2012年12月3日 星期一

(Japan) National Statistics Center : Timeline

(Japan) National Statistics Center : Timeline

about the center

Timeline of Statistics in Japan

646 Laws governing the distribution of farmland, taxation, corvee, and trade established, first large-scale household census.
819 Survey and recording of living standards in the Kinai Region.
1582 Hideyoshi's Land Tax (--1598).
1591 "People Sweep" household census taken.
1721 Survey of Farmland and Population.
1726 Regional Population Census.
1750 Regional Population Census.
1870 Main Office of the pre-constitutional Meiji government (Dajokan Seiin) releases a report on "Table of Prefectural Produce" (Origin of "Statistics Day").
1871 Dajokan establishes Statistics Division.
1872 Nationwide Population Census based on the Family Register Law begins ."Shinmi Administration Tables" published. Dajokan establishes tabulation of topography section by establishing the branch section seiin.
Punching with Turtle Model hand-key method punching machine
Punching with Turtle Model
hand-key method punching machine
Seiin establishes Statistics Division. "Japan National Family Register Tables" published.
1875 Seiin abolishes the Statistics Division and establishes Tabulation Division No.5.
1877 Tabulation becomes under the control of the Research Bureau.
1879 Sugi Koji conducts the "Population Survey of the Province of Kai".
1881 Statistics Office established in the Dajokan. "Japanese National Population Tables" published.
1882 First "Statistical Yearbook" published.
1885 With the establishment of the Cabinet, the Statistics Office becomes the Cabinet Statistics Bureau.
1902 "Laws Governing the Population Census" promulgated.
1905 Establishment of occupational categories for use in population census.
Poster for the 1st Population Census
Poster for the 1st Population Census
Population census taken.
1920 The Cabinet Statistics Bureau and the Munitions Bureau merge. Census Office established within the Cabinet. First nationwide population census (October 1).
1924 Ministry of Home Affairs enacts the first labor survey.
1930 Tokyo hosts the 19th Session of the International Statistics Institute (ISI).
1931 Japan Statistical Society established.
1937 Cost of Living Index Data Survey begins.
1945 Census for this year skipped.
Labor Force Survey Poster
Labor Force Survey Poster
Labor Force Survey begins. Family Income and Expenditure Survey begins.
1947 With the promulgation of the Statistics Law (May 1) the Population Census becomes regulated. With the establishment of the Prime Minister's Agency, the Cabinet Statistics Bureau becomes the Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Agency.
First Establishment Census.
1948 First Housing Survey.
1949 With the establishment of the Prime Minister's Office, the data processing department, the Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Agency becomes the data processing department, the Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Office.
1950 Price Survey begins. First National Statistics Conference held in Tokyo.
1952 International standards established for economic statistics.
Unincorporated Enterprise Survey begins.
1953 Research Institute Survey (later the Survey of Science and Technology) begins.
1954 Internal Migration of Registered Residents Report (later the Internal Migration Reporting System) begins.
1956 First Employment Status Survey.
1959 First National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure.
Family Savings Survey begins.
1960 Tokyo hosts the 32nd Session of the International Statistics Institute (ISI).
Tabulation by computer
Tabulation by computer
BM 705 Electronic Data Processing Machine introduced.
1965 Optical mark reader used for compilation of the tenth Population Census.
1967 First National Survey of Prices.
1969 The grid-square statistics begin to compile.
1973 October 18 set as "Statistics Day".
Regional Infrastructure Survey begins.
1974 Emergency Survey of Prices in response to the first Oil Shock.
1976 First Survey of Time Use and Leisure Activities. Japan's System of Social and Demographic Statistics introduced.
1984 With the establishment of the Management and Coordination Agency, the Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Agency and the Office of the Director for Statistical Standards of the Administrative Management Agency are combined and reorganized to form the Statistics Bureau of the Management and Coordination Agency and the Statistics Center.
1987 Tokyo hosts the 46th Session of the International Statistics Institute (ISI).
1988 Revisions made to the "Statistics Law and Statistical Reports Coordination Law" including the expansion of provisions for data security.
1989 Statistical information database system (SISMAC) begins operation.
First Survey on Service Industries.
1991 Ceremony held commemorating the 120th year of the Statistics Bureau.
The Statistical Museum established.
1993 First Japan Land Survey.
1995 Income and Expenditure for Survey for One-Person Households begins.
1999 nformation network (SWAN) connects prefectures and municipalities.
2000 OCR standard questionnaires used in the 17th Population Census.
2001 With the reorganization of Japan's central government, the Statistics Bureau and the Statistics Center become part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC).
Statistics Information Exhibition (Statistics Plaza) opens in the Tokyo Tower Building.
Survey of Household Economy begins.
2003 Statistics Center reorganized into an incorporated administrative agency (April 1).
2007 The revised Statistics Law was enforced.


