2012年8月17日 星期五

日本強日本弱/ 「海の健全度指数」、日本は11位 

「海の健全度指数」、日本は11位 国際環境NGO発表


 世界人口の4割以上が沿岸部に住み、人口増で海への依存が高まるとの見通しを念頭に、171の国・地域の海について「持続可能な漁業」や「海岸の保 全」、「水の清浄度」など10の目標を100点満点で採点。世界の海の状態を総合評価し、政策決定に役立ててもらう初の試みで、点数が高いほど海洋資源を 持続可能な形で活用していることになるという。世界全体の総合点は60点だった。

Ocean Health Index Estimates World’s Oceans Score 60 out of 100

Sunset in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. This area of the Pacific is often called the "global epicenter of marine biodiversity"; it also provides fish for millions of people.
Sunset in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. This area of the Pacific is often called the “global epicenter of marine biodiversity.” It’s also the life support system of the people of West Papua, providing a significant source of protein, jobs in marine tourism, and coastal protection from storms and tsunamis. (© CI/photo by Sterling Zumbrunn)
The London Olympics captivated the world over the last few weeks, as we watched our home countries’ competitors achieve new heights in athletic prowess. As a society, we celebrate their performances and encourage them to get even better in the future. My question is: What if this sort of ambition carried over into other aspects of society?
Consider the oceans — the world’s largest resource. The oceans provide us with ample seafood, coastal protection, cultural identity, livelihoods and a host of other benefits, yet so far we have not prioritized their protection. With 7 billion people on the planet, almost half of whom live close to the coast, securing sustainable benefits from the ocean is not only a moral imperative, it’s a matter of long-term survival for people and societies.
In the past, the lack of a comprehensive and clear measurement of ocean health has been a major factor preventing progress. In order to fill this gap, this week we are launching the Ocean Health Index, a collaboration between 65 of the world’s leading ocean experts, including scientists from CI, the National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at University of California, University of British Columbia, the National Geographic Society and the New England Aquarium.
The Ocean Health Index is the first-ever comprehensive global measurement of marine health that includes people as a critical part of the ocean ecosystem. It scientifically scores the sustainability of 10 “goals,” or benefits people expect from the oceans, to generate an objective snapshot of the overall health of the oceans, as well as the marine areas controlled by each coastal country.
So what is the global score for the state of the world’s oceans? A meager 60 (out of a top score of 100). This low score highlights how far we are from where we need to be to ensure the oceans can continue to provide the benefits we depend upon in the future.
CI’s marine programs improve ocean health in several ways. Over the coming months, my colleagues and I will share with you inspiring stories of success and highlight how the work of CI and our partners in government, business and civil society organizations advance ocean health through initiatives like:
The Ocean Health Index offers the world’s governments, businesses and communities the opportunity to measure our progress; to adapt our strategies and approaches; to improve our performance. It also allows CI and our many partners to be faster, stronger and achieve more, just like the Olympic athletes we so admire. Hopefully the Ocean Health Index will also stimulate sound competition among countries to become champions for ocean health and continuously strive to improve their scores.
Sebastian Troeng
Sebastian Troeng
Advancing ocean health is a team sport. In order to restore healthy ocean ecosystems and safeguard benefits for people whom depend on them for their well-being and survival, we all need to play our part.

就 「就職活動」苦

 日本當前的疲弱根植於其傳統優勢──專守“monozukuri”(即製造的藝術)﹐專注於硬件的改進。這一理念是日本民族自豪感的來源﹐它推動該國的電 子公司竭力生產常常是世界上最薄最小的產品或是推出其他漸進的技術進步﹐但是它們忽視了人們真正關心的因素﹐例如產品的設計和使用的便利度。


今年6月份﹐津賀一宏(Kazuhiro Tsuga)在接任松下總裁的新聞發佈會上說道:日本企業對自


Daisuke Wakabayashi

告別「日本第一」傳奇 大國墜落 
高素質人民 縱容出最無能政客與政府
        遠見雜誌20123月號 第309

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甚或某業界(如電子代工或成衣界) 出個所謂的「成吉思汗」等,我們無法要求其國人多向其看齊。



