2008年11月12日 星期三

Japan sacks general over WWII stance 空幕長更迭military supremacy

Essay row shows risks of military supremacy


Looking back to the time Gen. Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) was dismissed by U.S. President Harry Truman (1884-1972), former Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, who died last year, said he felt as though he had been struck by lightning.

MacArthur had reigned like a king as supreme commander of the Allied powers during the post-World War II occupation of Japan.

He was removed due to actions and statements that disregarded U.S. government policy on the Korean War. Japan was surprised there existed someone with greater powers than the supreme commander. The dismissal may have opened young Miyazawa's eyes to the concept of civilian control.

Placing the military under the command of a civilian government is considered a basic principle of democracy. But it seems there is an impudent movement within the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to slight that principle.

Quite a few people must have sensed a "prewar mind-set," supposedly suppressed in post-war Japan, in the controversial essay by Toshio Tamogami, the Air SDF chief of staff who was ousted for his treatise.

Tamogami appeared as an unsworn witness before the Diet on Tuesday. During his testimony, he did not reflect on his essay, in which he opposed the official government position on World War II.

In answer to the question, "Do you think in your heart that the SDF should be allowed to openly use weapons?" Tamogami replied: "I believe so." After listening to his testimony on several matters, I have no choice but to say he is unfit to lead a team of 50,000 troops.

The Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors issued by Emperor Meiji (1852-1912) banned military personnel from becoming involved in politics. But the former Imperial Japanese Army of the Showa Era (1926-1989) defied the order and eventually led Japan to war.

Although I do not think we are returning to prewar times, if the people sense an ominous political overtone in an armed group, it could cause public anxiety.

Incidentally, Wednesday marked the 60th anniversary of the pronouncement of sentences by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, which tried war crimes committed during World War II.

Former Prime Minister Koki Hirota (1878-1948) was the only civilian to be executed following the trials.

The tragic fate of a prime minister who failed to keep military power in check reminds us of a dark age when civilian control was ineffective.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 12(IHT/Asahi: November 13,2008)

Sacked air force chief likens Japan to NKorea

TOKYO (AFP) — Japan's sacked air force chief likened his country's level of democracy to communist North Korea as the government Tuesday tried to calm a furore over his assertion Japan was not the wartime aggressor.

"If you are not allowed to say even a word that counters the government's statements, you cannot possibly call the country democratic," former general Toshio Tamogami told a press conference late Monday.

"It's just like North Korea," he said.

Tamogami was fired for writing in an essay that Japan was falsely accused of being the aggressor and calling for the nation to shed elements of its post-World War II pacifism.

He retired on Monday two years early rather than serve in a lesser position.

Tamogami said many Asian nations "take a positive view" of Japan's past military actions, seeing Tokyo as a bulwark against Western imperialism.

The scandal came at a bad time for Prime Minister Taro Aso, who criticised Tamogami's remarks but has raised controversy himself in the past for defending parts of Japanese colonialism.

The Yomiuri Shimbun daily Tuesday released a poll showing that more people disapproved of the Aso government's performance than approved of it for the first time since he took over in September. Approval stood at 40.5 percent.

Aso on Tuesday ordered Defence Minister Yasukazu Hamada to scrutinise the case of Tamogami, especially the responsibility of his supervisors.

Hamada admitted he was in the dark about the essay until it was published.

Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone also told reporters that he has assured China and South Korea about Japan's position on the war.

Tamogami's thesis contradicted a 1995 statement issued by then prime minister Tomiichi Murayama and endorsed by his successors which apologised for Japan's past aggression and colonial rule in Asia.

China, the two Koreas and other Asian nations, which still have painful memories of Japan's aggression, strongly denounced Tamogami's remarks.

Refusing to let the scandal pass, Japan's opposition, which controls one house of parliament and is ahead in some polls, has decided to summon Tamogami to a parliamentary hearing, Jiji Press said.

The hearing is expected to prolong deliberations on extending a controversial naval mission supporting US-led forces in Afghanistan -- a top priority for Aso.

In his essay, Tamogami also said US president Franklin Roosevelt set up "a trap" that forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, but that the United States later tried to pin all war responsibility on Japan.

"I don't believe I am wrong," Tamogami told reporters, refusing to back down. "I didn't expect (the essay) would result in such a big thing."

"I had thought it's about time for Japan to accept" such views, he said. "But I might have judged wrong."

The commander of the US forces in Japan told a news conference the case would not affect the two countries' alliance. The United States stations more than 40,000 troops in Japan under a post-war treaty.

"The government of Japan was very quick to underscore that these were not the official views of the government of Japan or the Self-Defence Forces," Lieutenant General Edward Rice said, referring to pacifist Japan's military.

"So as we look to the future, I certainly as the commander of the US forces in Japan intend to continue to work very closely with the Self-Defence Forces," he said.
















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