approximately $137,000) and will be presented at a ceremony in Tokyo on Oct. 18. Each recipient is from a different country: In addition to Ms. Neshat of Iran and Mr. Baryshnikov, who is Russian American, the other winners are the Ghanaian sculptor El Anatsui, the Spanish architect Rafael Moneo and the Senegalese musician Youssou N’Dour.
All five artists are highly decorated in their fields. Ms. Neshat won the Silver Lion at the 2009 Venice Film Festival for “Women Without Men,” her film directorial debut. Mr. Moneo won the Pritzker Prize for architecture in 1996. Mr. Baryshnikov, one of the most celebrated dancers ever, leads the Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York.
The associated Grant for Young Artists, awarded to a nonprofit that encourages young people in the arts, was given to Zoukak Theater and Cultural Association, a Beirut-based theater collective led by Maya Zbib.
The Praemium Imperiale, given annually since 1989, aims to celebrate artistic fields not covered by the Nobel Prize in Literature (though Bob Dylan was the first musician to win it last year). Previous American recipients include Martin Scorsese, Frank Gehry and Cindy Sherman.
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