2007年10月8日 星期一

舊文: 人不久就要終結的 (Abe)


一年之後 Abe 下台

September 22, 2006

Abe and Goethe

9月20日,日本內閣官房長官(Chief Cabinet Secretary)安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)以464票的高票當選新一屆自民黨(Liberal Democratic Party)總裁,….

2006/9/21 我看Abe拜訪自民黨元老們和黨外如公民黨,一直思考這種政治傳統的家族和推陳出新之力量……)

2006/9/22晨讀日本{每日新聞}之The many faces of Shinzo Abe,知道他是箭道者:
…Hirotsugu Akiu, now a 52-year-old company president, became acquainted with Abe at the university as they sat next to each other. "Since the first year of university, he seemed determined to become a politician," he said. Soon after becoming friends, Akiu told Abe that one of his relatives was a politician. Abe replied, "My father is also a lower house lawmaker." During his four years at the university, Abe belonged to an archery club. He participated in practice sessions, though he was not a regular team member for competitions with other universities. …..

想起[哥德談話錄] (Eckermann's Conversations of Goethe (英國翻譯本:1850).)1825年5月1日中精彩的製作弓之說明(朱光潛簡本刪去)。那周日的談話真精彩:劇院的經營管理、archery之道、古希臘文藝之盛衰。



