2012年11月27日 星期二

聖誕老公公學校 表參道上的聖誕節

Japan school trains wannabe "Santa-sans"Share

TOKYO | Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:50am EST

(Reuters) - Magic tricks and straight answers are all part of being Santa in Japan - at least according to Tokyo's Santa Claus Academy, which trains St. Nicks in a country with little Christian tradition and a Christmas that's far more retail than religion.

On a recent weekend, 88 Santa wannabes packed the school in Tokyo's fashionable Roppongi district for a crash course in how to behave as "Santa-san," as the man in red is known in Japan.

"There are many children who don't believe in Santa Claus anymore," said Masaki Azuma, head of the school. "So I said to myself, 'Let's bring Santa Claus back.'"

The morning session began with Azuma training students in the mindset of being Santa Claus, such as not to reply to anything unless addressed as "Santa-san," along with teaching them magic tricks, which Azuma recommends as a good ice-breaker for often shy tots.

The rest of the session was devoted to answering the difficult questions that children have a habit of posing, such as "My house doesn't have a chimney and we also have a security system, so how will you be able to come in and deliver my present?"

The academy's answer is that Santa, whose job is to deliver presents no matter what, will find a way. Also, the home security system should recognize him and let him in.

After this, the students dressed in their Santa outfits to stroll streets in the busy Omotesando district, exchanging high fives with shoppers and occasionally stopping to pose for pictures.

"Not only were we able to attract attention, we also interacted and made each other's days," said Kazuko Iida, who visits local preschools and retirement homes during the Christmas season.

Despite nearing 70, Azuma has vowed to press on with his school, believing it has a key role to fulfill.

"Even as times change, Santa Claus is a figure that needs to live in the hearts of everyone," he said.

(Reporting by Kimiteru Tsuruta, editing by Elaine Lies)


表參道上的聖誕節 郭正佩/文  (20081223)


 莫約十月下旬開始,東京稍微能叫得出名字的建築物、主要街道、商家,就如排山倒海似掛上節慶燈飾,把街道照耀地彷如白日般明亮。(問題是本來其實已經很 亮了。)更了不起的是,這麼這麼掛著,居然可以一路從十月末,一路慶祝到隔年二月十四日西洋情人節。(說到「西洋」情人節氣氛,東京恐怕也可排名世界第 一。)











 雖然各地聖誕節大抵和商業運作都有那麼一點關係,東京的聖誕節,卻緊密地和聖誕節之後其實還有將近兩個月之久的情人節結合得天衣無縫。看來,如果不像情 人節一般,找個「義禮」情人,約在掛滿「讓情侶們進入聖誕心境」心形吊飾的澀谷忠犬八公雕像,然後一起逛逛表參道、到新宿星光步道散步,站在情人鐘下許 願、到東京巨蛋走過「能讓愛的氛圍出現」的雞尾酒街、然後在汐留廣場等待具有「讓戀人感情加溫魔力」的午夜奇蹟,沒有情人在身邊的人這個時候待在東京,還 真不知該怎麼過才好。


