2016年8月1日 星期一

plea for peace,【廣島受難者輓歌】;黑雨Black Rain 今村昌平Shohei Imamura

黑雨Black Rain - YouTube

May 17, 2016 - Uploaded by 高雄市電影館
黑雨Black Rain 今村昌平Shohei Imamura 日本Japan | 1989 | 35mm | 黑白B&W ...

這部電影可在YouTube看全片 英文字幕
今年已經是第六十七個年頭,距離那天早晨八時十五分廣島市中心上空爆發的巨大白光和灑落的黑雨,二十萬人以上死亡,倖存者的惡夢迄未結束,到今年三月底仍存二十五萬一千八百三十四人,去年一年間減少七千七百人。原子彈爆炸中心方圓一公里之內的人全部立即死亡,只有一個當時躲在防空洞裡睡覺的八歲小女孩例外,但她到今天仍然拒絕受訪,她的先生只知道她是原爆倖存者,「她怕說出她的故事會危害先生的事業和孩子的就業。」 - 

- See more at: http://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5003578#sthash.kndd26IA.dpuf

文章摘自:《MUZIK古典樂刊》no.110 文/黃主牧
Krzysztof Penderecki (b. 1933): Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima (1960) Krzysztof Urbański…


朝日新聞 "天聲人語"的作者

Another August passes; plea for peace remains

With the anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II on Aug. 15, the minds of many Japanese turned to issues of war and peace. For some, the war is still not over even after 62 years. Others renewed their resolve to never let the present time become another "prewar Japan." Below is my selection of memorable quotes in August.
Michiaki Ikeda, a 68-year-old hibakusha A-bomb survivor in Nagasaki, had just made up his mind to devote the rest of his life to recounting his A-bomb experience to the public when former Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma caused outrage with his remark that the 1945 attacks "could not be helped."
Worried that the nation's collective memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki could eventually fade, Ikeda renewed his commitment to his self-appointed mission. "The experiences of hibakusha are like textbooks for peace studies," said Ikeda. "I mean to be one of those textbooks, and I want as many people as possible to read me."
Isamu Takeuchi, 87, is an A-bomb survivor in Hiroshima who is battling cancer. As a plaintiff in a group lawsuit demanding official government recognition for their suffering of radiation-related diseases, Takeuchi still blames himself bitterly for "not giving even a cup of water to the dying" on Aug. 6, 1945. "I am now begging the government to give us old hibakusha just one cup of water," he said. "For me, that cup of water is the government's official recognition."
Kisaku Minowa, a 78-year-old Niigata native, is keeping up a petition drive in Tokyo's Musashino park to preserve the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution. Known affectionately as 9-jo Ojisan (Uncle Article 9), Minowa has collected more than 6,000 signatures so far. He writes tanka poems for a hobby, and here is one: "Unfazed by my broad dialect/ Young people listened attentively/ To my wartime stories."
Recently on display in Tokyo was an exhibition of writings left by students, shipped to the front in the Pacific War never to return. Receptionist Miyoko Imuro, 80, was at Tokyo's Meiji Jingu Gaien (Meiji shrine outer garden) when a grand send-off ceremony was held in 1943 for students about to be sent off. She recalled: "The event was staged to glorify what was nothing more than a tragic reality, and I was an accomplice in the event. I cannot regret it more, and I feel terrible." Imuro still remembers vividly how skinny the students' legs looked in the leggings they wore.
Mitsuharu Kaneko (1895-1975) was an anti-establishment poet whose privately published collection of poetry was discovered recently. One poem goes: "Oh people. How can you not hold your life dear? Why don't you love and cherish with greater intensity this delicate human life?" Kaneko's antiwar sentiment was rooted in his deep love for his family.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 31(IHT/Asahi: September 1,2007)


