2012年10月26日 星期五

Shigeru Yoshida 吉田 茂 Ken WatanabeNHKテレビ・ドラマ「負けて、勝つ 〜戦後を創った男・吉田茂」より. NHK総合テレビで2012年9月8日より放送の土曜ドラマスペシャル『負けて、勝つ ~戦後を創った男・吉田 ...

Makete katsu - sengo wo tsukutta otoko Yoshida Shigeru
NHKテレビ・ドラマ「負けて、勝つ 〜戦後を創った男・吉田茂」より. NHK総合テレビで2012年9月8日より放送の土曜ドラマスペシャル『負けて、勝つ ~戦後を創った男・吉田 ...



廣島——吉田茂(Shigeru Yoshida)這位溫文爾雅,愛抽雪茄煙的外交家,同時也是日本二戰後最傑出的首相之一,再次流行起來,這得益於在日本國家電視台播出的一部歷史電視劇,以及演員渡邊謙(Ken Watanabe)的精湛演技。

劇中有這樣一個鏡頭,吉田茂指向字母“GHQ”——駐日本盟軍總司令部(General Headquarters of the Allied Occupation of Japan)的縮寫——並把這幾個字母解讀為“快回家”(Go Home, Quickly)。
然而,儘管希望看到外國人離開,吉田茂還是能與道格拉斯·麥克阿瑟將軍(Douglas MacArthur)以及一連串從前的敵人密切合作。“吉田主義”(Yoshida Doctrine)強調經濟增長,在國家安全上則依賴美國,為他戰敗且名譽掃地的祖國,制定了一條現實主義的路徑,並最終取得了成功。他在政界的晚輩,也 可以從他實用主義的治國之道中獲益。
在日本稱為尖閣諸島,在中國則稱為釣魚島及其附屬島嶼,這些小島的所有權問題複雜,歷史和地理上的依據都並不明確。這兩個國家同處政治交接的敏感時 期,外交智慧要求雙方都保持克制。但在4月,頗具影響力的東京都知事石原慎太郎(Shintaro Ishihara),威脅要從私人擁有者手中購買這些爭議島嶼。他的挑釁迫使通常較為慎重的首相野田佳彥(Yoshihiko Noda)採取強硬立場,宣布國家政府將購買這些島嶼。
中國各地的抗議者們走上街頭,砸搶日系品牌汽車與財產,並使得北京的日本大使館滿地狼藉。值得慶幸的是,日本人還能夠保持冷靜。然而,這兩個亞洲大 國間的關係卻受到了巨大的傷害。兩國間的貿易,在去年達到了創紀錄的3450億美元,目前也已經受到了影響。學術會議和文化交流被取消。最近,數十家日本 學校已經取消了秋季對中國的考察訪問,兩國間的旅遊業也一落千丈。
許多日本民族主義者最熱衷攻擊的替罪羊是日本的憲法,特別是其中第九條,即永遠放棄以戰爭作為解決國際爭端的工具。我擔心,這一條款即將受到新一輪 的批評,即便和平在過去65年里所帶來的好處,遠遠大於其束縛。就連保守的吉田茂也會極力主張這一點。1947年,出於對共產主義蔓延的恐懼,美國的態度 出現了一次大轉變,企圖迫使日本再次武裝起來;而吉田茂則堅持憲法,讓他的國家專註於戰後重建,免於參與美國的戰爭。
此外,日本自衛隊實在難稱弱小。就軍費開支而言,日本實際上名列世界第六。儘管日本自己稱其在保護偏遠群島方面處於“弱勢”,國際法和外交手段迄今 已為該國帶來了極大好處。實際上,根據1982年的《聯合國海洋法公約》(Law of the Sea),其專屬經濟區,即一個國家享有特殊勘探和資源權利的地區,遠遠大於中國的相應區域。
日本的弱點源自其本身,作為一個21世紀的後工業社會,它無法以夠快的步伐進行改革。太多的政客們仍舊滔滔不絕地談論富足的20世紀70和80年 代,那時“日本可以說不”。但是那個時代不會回來,日本當時面臨的挑戰也不同於當前的形勢。耀武揚威對於這個迅速老齡化的社會來說意義不大。根據近期的人 口普查,日本有大約3000萬人年齡超過65歲,占日本總人口的24%。
日本有許多十分現實的問題需要解決,包括政治領袖像走馬燈一樣換來換去、社會成本日益提高、能源問題、工作環境僵化、移民政策停滯、基礎設施老化、 農村人口減少。然而日本苛刻、等級森嚴的體製為年輕人、女性和外國人提供的機會卻少之又少,而可能幫助日本的體制改變思維方式的,恰恰就是這些人。
中國政府取消了紀念中日邦交正常化40周年的活動,此舉十分令人遺憾。確定兩國之間的關係,讓這兩個國家既存在隔閡又相互聯繫的,不僅僅是過去一個 世紀的慘痛歷史,更不是最近的領土爭端。從7世紀早期採納中國的漢字、佛教和治國之道,到中日兩國1894年爆發戰爭的將近1300年時間裡,這兩個鄰國 一直能融洽相處,相得益彰。兩國可能很快就會恢復這種狀態,我們不能放棄這種希望。
納斯里娜·阿齊米(Nassrine Azimi)是日本廣島聯合國訓練研究所(United Nations Institute for Training and Research)的高級顧問。

Shigeru Yoshida (吉田 茂 Yoshida Shigeru?) (22 September 1878 – 20 October 1967) was a Japanese diplomat and politician who served as Prime Minister of Japan from 1946 to 1947 and from 1948 to 1954.


Early life

Yoshida was born in Yokosuka near Tokyo and educated at Tokyo Imperial University. He entered Japan's diplomatic corps in 1906 just after Japan's victory against Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. He was Japan's ambassador to Italy and the United Kingdom during the 1930s and finally retired from his last appointment as ambassador to London in 1938. Throughout the 1930s and before the war ended in the 1940s, Yoshida continued to participate in Japan's imperialist movement. After several months' imprisonment in 1945, he became one of Japan's key postwar leaders.

Prime ministership

Yoshida became the 45th prime minister on 22 May 1946. His pro-American and pro-British ideals and his knowledge of Western societies, gained through education and political work abroad are what made him the perfect candidate in the eyes of the postwar Allied occupation. He is de facto the last prime minister of the Empire of Japan, before it was abolished following the signing of the constitution.
After being replaced with Tetsu Katayama on 24 May 1947, he returned to the post as the 48th prime minister on 15 October 1948.


Yoshida's policies, emphasizing Japan's economic recovery and a reliance on United States military protection at the expense of independence in foreign affairs, became known as the Yoshida Doctrine and shaped Japanese foreign policy during the Cold War era and beyond.[1]
Under Yoshida's leadership, Japan began to rebuild its lost industrial infrastructure and placed a premium on unrestrained economic growth. Many of these concepts still impact Japan's political and economic policies. However, since the 1970s environmental movement, the bursting of Japan's economic bubble, and the end of the Cold War, Japan has been struggling to redefine its national goals. His administration openly encouraged a "3-S" policy—sports, screen, and sex, a change from the strict pre-war censorship of materials labeled obscene or immoral.
He was retained in three succeeding elections (49th: 16 February 1949; 50th: 30 October 1952; and 51st: 21 May 1953). Power slipped away as he was ousted on 10 December 1954, when he was replaced by Ichirō Hatoyama.
Yoshida retired from the Diet of Japan in 1963.

Later years

In 1967, Yoshida was baptized on his deathbed after hiding his Catholicism throughout most of his life. His funeral was held in St. Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo.
Yoshida's grandchildren are Princess Tomohito of Mikasa and Tarō Asō, a Japanese politician who served as the 92nd Prime Minister of Japan from 2008 to 2009.


From the corresponding article in the Japanese Wikipedia
  • Grand Cordon of the Order of the Chrysanthemum (29 April 1964)
  • Collar of the Order of the Chrysanthemum (20 October 1967; posthumous)

Selected works

Yoshida's published writings encompass 159 works in 307 publications in 6 languages; His work can be found in the collections of 5,754 libraries worldwide (as of 5 June 2001).[2]
The most widely held works by Yoshida include:
  • The Yoshida Memoirs: the Story of Japan in Crisis; 15 editions published between 1957 and 1983 in English and Japanese and held by 875 libraries worldwide.[2]
  • Japan's Decisive Century, 1867–1967; 1 edition published in 1967 in English and held by 650 libraries worldwide.[2]
  • Yoshida Shigeru: Last Meiji Man; 2 editions published in 2007 in English and held by 286 libraries worldwide.[2]
  • 日本を決定した百年; 7 editions published between 1967 and 2006 in 3 languages and held by 46 libraries worldwide.[2]
  • 大磯隨想; 5 editions published between 1962 and 1991 in Japanese and held by 34 libraries worldwide.[2]
  • 吉田茂書翰; 2 editions published in 1994 in Japanese and held by 31 libraries worldwide.[2]
  • 世界と日本; 3 editions published between 1963 and 1992 in Japanese and held by 26 libraries worldwide.[2]
  • Japan im Wiederaufstieg; die Yoshida Memoiren (German); 1 edition published in 1963 in German and held by 9 libraries worldwide.[2]



