2008年4月27日 星期日



New gas suicides also harm those left behind


Manga artist Shigeru Mizuki once visited a temple in Aomori Prefecture dedicated to jizo, the guardian deity of all creatures as well as children who died before their parents.

There, he found many bizarre-looking stone statues of the deity wearing military caps and students' uniforms. Mizuki, an expert on monsters and supernatural beings in the manga world, felt a subtle sadness that belongs to neither the living nor the dead. It was like "a sort of spiritual gas," Mizuki recalls in his book "Yokai Gadan" published by Iwanami Shoten Publishers.

Kitaro, one of Mizuki's best-known characters in the manga series "Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro," can use his hair as an antenna to detect looming evil spirit activity. The uncanny "spirits," in the form of invisible gas, provide settings for stories only when they choose when and where to waft. If they were to gush out at anytime or anywhere, it would spoil the atmosphere.

Suicides using poisonous hydrogen sulfide have occurred one after another recently. Since the gas is invisible and can leak from tiny holes, it can easily cause collateral damage to people who happen to be nearby. In the municipal housing complex in Konan, Kochi Prefecture, where a junior high school girl died Wednesday in an apparent hydrogen sulfide suicide, 80 people were taken to hospital.

Such suicides have rapidly grown this spring. Explanations on how to produce the gas using household products are circulating on the Internet and apparently spread among young people seized with the desire to kill themselves.

In preparation of producing the gas, many people also put up a sign outside their doors to warn neighbors, as instructed on the Internet. The sign reads "poisonous gas in production."

Before hydrogen sulfide, explanations on how to use briquette coal to produce carbon monoxide as a means of committing suicide spread through the Internet. All that has changed are the materials used and the kind of gas being produced.

Meanwhile, the urge to take one's life is spreading among copycats and the trend is giving rise to more new jizo statues. People consult the Internet to learn ways to commit suicide and put up signs of warning to neighbors. Can they not change their desire to "connect" with others and to take their painstaking efforts to end their lives, thereby keeping the will to live?

It is sad to think that the last thing that links suicide victims with this world is poison gas. Using gas to kill themselves is the worst thing they can do to their neighbors and the people who rush to their rescue having read the signs. Such horrible deeds only double the grief of those left behind.

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 25(IHT/Asahi: April 26,2008)

2008年04月25日付 “广而告之”的自杀案



水 木しげる先生拜访位于青森的地藏堂时,曾经发生过这么一件事情。(他发现,)大殿里整齐地排列着穿着军帽和学生服的怪模怪样的地藏菩萨像。在这个既没有活 人也没有死人的大殿里,这位漫画界的妖怪博士感觉到了一种无处寄托的、近似于“一股灵气”的悲凉感。(『妖怪画談』岩波新書)








率 先在网上推广开来的,是用煤来制造一氧化碳的方法。年轻人们用尽了各种方法去自杀,他们对于死亡的执着是在效仿过去的地藏(菩萨)。这种轮回,衍生出了新 一代的“地藏様”。从网上学到方法后将门紧闭,而后贴上提醒别人注意的纸。难道这种“希望与外界保持联系”的想法和手段,就不能转化为些许活下去的力量 吗?




水木 しげる(みずき しげる、1922年3月8日 - )は日本の漫画家である。本名は武良 茂(むら しげる)。鳥取県境港市出身。東京都調布市在住。世界妖怪協会会長、日本民俗学会会員、民族芸術学会評議委員。調布市名誉市民。境港市には水木しげる記念館がある。

·ベルフーズのおかし(むむむんほわ トンビューン ねるねるねるね)


Unethical fools debase firms


Nomura Tokushichi Shoten, an Osaka stock brokerage, made bundles of money from the great stock market boom in the years following the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) and the subsequent market crash. Owner Tokushichi Nomura (1878-1945) went on to spend a fortune on an overseas tour. Upon his return, he set out to radically modernize his operation.

He began by hiring "well-educated" people, convinced that the conventional custom of staffing a company with those who started to learn the trade as detchi apprentices with minimal education would no longer suffice.

Next, he strictly forbade his staff from engaging in stock transactions for personal gain. A 50-year history of Nomura Securities Co., published in 1976, says, "The intention (to ban personal transactions by staff) was to enhance the dignity of stock brokers and improve their standing in the business community."

Nomura must be turning in his grave now. A 30-year-old Nomura employee, a Chinese national who has since been dismissed, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of engaging in insider stock trading, along with two compatriots. They allegedly made as much as 40 million yen by abusing privileged information to illegally sell and buy stocks.

He worked in a section that advises merger and acquisition strategy to client companies. The confidential information that flew back and forth was the "material" on which the company's business relations with its clients relied. It was never to be used to make a personal killing on the stock market.

No customers could trust their stock brokers if the latter were to help themselves to their goods, so to speak. Nomura says this was just a crime committed by an individual in its employ. But if this is not a case of gross mismanagement of privileged information, what is?

Eying the world's growth markets, Nomura was actively hiring talented foreign nationals. The Chinese individual concerned is "well educated," having studied at Kyoto University. But for whatever reason, he made the inexcusable mistake of using his talent to advance his own financial gain. There are various kinds of so-called "elites," and this is a sobering warning we must bear in mind.

In an international corporation, employees of different nationalities sharing the office floor is a common enough sight. The varied cultures and business practices they bring can certainly benefit the company. At times, however, there are employees who are not only indifferent to the successes and failures recorded in the corporate history, but also have little respect for professional ethics. It is such fools who destroy the company's dignity and debase its standing.

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 24 (IHT/Asahi: April 25,2008)

008年04月24日付 证券公司的“精英”员工


▼日露戦争後の大 相場 と、その後の 暴落 を通じて財をなしたのが、大阪の株式 現物 問屋、野村徳七商店だ。店主の徳七は、大枚をはたいて世界一周の旅に参加したのを境に、猛然と組織の近代化に 乗り出す






▼ 元社員は、買収などの戦略を一般企業に指南する部門にいた。飛び交う極秘情報は、ゆめゆめ「株価の材料」などではなく、顧客とを結ぶ商いの糧だ。売り物に 手をつける社員がいては、おちおち相談もできやしない。会社は「個人的な行為」というが、これが情報管理のほころびでなくて何だろう。








2、インサイダー取引:insider trading (股票)内线交易。


TV is one thing, but the courtroom is another


"After wearing it for a day/ I fold my faded blue prison garb/ Feeling the lingering warmth of my body." This tanka was composed by Akito Shima, who committed murder when he was 24 and was executed at age 33 in 1967. The poem describes the joy he felt at the end of each day and is a testament to his deep remorse and appreciation of life.

If I were a citizen judge, what judgment would I have passed on the person who killed a mother and her daughter in Hikari, Yamaguchi Prefecture, nine years ago?

In an appealed court decision passed Tuesday, the presiding judge at the Hiroshima High Court, ordered by the Supreme Court to retry the case, overturned two previous life sentences and handed down the death sentence to the defendant who was 18 at the time of the crime.

There are two images that I can clearly picture in my mind when I think about the case. One is a photo of the victim Yayoi Motomura holding her baby daughter. She was 23 and her child was 11 months old when they were murdered. Their bodies would never be warm again.

The other is the image of her bereaved husband Hiroshi, 32, who sought the death penalty. I cannot think of anyone who can put words to his simmering resentment more quietly yet strongly than him.

When I think about the atrocity of the crime, the death penalty may seem inevitable. Still, I cannot completely cast aside my doubts.

Prior to the court ruling, the Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization of Japan Broadcasting Corp. (NHK) and commercial broadcasters made reference to the way television news shows have been treating the case and pointed out that they were presenting the image of a "bizarre defendant and his counsel" versus "the bereaved family" and making emotional comments based on the images.

I cannot say for sure I have not been influenced by such images. Before I realized it, I found myself identifying with Hiroshi Motomura. Meanwhile, the only image I have of the defendant is from behind as drawn by a court artist. Had I seen his expressions and known the way he carried himself as a boy, I might have felt differently.

The citizen judge system is due to take off in about a year. Although the system only applies to trials of the first instance, citizen judges would probably be required to pass judgments that seriously affect the lives of suspects or even end them in the courtroom where evidence and emotions are mixed.

Since citizen judges are chosen by lottery, you or I may also be appointed. Are we prepared to try suspects as human beings made of flesh and blood, not in our living rooms, but in the same room, face to face?

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 23(IHT/Asahi: April 24,2008)


