2011年1月11日 星期二

iPad gives 'kamishibai' stories a new lease on life

"Kamishibai (紙芝居),逐字地「紙戲曲」,是形式 講故事 那發起於 日語 佛教寺廟 在第12個世紀,修士使用 e-maki (圖片紙卷)表達故事以道德教訓對主要文盲觀眾。 或許它在20年代幾個世紀忍受了作為講故事方法,但為它的復興是最響譽通過50年代。 gaito kamishibaiya或者 kamishibai 講故事者,從村莊乘坐了到村莊在自行車裝備以一個小階段。 在到來,講故事者使用了二個木拍板,叫 hyoshigi宣佈他的到來。 買糖果從講故事者的孩子得到了最佳的位子在階段前面。 一旦觀眾集合,講故事者使用一套講幾個故事被說明的委員會,插入入階段和讓步作為故事逐個被告訴了。 故事經常是連續,并且新的情節在到村莊的每次參觀告訴了。

復興 kamishibai 能??對 全球性消沉 20年代後期,當它提供了一個失業者可能贏得小收入的手段時。 傳統由電視出現在日本圖書館和小學裡主要代替在50年代末期,但最近享受復興。 有些美國人翻譯了傳統 kamishibai 作為「平衡了識字」教的哲學一部分,成英語和提供他們。"


iPad gives 'kamishibai' stories a new lease on life



photo"Kamishibai" artist Yuta Sasaki recites a story in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, on Dec. 20 with an iPad installed in a wooden frame. (Hiroki Ito)

A traditional "kamishibai" storyteller is using modern tablet computers to introduce new elements of improvisation and interactivity to his craft.

"Kamishibai" (picture card show) storytelling has a long tradition in Japan, using large picture boards to illustrate stories told on the street, and used to be a popular form of children's entertainment.

Now, modern technology is giving the neglected tradition a new lease of life.

At a performance in November in Kunitachi city, Tokyo, Yuta Sasaki asks his audience to give him the names of their favorite TV celebrities, and gets an unexpected answer from a young girl in the audience: "Papa!"

The 28-year-old storyteller is unruffled, quickly shooting a photo of her father's face with his cellphone and importing it into the iPad that forms the center of his act. The tablet computer displays the images that punctuate his narrative, replacing the picture boards of tradition.

Sasaki proceeds to spin a yarn about the girl's father fighting and defeating a villain, complete with illustrations of him in the center of the action.

While storytelling has always integrated elements of improvisation and interaction with audiences, Sasaki says modern technology is far more flexible than the old picture boards, allowing him to improvise narratives and add images from the Internet and his camera as he talks to his audience.

A feeling of spontaneity runs throughout his work. Musicians who accompany his performances improvise their music, and the performers make a point of not discussing what they are going to do before a story begins. It is all done by the seat of the pants.

"That is part of the fun in it," Sasaki says, laughing.

A graduate of Tokyo-based Keio University, Sasaki works as a freelance IT worker, making websites and animated videos, and gives kamishibai performances once a month at the Shitamachi Museum in Taito Ward, which is dedicated to traditional downtown Tokyo culture.

He was first captivated by kamishibai at a university festival, aged 23, and became a disciple of the late Masao Morishita, known as "Mr. Kamishibai." Sasaki devoted himself to studying kamishibai and Morishita's unique style.

Morishita died in late 2008. But Sasaki is still trying to live up to a promise he made to his master to "make street kamishibai a normal sight once more."

The idea of using Apple Inc.'s tablet computer in his performances came to him in August 2010. He says the sliding movement of the operator's finger on the touchscreen of the iPad to bring up each new illustration fits perfectly with kamishibai tradition.

"It resembles the movement of kamishibai when taking out a card," he says. "This must be the right choice to make today's children happy."


