2007年12月3日 星期一

listeners to decide if words are true ?


劉先生提”QC旨在追求真 ROOT CAUSES …..而真象會死人的……”

我說了MOMENT OF TRUTH 其實是海明威翻譯西班牙鬥牛的決戰之剎那間”…..

今天讀發現真實的失落  文、題字/漢寶德


It's up to listeners to decide if words are true


The weak, wintry sunlight makes me more conscious of the darkness and shadows that seem to define aspects of life. My selection of November quotes concern truths that remain unknown.

Senba Kitcho, which operates a chain of high-class Japanese restaurants, was caught falsifying expiration dates on food labels.

A Senba Kitcho director, Shoji Yuki, blamed part-time workers for "acting on their own," but a woman worker disputed that charge.

Insisting that it was Shoji Yuki who ordered the staff to falsify the labels, she stated, "He yelled at us: 'These things last. Just extend the consume-by date by a month or so.'"

A poultry supplier that the president of Senba Kitcho, Masanori Yuki, accused of betraying his trust by passing broilers off as jidori free-range local chicken, shot back: "The company never ordered any jidori meat from us."

Toshiya Kadowaki, owner of the Japanese restaurant Azabu Kadowaki in Tokyo, refused to be rated by the new Michelin Guide.

"Some patrons bring guests to a restaurant to entertain," said Kadowaki. "Or a gentleman may want to bring his lady friend for a romantic dinner. Dishes that are meant for all occasions couldn't be interesting."

Michelin's inspectors check restaurants anonymously. The guide awarded its top three-star rating to eight Tokyo restaurants.

One is Hamadaya in Tokyo's Nihonbashi-Ningyocho district. Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga was there a year ago, according to disgraced former Vice Defense Minister Takemasa Moriya.

"I am deeply upset to have to face interrogations based on (Moriya's) flimsy claim," Nukaga complained.

To establish his alibi, Nukaga has produced a photograph that places him at a different location on the night in question. Kenji Yamaoka, chairman of the Diet Affairs Committee of opposition Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan), sniffed: "Anyone can doctor the date and time on a picture taken by a digital camera."

Foreign nationals are now required to submit to fingerprinting and having a photo taken of their faces upon entry to Japan. Justice Minister Kunio Hatoyama, who blurted out that his "friend's friend" happened to be an al-Qaida member, said: "Scary terrorists are roaming Japan freely."

But Hatoyama may be more interested in cracking down on illegal immigrants than terrorists.

The Hiroshima District Court has acquitted a man charged with murdering his mother and two daughters in a life insurance fraud. The prosecution had demanded the death penalty.

Presiding Judge Keisuke Hosoda explained his verdict: "In many ways, his innocence is highly questionable, which puts him in the gray zone. But I could not pronounce him guilty."

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 30(IHT/Asahi: December 1,2007)


