2007年7月24日 星期二

『犬與鬼:現代日本的墜落』 : Dogs and Demons: The Fall of Modern Japan

『犬與鬼:現代日本的墜落』 : Dogs and Demons: The Fall of Modern Japan

2007/05/27 10:02 部分 詳品質論壇

Dogs and Demons: Tales from the Dark Side of Japan by Kerr, Alex (阿列克斯.科爾). New York: Hill and Wang; Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003 xi, 432 pp

("Inu to Oni" in Japanese). .日文本同書名

『犬與鬼:現代日本的墜落』 北京:中信出版社,2006
這本書的美英版本的副標題不同,北京版選用:Amazon.co.uk: Dogs and Demons: The Fall of Modern Japan:

書名Dogs and Demons,是用了《韓非子》的典故犬馬難描 鬼魅易畫的典故,意謂日本迴避根本的、長期的、艱巨的「治國」方案,只滿足於以顯見 ...

As the author explains, "Dogs and Demons" (from a Chinese metaphor) paints the simple things of everyday life that the West has taken for granted (Dogs) but are seemingly difficult for Japan: "zoning, sign control, the planting and tending of trees, burial of electric wires, protection of historic neighborhoods, comfortable and attractive residential design, environmentally friendly resorts." The difficult things (Demons) are ostentatious and expensive surface statements; symbolic gestures rather than substantive commitments. Their signs are everywhere: museums without artwork, monuments without honor, roads without destinations.

In short, Mr. Kerr ascribes "culture" as the end-all source of
Japan's malaise some hundred years after sociologist Max Weber first tried to explain away China's backwardness in similar fashion. "The problem is not that traditional values have died," Mr. Kerr writes, "but that they have mutated. Frankenstein's monsters taking on terrifying new lives."

Dogs and Demons—a passionately entertaining, but sadly imbalanced read.

--- A Sneaky Attack on Japan
The Once-Rising Sun Hasn't Set Yet

By: Paul J. Scalise



「但是它也如海洛因一樣成為毒品,官僚、政客、當地居民會依賴它,漸漸就上癮。……中央政府繼續這些建設會嚴重破壞環境,使國家深陷債務,自然風光也因這些了無生氣的設施受到損壞。」 上文摘自《犬與鬼——現代日本的墮落》一書。此書在日本連續八版熱賣,引發的影響是,後來日本工程預算削減了二○%。不過這規模仍比其他已開發國家高出十倍多,而且日本的國債仍在急遽上升中。 ……書 中,重筆講述了日本的「建設中毒症」,是形成泡沫經濟的原因。他認為,現代文化史分成三個階段:前工業化時期、工業化時期和後工業化時期。在第一階段,人 類和自然和睦協調;第二階段疏離;第三階段則是科技再度與自然和傳統文化相結合。西方已開發國家,出現反高速公路、拆水壩的趨勢;日本還卡在「大建設的迷 思」,是現代化過程中 「體制失敗型」國家的典型。 」(陳雅玲)



作者是畢業於耶魯{Mr. Kerr graduated from Yale University with a BA in Japanese Studies in 1974. 者舉其母校如何花20年計1000億日元來修護補充 Linsly-Chittenden Hall 的方式來對比日本的"粗魯手法".....p.122}、牛津大學

阿列克斯.科爾(Alex Kerr),他在日本生活了近三十五年。

年出生。1984年第一次隨家人赴日本。科爾在耶魯大學和日本慶心義塾大學學習日語,1974年作者獲得Rhodes獎 學金赴英國牛津大學學習中國文化獲得碩士學位(Over the course of his university studies, he spent a year at Tokyo's Keio University as a Rotary International Scholar. He then went on receive an MA in Chinese Studies from Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar. )。

年科爾定居在日本京都並擔任神道教團"大本"國際部負責國際宗教文化交流活動及管理該機構下屬的日本傳統藝術學校。1984~1993年間,作者任美國最大的房地産公司,特拉梅爾克羅公司(Trammell Crow Co.)駐日本的首席代表。
年用日語撰寫《美麗日本的殘像》而容或心潮學藝獎的最佳文學獎。這是首次將次獎項授予外國文學家。1996年,科爾的《迷失日本》由Lonely Planet出版。除了寫書以外,作者還經常用英語及日語發表文章。

Mr. Kerr currently resides in Bangkok, Thailand, but has also lived in Japan for over twenty years in Kameoka (Kyoto) and Iya (Tokushima). Mr. Kerr might be described as a "Renaissance Man": he has worked as a translator, an interpreter, a writer, and an art consultant. He is the founding president and a coordinator for cultural events for "Chiiori Co.Ltd." a fine arts company based in Japan and Thailand. He has translated books and served as an interpreter for Buddhist and Shinto organizations, as well as exhibiting his calligraphy works, making multiple appearances in the Japanese, Thai and American media, and serving as the Japan-based representative for Trammell Crow Company.

科爾不僅爲日本機構在旅遊及城市規劃方面作諮詢工作,他還創辦了""株式會社並任會長。""株式會社致力於整修復興京都一帶的古建築物,讓遊客們居住。科爾現任亞洲文化起源公司(ORIGIN Asia Co.)的總裁,在日本和泰國均建立了發揚傳統文化的分社。


第一章 國土:大興土木的國家
第二章 治山治水:充滿災害的列島
第三章 環境:類固醇刺激下的開發
第四章 泡沫經濟:追憶繁榮歲月
第五章 資訊:對現實的不同觀點
第六章 官僚制度:權力和特殊利益
第七章 標誌性建築:蘿蔔機場
第八章 古都:京都與旅遊業
第九章 新型都市:電線與屋頂廣告牌
第十章 鬼:標誌性建築的哲學
第十一章 漫畫與龐大:標誌性建築之美學
第十二章 總決算之日:貸款第十三章 國家之財富:金錢法則
第十四章 教育:遵從規則
第十五章 教育的餘波:插花與電影
第十六章 國際化:流亡人士與在日外國人
第十七章 革命可能嗎:煮青蛙

(hc案 本書無參考出處和索引 是打馬虎的.....標題的翻譯有些問題...)


Table of Contents
Acknowledgments                                    ix
Author's Note xiii
Prologue 3 (10)
The Land: The Construction State 13 (38)
Environment: Cedar Plantations and Orange Ooze 51 (26)
The Bubble: Looking Back 77 (26)
Information: A Different View of Reality 103 (29)
Bureaucracy: Power and Privilege 132 (13)
Monuments: Airports for Radishes 145 (16)
Old Cities: Kyoto and Tourism 161 (29)
New Cities: Electric Wires and Roof Boxes 190 (28)
Demons: The Philosophy of Monuments 218 (18)
Manga and Massive: The Business of Monuments 236 (18)
National Wealth: Debt, Public and Private 254 (28)
Education: Following the Rules 282 (25)
After School: Flowers and Cinema 307 (28)
Internationalization: Refugees and Expats 335 (23)
To Change or Not to Change: Boiled Frog 358 (22)
Conclusion 380 (7)
Notes 387 (34)
Index 421


