2012年8月3日 星期五

TEPCO, 1 trillion yen ($12.8 billion) bailout 質疑日本政府厚東京電力薄災 民等/ 水災/ 「國民生活第一黨」

Japan Nuclear Disaster Probe: TEPCO Gets $12.8 Billion Crisis Bailout
Huffington Post
ONAGAWA, Japan -- The Japanese operator of the nuclear power plant devastated in last year's disasters received a 1 trillion yen ($12.8 billion) bailout Tuesday, putting it under government ownership, while international experts visited another plant that ...

Heavy Rains Pound Southern Japan, 250000 Evacuated
Wall Street Journal
Heavy rains that have triggered floods and mudslides in the southern part of Japan over the past few days continued to soak the region, prompting local governments to order hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate.
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A Simple Question for Japan's Leaders
Huffington Post
A simple question follows: If the Japanese government can provide billions of dollars to bail out the shareholders and executives of TEPCO, why are Japan's leaders so unwilling to help the innocent victims of the failed Fukushima nuclear plant?
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Barriers Fail to Stop Japan's Anti-Nuclear Demonstrators
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Police cordons and closed subway exits didn't stop Japanese protesters from carrying on a nearly four-month tradition of holding Friday-night anti-nuclear demonstrations in front of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's residence in Tokyo.
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Wall Street Journal (blog)
Nuclear tragedy in Japan shows need for safety upgrades
Boston Globe
The nuclear tragedy in Japan shows the urgent need for reactors in the US to improve their waste storage facilities, writes Bettina Fest.
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Record Rains Leave 22 Dead in Southwest Japan Landslides
Record rains in southwestern Japan triggered landslides and flooding that killed at least 22 people, forced almost a quarter of a million to evacuate and disrupted transportation on the southern main island of Kyushu.
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Japan's FujiFilm Sues Motorola Over Phone Patents
Japan's FujiFilm is suing Google's Motorola Mobility subsidiary over four patents associated with digital camera and photo technology in cellphones.
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Nuclear "Regulatory Capture" -- A Global Pattern
Huffington Post (blog)
The conclusion of a report of a Japanese parliamentary panel issued last week that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster was rooted in government-industry "collusion" and thus was "man-made" is mirrored throughout the world.
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400000 to evacuate Japan deluge
Tokyo: About 400000 people were ordered or advised to leave their homes in southwest Japan on Saturday as heavy rain pounded the area for a third day leaving 29 dead or missing, officials and media said. The Japan Meteorological Agency warned of ...
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Heavy Rains Trigger Flash Floods, Mudslides in Japan
Record rainfall in Japan has produced mudslides and flash floods leaving 20 dead and many missing....
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Japan Paralympian seeks to change perceptions with nude calendar
CBS News
Amputee track and field athlete Maya Nakanishi hopes nude calendar notoriety shines light on disabled sport.
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小澤組新黨 全面槓上野田內閣

從民主黨出走的小澤一郎(中),十一日宣布成立新的政黨「國民生活第一黨」。 (法新社)
〔駐 日特派員張茂森/東京十一日報導〕經日本執政黨民主黨開除黨籍的前黨魁小澤一郎十一日下午在東京憲政紀念館成立新的政黨,黨名取為「國民生活第一黨」,自 民主黨脫離而參加小澤新黨的共有四十九人,包括眾議員三十七人,參議員十二人,小澤出任首任黨魁,以「反增稅」、「反核電」為創黨精神,全面和野田內閣對 抗。
主打反核反增稅 民主黨西瓜派觀望中
小 澤的新政黨將在下次大選時打出「反增稅」的口號,期待集結國內反增稅勢力擴張黨勢,對此,以「減稅日本」為訴求的名古屋市長與「日本第一愛知會」的愛知縣 知事大村秀章已和小澤取得一定程度的默契,但準備成立新黨的東京都知事石原慎太郎與目前在日本國內具高度人氣的大阪市長橋下徹(大阪維新會)對與小澤一郎 的合作均表示否定看法。
對 於小澤的新黨,各種民調的結果都顯示,「無法期待」的比率都超過八成以上,小澤的新黨的前途其實相當嚴峻,但野田首相的民主黨內閣也因為小澤系人馬的大舉 脫黨,在內閣運作上也極為悲觀,在下院僅剩兩百五十席,以些微的十一席差距過半,因此今年內解散國會舉行大選的機率也相對升高。


