2012年10月1日 星期一

日 中衝突的代價: 中國政府對日政策強中有變 手機等市場的打擊....慘烈



然而,北京沒有向載有重要日本客人豐田汽車集團(Tokyo sic)董事長的那架飛機頒發降落許可,藉此向東京傳達了一條並不那麼含蓄的訊息。不過,另外一些日本人參加了招待會,中日雙方代表也在位於紐約的聯合國總部展開了私下會談和公開爭論。
據日本報紙《朝日新聞》(Asahi Shimbun)報道,周五,日本出動了海上保安廳半數左右的巡邏艇,在東海的爭議島嶼周圍對為數眾多的中國巡邏船進行密切監視。中國稱這些爭議島嶼為釣魚島及其附屬島嶼,日本則稱之為尖閣諸島。
中國有80多座城市爆發了反日遊行,其中一些發生在市中心,一些在華日本汽車專賣行和電子產品工廠遭到了破壞。這些抗議活動表明中國領導層默許了民 族主義的發泄,部分是為了避免處於權力交接期的共產黨本身受到攻擊。按正規程序,權力交接將在中共第十八屆全國代表大會上進行,會議開始的日期目前已初定 為11月8號 。但是,這些抗議活動有可能把矛頭轉向中國政府本身,外交人員和分析人士稱。
胡舒立指出,在外國對華投資整體縮水的情況下,去年的日本對華投資仍然上升了16%。根據日本貿易振興機構(Japan External Trade Organization)的報告,去年日本對華投資為126億美元,對美投資則為147億美元。
隨着示威活動不斷升級,越來越多的跡象表明情況很可能失控。北京的幾個抗議者舉着標語,上面寫着“釣魚屬於中國,薄屬於人民。” 薄指的就是薄熙來,被罷黜的中國西部城市重慶市原市委書記。他已經培養起了一大批民粹主義擁護者,但卻在今年落馬,起因是他的妻子被控謀殺一位英國商業夥 伴。
首爾延世大學國際問題研究生院(Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies)助理教授約翰·德勒里(John DeLury)說,這些專家談到,應該利用“衝突”來給日本人上一課,因為日本人試圖攫取自古就屬於中國的領土,中國人絕不會接受這樣的行為。
中國駐東京大使館前外交官員任曉表示,中國的新領導層即將全面掌權,與此同時,日本明年的大選可能會產生一個立場保守的自民黨(Liberal Democratic Party)政府,以態度更加強硬的鷹派政客安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)為首。在這種情況下,緊張局勢的緩和看上去遙遙無期。
Bree Feng對本文有研究貢獻。

News Analysis

China Alters Its Strategy in Diplomatic Crisis With Japan


BEIJING — After allowing anti-Japanese demonstrations that threatened to spin out of control, China has reined them in and turned instead to hard-edged diplomacy over disputed islands in the East China Sea to lessen any potential damage the conflict might have inflicted on the nation’s softening economy and a delicate leadership transition.
With relations between the two Asian powers at a low point, China decided to go ahead with a scaled-back reception here on Thursday night to honor the 40th anniversary of the resumption of their diplomatic ties on Sept. 29, 1972. A member of the Politburo’s Standing Committee, Jia Qinglin, attended with several other Chinese officials.
But Beijing sent a not-so-subtle message to Tokyo by not granting clearance to the plane that would have brought in an important Japanese guest, the chairman of Toyota. Other Japanese attended the event, though, and at the United Nations in New York, the two sides met in private and sparred in public.
Around the disputed islands in the East China Sea, called the Diaoyu by the Chinese and the Senkaku by the Japanese, a large flotilla of Chinese patrol boats was being monitored Friday by about half of Japan’s fleet of coast guard cutters, the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported.
据日本报纸《朝日新闻》(Asahi Shimbun)报道,周五,日本出动了海上保安厅半数左右的巡逻艇,在东海的争议岛屿周围对为数众多的中国巡逻船进行密切监视。中国称这些争议岛屿为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿,日本则称之为尖阁诸岛。
The protests in more than 80 cities, including in urban centers where Japanese car dealerships and electronics plants were damaged, suggested that the Chinese leadership approved the outpouring of nationalism in part as insulation against criticism of the party itself during the transition of power that formally is scheduled to take place at the 18th Communist Party Congress, now set to begin on Nov. 8. But the protests threatened to turn against the Chinese government itself, diplomats and analysts said.
中国有80多座城市爆发了反日游行,其中一些发生在市中心,一些在华日 本汽车专卖行和电子产品工厂遭到了破坏。这些抗议活动表明中国领导层默许了民族主义的发泄,部分是为了避免处于权力交接期的共产党本身受到攻击。按正规程 序,权力交接将在中共第十八届全国代表大会上进行,会议开始的日期目前已初定为11月8号 。但是,这些抗议活动有可能把矛头转向中国政府本身,外交人员和分析人士称。
Even though China has overtaken Japan as the biggest economy in Asia, Beijing’s handling of the dispute, precipitated by the Japanese government’s decision to buy three of the islands from their private Japanese owners, highlighted the interdependence of the Chinese and Japanese economies, and the limitations on what the leadership could allow.
Notions of punishing Tokyo economically for buying the islands, whose status was left unclear after World War II, are unrealistic, said Hu Shuli, editor in chief of Caixin Media and one of China’s chief economic journalists. So many Chinese workers are employed at Japanese-owned companies, she said, that any escalation of tensions leading to a boycott of Japanese goods could lead to huge job losses.
This would be disastrous in an already shaky Chinese economy, Ms. Hu wrote in the Chinese magazine Century Weekly.
At a time when overall foreign investment in China is shrinking, Japan’s investment in China rose by 16 percent last year, Ms. Hu noted. The Japan External Trade Organization reported $12.6 billion of Japanese investment in China last year, compared with $14.7 billion in the United States.
胡舒立指出,在外国对华投资整体缩水的情况下,去年的日本对华投资仍然上升了16%。根据日本贸易振兴机构(Japan External Trade Organization)的报告,去年日本对华投资为126亿美元,对美投资则为147亿美元。
Not just China, but all of Asia, could face a serious economic downturn if Japanese investments in China were threatened, said Piao Guangji, a researcher at the China Academy of Social Sciences.
Exactly how the anti-Japanese protests were organized, and by whom, remained murky.
A rough chronology showed that immediately after the Japanese government announced it had bought the islands, protests began in Beijing and other cities. The protests then spread, reaching a peak on the anniversary of the Sept. 18, 1931, Mukden Incident, which led to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. After that, the protests were shut down.
It appeared that permission for the weeklong protests had been discussed at very high levels, said one foreign diplomat who had followed the events closely.
Analysts said the protests might have been used as a weapon by one party faction against another as part of the internal machinations over who would win positions on the Standing Committee, but precisely how those possibilities played out, if at all, was not clear.
Bold color photographs on the front pages of state-run newspapers, particularly of the protests outside the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, were evidence that senior leaders approved of the demonstrations, and suggested that, in some respects, they were even organized by the government, diplomats said.
Photographs of protests are rarely seen in the state-run news media, they noted. By running them, the government sent a message to the Chinese people that joining the demonstrations was acceptable, said a foreign diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with protocol.
Municipal workers in Beijing who normally guard local neighborhoods were called by their superiors at 4 a.m. on the day of one of the protests, directed to board buses that took them to the protest site outside the Japanese Embassy and provided with box lunches, one of the workers said. Their job was to provide security, alongside the police.
As the demonstrations grew in intensity, there were increasing signs that they might get out of control. Several protesters in Beijing carried signs saying “Diaoyu belongs to China, Bo belongs to the people.” That was a reference to Bo Xilai, the disgraced former Communist Party boss of the western city of Chongqing, who had developed a populist following before he fell from power this year after his wife was accused of murdering a British business associate.
随着示威活动不断升级,越来越多的迹象表明情况很可能失控。北京的几个 抗议者举着标语,上面写着“钓鱼属于中国,薄属于人民。” 薄指的就是薄熙来,被罢黜的中国西部城市重庆市原市委书记。他已经培养起了一大批民粹主义拥护者,但却在今年落马,起因是他的妻子被控谋杀一位英国商业伙 伴。
Those signs were quietly removed from the hands of the protesters by plainclothes security men stationed around the crowd, said a person who watched one of the protests outside the Japanese Embassy.
A few placards bearing portraits of the late Chinese leader Mao Zedong stood out among the Chinese flags carried by most of the demonstrators. A protester in the southern city of Shenzhen was heard on television shouting, “Down with Communism!”
The end of the protests, however, did not mean the end of the fury against Japan.
At a meeting in Beijing this month, Western academics were taken aback by the depth of hostility toward Japan among Chinese foreign policy experts.
There was talk of “conflict” to teach Japan a lesson, said John DeLury, an assistant professor at Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies in Seoul, for making what the Chinese see as an unacceptable grab of territory that historically has belonged to them.
首尔延世大学国际问题研究生院(Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies)助理教授约翰·德勒里(John DeLury)说,这些专家谈到,应该利用“冲突”来给日本人上一课,因为日本人试图攫取自古就属于中国的领土,中国人绝不会接受这样的行为。
With the new leadership in Beijing set to assume full control soon, even as Japan may turn to a conservative Liberal Democratic government under the more hawkish Shinzo Abe in elections next year, a reduction in tensions looks remote, said Ren Xiao, a former Chinese diplomat who served at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo.
中国驻东京大使馆前外交官员任晓表示,中国的新领导层即将全面掌权,与 此同时,日本明年的大选可能会产生一个立场保守的自民党(Liberal Democratic Party)政府,以态度更加强硬的鹰派政客安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)为首。在这种情况下,紧张局势的缓和看上去遥遥无期。
“I think it will be less likely for the new Chinese leadership to make concessions,” said Mr. Ren, now a professor of international politics at Fudan University in Shanghai. “The same goes for a possible Liberal Democratic Party government in Japan. That’s why I am very worried about the Sino-Japanese relationship.”
Bree Feng contributed research.
Bree Feng对本文有研究贡献。

Japan Auto Makers Count the Cost of China Spat
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Wall Street Journal (blog)
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Storm speeds out of Japan after injuring dozens
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Geopolitics, resources put maritime disputes back on map
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Japan Auto Sales Drop for First Time in 13 Months
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Wall Street Journal
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ABC News
Minister: Japan Must Quickly Phase out Nuke Energy
ABC News
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Typhoon Jelawat roars over Japan's island of Okinawa
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Japan tech stocks plummet
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US urges calm in China-Japan and Japan-Korea islands disputes, but won't ...
Washington Post
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As Apple and Samsung dominate, Japan's tech giants are in a free fall
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Explosion at Japan chemical plant kills 1, dozens injured
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Japan Buys More Oil for Power Stations on Idled Atomic Units
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Japan's Next Cabinet: Reformist, Bipartisan
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Wall Street Journal (blog)
SKorea: Japan must educate people on colonial past
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Now for Japan's Big Bazooka
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Japan to import 30 percent less Iran crude for rest of 2012: PAJ chief
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Japan Minister Says Nationalization Needed to Phase Out Nuclear
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Japan hangs cult leader convicted in exorcism deaths
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