2008年8月2日 星期六

赤塚不二夫 ( 1936-2008 )Akatsuka's comic genius energized an era

Akatsuka's comic genius energized an era


Fujio Akatsuka, dubbed the "god of gag manga," died on Saturday at age 72. Hearing the news, I found myself softly mimicking that all-too-famous cry of astonishment--"Shee" (pronounced "shay")--immortalized decades ago by one of Akatsuka's popular cartoon characters. Another classic Akatsuka line was korede ii-noda!, or "this is as it should be!" I imagine he would have said just that of his own passing.

Because Akatsuka had battled a series of grave illnesses for the last 10 years, I was sort of prepared for the worst. Still, as someone who grew up with his gag comics, I mourn his passing with a heartfelt "shee."

"Osomatsu-kun" (Mr. Pathetic) was the first Akatsuka work that completely bowled me over. The series' regular characters included a smarmy pseudo-francophile named Iyami, little Chibita who always clutched a skewer of oden morsels in his hand, and Dekapan and Hatabo. Other oddball characters kept popping up without rhyme or reason, and I remember laughing my head off at the most outrageously nonsensical story developments.

Akatsuka was initially commissioned to do non-serial cartoons. But in 1962, the weekly Shonen Sunday comic magazine asked him to do a four-week serial. In his autobiography "Korede Iinoda" (This is as it should be), Akatsuka recalled, "Since I was doing only four installments, I decided I could be as outrageous as I wanted, and go out with a bang."

It was this tremendous creative energy of his that totally floored little brats such as myself. "Osomatsu-kun" ran for more than five years and catapulted Akatsuka to stardom.

Until then, comics generally had the laid-back atmosphere of classic rakugo stories. But Akatsuka's works were fast-paced, pure slapstick. Page after page, readers were assaulted with gags and crazy scenes that made them writhe with mirth.

In retrospect, I think Akatsuka's creativity dazzled everyone because there was still a lot of stodgy common sense and gravity left in society at large back then. But his world of fast-paced nonsense also resonated with the energy that filled Japan in the 1960s and 1970s.

Were someone as talented as Aka-tsuka to appear today, I imagine he or she would either be overshadowed by the absurdity of our real world--more absurd than comics--or look out of place in the stagnant atmosphere of the present era.

It was 33 years ago that the late Juzo Itami, a film director, put his finger on Akatsuka's greatness with this comment, "I think society is trying to imitate (Akatsuka's) comics, not the other way round."

Gone is this genius who cracked up Japan during the Showa Era (1926-1989), leaving behind a society whose deterioration is accelerating.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 4(IHT/Asahi: August 5,2008)

赤塚不二夫さん死去 「おそ松くん」「天才バカボン」




 「シェー!」「これでいいのだ!」「ニャロメ!」など数々の流行語を生み、「おそ松くん」「天才バカボン」などで笑いのブームを巻き起こしたマンガ家の 赤塚不二夫(あかつか・ふじお、本名赤塚藤雄)さんが2日、肺炎で死去した。72歳だった。葬儀の日取りは未定。喪主は長女りえ子さん。






