2012年7月14日 星期六

暴雨淹九州 日40萬人大撤離/ Waterfall-like rain eases in Japan, but 28 dead




250000 Return After Floods in Japan
New York Times
A quarter of a million evacuees began to return home on Monday after a letup in torrential rains over the weekend that killed at least 27 people in southern and western Japan.
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Waterfall-like rain eases in Japan, but 28 dead
Atlanta Journal Constitution
TOKYO — Most of the quarter-million people who fled massive flooding in southwest Japan were able to return home by Monday, but the danger had not fully passed from record rains that have killed at least 28 people.
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Atlanta Journal Constitution
Thousands remain cut off after Japan floods
Officials say at least 28 people have died and thousands of others remain cut off by floods and mudslides triggered by torrential rains.
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Floods in Japan kill 26, thousands remain cut off
San Francisco Chronicle
More than 3000 people were left stranded in Yame, in Fukuoka Prefecture in southwestern Japan, where roads were cut off to seven districts, the Kyodo news agency reported, citing local authorities. Local officials raised the death toll from the ...
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San Francisco Chronicle
Waterfall-like rain eases in southwest Japan, but 28 dead, thousands of homes ...
Washington Post
TOKYO — Most of the quarter-million people forced to flee massive flooding in southwest Japan were able to return home by Monday, but weather officials warned the danger had not fully passed from the record rainfall that left at least 27 people dead ...
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Japan Begins Cleanup After Record Rains, Flooding
Voice of America (blog)
Residents of southwestern Japan are returning home after four days of record rainfall that caused massive flooding. Hundreds of thousands of people on the island of Kyushu began to clean up Monday, as the death toll from flooding and landslides reached ...
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Record Rains Leave 28 Dead, 4 Missing in South Japan Floods
Police in southwestern Japan are searching for four missing people after record rains triggered landslides and flooding that killed 28 and forced almost a quarter of a million to evacuate, Asahi newspaper reported today.
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Floods in Japan leave thousands in distress
San Jose Mercury News
July 16, 2012 5:20 AM GMTUpdated: 07/15/2012 10:19:30 PM PDT. TOKYO (AP) -- Thousands of people in southern Japan remained cut off Sunday by floods and mudslides triggered by torrential rains that have killed at least 26 people, local authorities said.
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Tens of thousands join Nobel laureate in demanding end to nuclear power
Washington Post
TOKYO — Tens of thousands of people rallied at a Tokyo park Monday demanding that Japan abandon nuclear power as the country prepares to restart another reactor shut down after last year's tsunami-generated meltdown at the Fukushima power plant.
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Japan Calls Back Its Envoy From China in Sea Spat
Wall Street Journal
Japan summoned its ambassador from Beijing, in what appeared to be a protest at Chinese vessels' recent entry into waters around islands claimed by both countries.
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Wall Street Journal



72歳、濁流に耐えた4時間 電柱が命綱 福岡・柳川


柳川市はヘリコプターの出動を検討したが、現場の条件が悪く、ゴムボートでの救出に変更。手こぎボートを出したが流れが激しくて、なかなか近づけない。 消防隊員は拡声機で何度も「大丈夫ですか」「助けに行きますよ」と呼びかけた。新開さんも返事をするが、濁流の轟音(ごうおん)にかき消された。消防隊員 がやっとボートで接近し、新開さんに救命胴衣を届けた。
新開さんは大きなけがもなく、無事だった。隊員の呼びかけに、疲れた表情ながら「ありがとうございます」「大丈夫です」と何度も繰り返した。「川の近く を走っていて、危ないと思って車を止めたとたん、急に前から水が来て、流されてしまった」。びしょぬれのパジャマ姿で新開さんは語った。

暴雨淹九州 日40萬人大撤離

連三天的豪雨導致日本九州福岡縣柳川市的矢部川堤防崩塌,河水灌入市內,圖為柳川市一處住宅區十四日已變成一片汪洋。 (路透)
〔編 譯張沛元/綜合十四日外電報導〕日本九州北部十四日早上仍受梅雨鋒面影響降下豪雨,當局已下令與呼籲北九州四縣共約四十萬人撤離家園疏散避難,日本氣象廳 則警告自十五日起仍可能會有局部暴雨,以及可能帶來土石流災情。截至目前為止,這波始於十二日的梅雨鋒面已造成二十二人死亡,另有八人下落不明。
當 局十四日下令與建議九州北部的福岡、大分、熊本與佐賀四縣共四十萬人疏散,截至當地時間十四日晚間八時(台灣時間同日晚間七時),已有約二十九萬人疏散。 被下令或建議疏散的四十萬人中,約二十六萬人是被下令疏散,光是福岡縣一地就有將近八萬人被下令撤離,另有近十四萬人為建議疏散到設在學校或公家單位的避 難所。
九州北部十四日仍遭受間歇性 豪雨侵襲,各地頻傳房屋淹水與土石流災情,日本氣象廳預告說,九州局部地區每小時降雨量可高達八十毫米。福岡縣柳川市矢部川堤防有三十公尺崩塌,導致河水 倒灌進入市內;同縣八女市星野川因土沙流入河中形成堰塞湖以致下游民眾被要求撤離。此外,大分縣中津市的山國川氾濫成災,水位一度漲至河岸旁一家得來速餐 廳的屋頂;該縣日田市的花月川決堤,裂口長達四十公尺,筑後川也發生駕駛連人帶車跌落河川中的意外。


