2007年10月24日 星期三


broiler 景品

━━ n. 焼き肉用鉄板[網]; ブロイラー ((食用若鶏(どり))) a young chicken suitable for roasting or grilling ; 〔話〕 とても暑い日

grill (COOK)
verb [T] (US ALSO broil)
to cook something by direct heat, especially under a very hot surface in a cooker:
I grilled the sausages.

Volz says he and his fellow researchers are launching a broader survey this summer that will entail sampling fish all along the Allegheny River. Efforts will be made to determine if it is industrial waste, sewage or agricultural runoff—or all three—that is responsible for the problem. In the meantime, cooking the fat out of fish may be the best defense. "If you broil fish and let the fats drip out that will take most of the contaminants out," Volz says, though that may not be enough given other exposures to potentially tainted water. "What our study does show us is that there is exposure potential to vast populations that use water from our rivers as their drinking water supply."

noun [C]
1 (US ALSO broiler) the surface in a cooker which can be heated to very high temperatures and under which you put food to be cooked
See picture .

2 a frame of metal bars over a fire on which food can be put to be cooked

Char-Broil Recalls Two-Burner Gas Grills Sold Exclusively at Big Lots Stores




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  山形屋によると、不当表示があったのは「鶏炭火焼と冷や汁セット」(3675円)と「鶏炭火焼セット」(2940円)の2点。包装やチラシには正 しい商品名を書いたが、インターネット上は「地鶏炭火焼」となっていた。宮崎市の宮崎山形屋が同市内の食品加工会社から仕入れた。入力担当者の誤入力が原 因という。



2007年10月25日0時48分 読売新聞)

けいひん 景品

a premium; a (free) gift; 〔米〕a giveaway.
~を出す offer giveaways [gifts].
景品券 a premium ticket; a coupon.
景品付売出し a sale with gifts [premiums].
景品表示法 Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Lagniappes and Misleading Representation.

景品表示法 【けいひんひょうじほう】

「不当景品類及び不当表示防止法」の略称。消費者に誤認させる不当表示と,販売促進のための景品類の行き過ぎを規制する目的で,1962 年(昭和 37)制定。景表法



