2010年6月23日 星期三

Nissan’s Ghosn receives $9.5m package

2010 年06月23日 15:10 PM

Nissan’s Ghosn receives $9.5m package

Nissan’s Carlos Ghosn has topped the list of Japan’s best-paid executives after the Japanese automaker revealed on Wednesday that it paid its Brazilian-born chief $9.5m last year.

日本汽车制造商日产(Nissan)周三披露,该公司去年支付给其首席执行官卡洛斯• 戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)的薪酬为950万美元。出生在巴西的戈恩因此登上了日本高管薪酬排行榜榜首。

Mr Ghosn – one of the longest-serving chief executives of a carmaker – took home more than twice the pay of Sir Howard Stringer, Sony’s chairman and chief executive, who made $4.4m in salary and bonuses running the electronics and entertainment group in the financial year that ended in March.

在所有汽车生产商中,戈恩是服务时间最长的首席执行官之一。其去年薪酬比索尼 (Sony) 董事长兼首席执行官霍华德•斯金格爵士(Sir Howard Stringer)高出逾一倍。在截至3月的上个财年,斯金格薪水和奖金共记440万美元。

Under new rules introduced this year, listed companies in Japan must report the compensation of executives earning more than Y100m.


Mr Ghosn’s pay does not include the €1.24m ($1.5m) he made running Renault, Nissan’s French alliance partner, in 2009.

戈恩的收入还不包括他在2009年运营日产法国伙伴雷诺(Renault )公司的所得——124万欧元(合150万美元)。

The league table of executive pay is still emerging, as not all Japanese groups have reported yet. But Mr Ghosn is widely expected to remain at the top in a country where senior managers generally earn far less than their counterparts elsewhere.

并非所有的日本企业都已发布薪酬报告,意味着这个高管薪酬排行榜尚不完整。然而,业界 广泛预测戈恩将停留在榜首位置,因为在日本,高级经理的薪酬整体上要比其他地区的同行低得多。

Fewer than one in 10 Japanese chief executives are believed to make enough to land them on the new disclosure lists.


Before the rule change, Japanese companies were required only to report the pay of directors as a group. As a result, debate about chief executives’ compensation among analysts and the public was hampered by guesswork.

在此新规出台之前,日本公司只需披露董事薪酬。造成的结果是,分析师以及公众有关首席 执行官报酬的辩论,都因为只是基于猜测而受阻。

Only a tiny handful of listed Japanese companies have foreign chief executives. All were brought in from outside, and as a result their pay is closer to international averages. However, even Sir Howard’s pay, for example, does not stand out when compared with other executives responsible for Hollywood studios.

仅有寥寥数家日本上市公司雇佣外籍首席执行官。他们全部都是从外部引进,所以薪酬更接 近国际平均水平。但即使是斯金格爵士的薪酬与好莱坞片场的其他高管比起来,也并不出众。

Speaking at Nissan’s annual shareholder meeting, Mr Ghosn defended his pay by pointing out that the car industry’s best-paid chief executive – Ford’s Allan Mullaly – made $17.4m last year.

戈恩在日产年度股东大会上为自己的薪酬进行了辩护。他指出全球汽车产业中薪酬最高的首 席执行官——福特(Ford)公司的艾伦•穆拉利(Alan Mulally)——去年的收入为1740万美元。


