2011年5月6日 星期五

浜岡原発停止 中部電、計画停電回避へ 火力発電を増強


更新時間 2011年5月7日, 格林尼治標準時間06:26






1971年至1993年建成的濱岡核電站五座原子爐不但都比福島第一核電站原子爐新,而且1號和2號爐 已作廢、3號爐正暫停運行作定期安檢。海江田周六在菅直人宣佈後也召開記者會說,內閣要求中部電力公司停止正在運行的4號和5號爐,3號爐完成檢查後也不 恢復運行。他強調目前建設防範事故的防波堤最重要。










Kan asks that Hamaoka nuke plant shut down


photoPrime Minister Naoto Kan explains his decision on May 6 to ask Chubu Electric Power Co. to shut down all reactors at its Hamaoka nuclear power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture. (Jun Kaneko)photoHamaoka nuclear power plant on April 28 (The Asahi Shimbun)

Prime Minister Naoto Kan said May 6 that the government has asked Chubu Electric Power Co. to halt all reactors at its Hamaoka nuclear power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture until the planned breakwater is built and medium- and long-term safety precautions are implemented.

The government's request means that the No. 4 and No. 5 reactors at Hamaoka nuclear power plant in Omaezaki should be shut down immediately. The No. 3 reactor has been offline due to regular inspections, and the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors are being decommissioned.

Kan cited in a news conference a study of the education ministry's panel that put the chances of a magnitude-8.0 or stronger earthquake striking the Tokai region within 30 years at 87 percent.

"I made the decision after considering the immense impact to the entire country if a serious accident occurred at the Hamaoka nuclear plant," Kan said.

Should a serious accident unfold at the Hamaoka nuclear plant, the implications would be far-reaching as the Tokaido Shinkansen Line and the Tomei Expressway--two key transportation arteries in Honshu run within 20 kilometers of the plant.

Asked about the government's response if the utility refuses to comply, Kan said, "We will talk to the company to have them understand our intent fully."

Speaking of the utility's reaction, Banri Kaieda, industry minister, said, "The president (of Chubu Electric) said that he wants to hold his final answer."

The utility's spokesperson said that the government's request would have major implications on the region it services because of the energy conservation measures that may have to be put in place. Chubu Electric services Shizuoka, Aichi, Gifu, Nagano and Mie prefectures.

The utility plans in two to three years to build a breakwater at least 15 meters high, behind the existing dune that is about 10 meters high to protect the reactor building.

The Hamaoka plant sits on an active fault in an area where the epicenter of the expected Tokai quake is located.

There are five reactors at the plant, which is Chubu Electric's only nuclear facility.

The No. 1 and No. 2 reactors, built in the late 1970s, are in the process of being decommissioned.

The No. 3 reactor has been shut down for regular inspections, while the No. 4 and No. 5 reactors are currently in service.

The government's announcement came after Chubu Electric said April 28 that it plans to restart the No. 3 reactor, which has been operated since 1987, in July to ensure a stable power supply in summer.

Kan said that the government will take the utmost measures to prevent disruptions in the power supply in the region.

He acknowledged, however, that a prime minister is not authorized to order the shutdown of nuclear reactors.

浜岡原発停止 中部電、計画停電回避へ 火力発電を増強


 中部電力は、浜岡原子力発電所(静岡県御前崎市)の全3基の停止を求めた菅直人首相の要請を受け入れる方針を固めた。7日午後1時から臨時取締役会を開 き、今夏の電力需要ピークに備えて、火力発電所の出力を引き上げたり、関西電力などほかの電力会社に融通を求めたりすることが可能かどうか判断する。

 中部電首脳が明らかにした。中部電内では首相の要請を「命令に近い重みを持っている」(別の幹部)と受け止めており、定期検査中の3号機に加えて稼働中 の4、5号機も停止に向け調整中だ。津波対策などで中部電が2~3年後の完成を目指している防潮堤の新設まで止める考え。





 中部電と同じ60ヘルツの周波数の電気を流す関電などからの電力融通も、どれだけ期待できるかは現段階では不透明だ。いまは電力不足の東京電力に中部電 からも融通しているが、中部電幹部は「自分のところの需給バランスが崩れそうなのに、なんで東電に送れるのか」と、東電への供給協力に支障が出るとの見方 を示している。

 中部電は、定期検査で止まっている3号機を7月までに再開し、廃炉のために止まっている1、2号機を除き、全原発を稼働させる計画だった。高さ15メー トル以上の防潮堤の新設などを盛り込んだ緊急安全対策を経済産業省原子力安全・保安院に提出し、静岡県や御前崎市などへの説明も重ねてきた。


