2012年7月30日 星期一

「国会包囲」「紫陽花革命」擴大╱日反核示威 今包圍國會大廈/ 反核17萬人上街頭抗議示威/ Alert

「紫陽花革命」擴大╱日反核示威 今包圍國會大廈

山口縣知事選舉 形同反核公投
〔編 譯俞智敏/綜合報導〕在福島核災後聲勢日益壯大的日本反核陣營二十九日將面臨兩場重大考驗,其一是山口縣知事選舉,這場原本不受全國性媒體重視的地方選舉 因為知名反核人士飯田哲也參選而突然廣受矚目,其二則是反核示威群眾將組成人鏈包圍東京國會大廈,可能重現一九六○年代日本反美日安保條約的龐大示威場 面。
儘 管東京初夏天候潮濕悶熱,參加示威的群眾卻一週比一週更多,本月十六日在代代木公園的大示威更引來了十七萬人扶老攜幼參加。據主辦單位表示,二十九日的大 示威將請民眾共組人鏈包圍國會大廈,表達堅定的反核決心。先前幾次示威的目標都是國會大廈對街的首相官邸,但此次示威則把矛頭對準了國會,也就是「日本政 治的核心」。日本主流政壇至今無人公開表態支持反核。
日 本雖有不少反核人士在各地參加地方性選舉試水溫,大多數飲恨敗北。但反核陣營認為,這次飯田哲也可望在山口縣知事選舉中突圍。飯田過去曾任職核能產業,後 來卻成立另類能源智庫「環境能源政策研究所」,成為知名反核運動人士。他在此次選舉中主打政策為停建山口縣的上關核電廠,更希望日本能在二○三○年前完全 廢核。
地處偏遠、民風保守的山口縣向為自民黨鐵票倉,然而民調卻顯示毫無從政經驗、亦無政黨背書的飯田支持度迅速上升,讓代表自民黨參選的 前國土交通省官員、象徵保守舊勢力的山本繁太郎備感壓力。這場選舉形同對日本核能未來的一場非正式公投,若飯田在選舉中表現優異,甚至奪下知事寶座,將讓 首相野田佳彥所謂反核運動不能代表日本沉默大眾看法的說詞不攻自破。

国会を取り囲む「脱原発」の灯 歩道沿い1.5キロ


 脱原発の実現に向けて、国に圧力をかけようと「7・29脱原発 国会大包囲」と題した抗議行動が29日あり、多くの人がロウソクやペンライトを手に国会 議事堂を取り囲んだ。関西電力の大飯原発の再稼働に反対して、首相官邸前で毎週、抗議を続けてきた市民グループの連携組織「首都圏反原発連合」が呼びかけ た。

Ex-Japan PM joins anti-nuclear demo outside PM's office
TOKYO (Reuters) - In a rare move by a former Japanese prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama joined a boisterous anti-nuclear demonstration outside his old office on Friday, a fresh sign that the ruling party he once led is fracturing over energy and other policies.

Japan Seeks to Criminalize Underwriters on Insider Breaches
The Democratic Party of Japan's 15-member working group, led by former Morgan Stanley (MS) (MS) managing director Tsutomu Okubo, discussed the draft today and will submit a final version to the party by July 31, said Kazuya Kondo, a member of the ...
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Sexist Soccer? Japan's World Cup Women Fly Economy; Men Relax in Business
Wall Street Journal (blog)
A whole nation celebrated when the Japanese women's soccer squad won the World Cup last year. But hopes that the surprise victory would change attitudes toward women playing the beautiful game in Japan appear to have been premature.
Wall Street Journal (blog)

Olympians Complain of Gender Discrimination
ABC News
Sports governing bodies from Japan and Australia are under fire after complaints that male Olympic athletes flew business class to the London Games, while the women sat in the cheap seats. Japan's world champion women's football team took exception to ...
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Tokyo's efforts to restore trust in nuclear power hit new snag
TOKYO, July 20 (Reuters) - Japan's government suffered a fresh setback on Friday in its efforts to restore trust in nuclear power, shattered by the Fukushima crisis, when media leaks forced it to delay nominating candidates for a new atomic safety watchdog.

Nikkei dips as Japan focuses on weak US data
Nikkei eases 0.3 pct, Topix falls 0.8 pct * Trading volume light * Toshiba advances after SanDisk earnings beat By Dominic Lau TOKYO, July 20 (Reuters) - The Nikkei share average slipped on Friday as weak U.S. economic data raised concerns over the ...

TEXT-Fitch cuts Japan's major bank groups to 'A-'; outlook stable
July 20 - Fitch Ratings has downgraded the Long-Term Foreign and Local Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) of the major Japanese banking groups (Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG), Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (MHFG), Sumitomo Mitsui ...

Japan condemns Indian car plant violence
New York Daily News
Japan has condemned violence at a Maruti Suzuki car plant near New Delhi that claimed the life of an executive and left over 80 employees including two Japanese injured. In a statement Thursday, the embassy of Japan in India said it "strongly deplores the ...

Japan short rule makes $2.2 bln ANA offering hard sell overseas
Japan version of Regulation M hits overseas demand for ANA deal. * ANA drops overseas allocation to 13 pct from 30 pct, lifts domestic to 87 pct. * Japan firms will need to offer larger discount in future deals-fund manager. By Emi Emoto and Nathan Layne ...
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Japan to restart second reactor amid faultline concerns

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will on Wednesday restart its second nuclear reactor after the Fukushima crisis closed the nation's atomic power plants, even as fresh concerns surfaced about the unit's positioning.
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Japan utility takes out 2 Fukushima nuke fuel rods

TOKYO (AP) — A giant crane removed two rods packed with nuclear fuel from the Fukushima nuclear plant on Wednesday, the beginning of a delicate and long process to deal with a remaining risk of more radiation escaping from the disaster-struck plant.
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Safety first: Japan and its nuclear industry ignored a key value

Pittsburgh Post Gazette
In March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan killed 15000 people and inflicted billions of dollars in damage. It was one of the greatest disasters in modern Japanese history. Another casualty of that dark day was Japanese confidence ...
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Fukushima Radiation May Cause 1300 Cancer Deaths, Study Finds

... Radiation Effects Research Foundation. “Their best estimate of 130 cancer deaths in Japan would be lost in the background wash of the hundreds of thousands of cancer deaths that would be occurring in the million or so people in the population ...
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Japanese, Korean Banks Face Scrutiny Over Interest Rates

Japan's banking lobby said it may review lenders' interest-rate submissions and South Korean regulators started a probe into possible collusion in money markets, amid widening global scrutiny of key lending rates following the Libor scandal in the U.K..
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Japan's Sumitomo Said in Talks With Turkey to Expand Bank

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. (8316), Japan's second-largest bank by market value, is in talks to expand in Turkey as an accelerating economy stokes demand for bank services, two people familiar with the situation said.
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EU pushes trade deal with Japan in hunt for growth

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union's trade chief called on Europe on Wednesday to start talks on an ambitious trade deal with Japan despite opposition from carmakers, saying that overlooking one of.
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The Japan-China Territorial Dispute is Serious, and Escalating

Japan seems compelled to force the issue with China, while China would very likely be satisfied to live with the status quo, as long as Japan would acknowledge that it too has a claim on the islands and surrounding area. Nothing so positive seems ...
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Japan Bank Lobby to Consider Review of Tibor Reference Banks

The Japanese Bankers Association is considering a review of as many as 16 banks to confirm that they are following the lobbying group's guidelines for submitting yen-denominated Tokyo interbank offered rates.
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Japan reviews nuclear plant sites as faultline worries mount


TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is reviewing seismological data on nuclear plants, the trade minister said on Tuesday, as fears mount over the danger from earthquakes after media reports that a second plant in.

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Japan Utilities Drop on Nuke Safety Concern: Tokyo Mover


Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501) led declines among Japan's utilities after Nikkei news report that a tariff increase will be less than anticipated amid escalating opposition to the country's plans for restarting nuclear reactors and reorganizing the ...

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Nuclear issue puts increasing pressure on Japan government


TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's government came under fire on Tuesday over its handling of public hearings on nuclear energy policy, threatening to dent already sagging support for the ruling party ahead of.

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Japan Feels a North Asia Squeeze

Wall Street Journal

In The Wall Street Journal, Michael Auslin writes that as U.S. naval power wanes, an ally faces territorial claims from Russia and China.

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Wall Street Journal

Japan reels from massive flooding

Washington Post

The record-shattering rains and subsequent flooding that punished southern Japan over the weekend are finally subsiding.

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Beach reopens near Fukushima, epicenter of Japan's post-tsunami nuclear crisis

CBS News

Officials reopen beach in Fukushima prefecture as radioactivity dwindles, but thousands still demanding Japan abandon nuclear power.

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CBS News

Japan floods: Videos, images from the rescue effort

Washington Post (blog)

Scenes from across Kyushu Island in southern Japan following the weekend's torrential rains and subsequent flooding.

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Japanese anti-nuclear demonstrations grow

Washington Post

More than a year after the biggest nuclear crisis in a quarter century, Japanese demonstrations against atomic power are beginning to generate serious steam.

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Tens of thousands rally in Japan to end nuke power


Tens of thousands rally for Japan to abandon nuclear power as 2nd reactor set to restart.

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Japan, Australia Stock Futures Little Changed


Japanese and Australian stock futures were little changed after U.S. retail sales dropped and the yen rose to a one-month high against the dollar, offsetting investor optimism that China may take further steps to boost its economy amid a global slowdown.

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由於日本政府先前曾在5月5日時,宣布日本即將迎接無核電的夏天,但後來發現供電情況並未如預期,因此日本政府決定要重啟關西核電場,因應夏日供電的不 足。但對於日本政府反反覆覆的決定,引起日本民眾不滿,已有多次民眾上街遊行抗議,還曾在6月29日,數萬名日本民眾包圍日本首相位於東京的官邸。

此次遊行示威活動位在東京澀谷區的代代木公園街道上,群眾齊呼喊「反對重啟核電廠」、「首相野田佳彥應該下台」等口號。一位核災後從福島跑來東京避難的 老先生說,政府在補償金的發放以及如何消除放射性汙染,這兩方面並無任何進展,讓他感到相當生氣,而且福島核電廠事故並未完全解決,希望藉此活動,把抗議 訴求傳給更多人知道。

這場示威遊行的策劃者表示,預估參加人數約為17萬人,這是近來反核遊行中,規模最大的反核集會之一。告別核電 日本17萬人再上街反核




救救孩子 我們不要核電

儘管當天東京高 溫33度,來自日本各地的反核民眾,還是在日正當中來到東京代代木公園,參加這場由作家大江健三郎,音樂家?本龍一等名人所發起的告別核電大遊行。

==作曲家兼音樂家 ?本龍一==


示威民眾的人數主辦單位宣稱有17萬人,日本警視廳則說是7萬5千人。但是日本媒體普遍認為,這是東京近來規模最大的一場反核示威。反核人士還預定在29 號包圍國會抗議。日本在7月初,重啟了大飯核電站3號機組,4號機組則在進行重啟前的準備,預計25號也將進入滿載運轉狀態。不過對於國內日益高漲的反核 聲浪,日本政府也無法忽視,因此從14號開始到8月4號,將陸續在11個地方召開公聽會,聽取各界對中長期能源政策的意見。

針對2030年度電力總量中核電所佔比例,日本政府曾在6月提出了零、15%、20%-25%三個方案。目前零核電跟維持現狀兩派出現拉鋸, 福島核災陰霾讓日本人想跟核電說不,但電力不足又影響生活。該選擇那邊對日本來說都很艱難。


(2012-07-17 12:00) 中晝新聞


