2018年12月30日 星期日

Mao Danqing 毛丹青《在日本》杂志

Author and professor Mao Danqing explains Japanese culture to readers in his native China. He encourages youth in the 2 countries to deepen understanding of each other through cultural exchange.
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3 days ago - Author and professor Mao Danqing explains Japanese culture to readers in his native China. He encourages youth in the two countries to ...

 毛丹青在上海发行《在日本》杂志,倾力向关注日本的中国人介绍活生生的日本;同时他也是神户国际大学的教授,现在正带领来自中国的媒体人采访 ...



  • 《日本蟲眼紀行》(日文文集)1998年 法藏館
  • 《狂走日本》2004年 上海文藝出版社


  • 《嘆異抄》 文津出版社
  • 《禪與中國》北京三聯書店出版社
  • 火花》 人民文學出版社

2018年12月26日 星期三

Private Lodging「minpaku」 market slow to take off in Japan

Private lodging market slow to take off in Japan
TOKYO -- Half a year after Japan's minpaku ("private lodging") law took effect, the market has failed to catch on as expected despite growing numbers ...

2018年(平成30年)6月15日に施行される「住宅宿泊事業法(民泊新法)」に関する情報を掲載した政府の公式ウェブサイトです。This is a government official website that ...

2018年12月25日 星期二

Sixth case of swine fever infection found at central Japan farm

Japan's swine fever epidemic is spreading further with a sixth case identified Tuesday in the central part of the country, leading to the first dispatch of Ground Self-Defense Force troops ...

2018年12月24日 星期一

唐津焼, Karatsu-yaki

Karatsu ware (唐津焼, Karatsu-yaki) is a style of Japanese pottery produced traditionally in and around Karatsu, Saga Prefecture.
History · ‎Characteristics · ‎References

2018年12月20日 星期四

Tokyo Stock Exchange's big board about to get a lot smaller

Under the most dramatic scenario, the number of companies on the TSE's first section could drop to about 620 from the current 2,131.


The TSE is incorporated as a kabushiki gaisha with nine directors, four auditors and eight executive officers. Its headquarters are located at 2-1 Nihonbashi-Kabutochō (ja:日本橋兜町), Chūō, Tokyo, or "Kabuto-chō", which is the largest financial district in Japan. Its operating hours are from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m., and from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. From April 24, 2006, the afternoon trading session started at its usual time of 12:30 p.m..
Stocks listed on the TSE are separated into the First Section for large companies, the Second Section for mid-sized companies, and the Mothers (Market of the high-growth and emerging stocks) (ja:マザーズ)[4] section for high-growth startup companies. As of October 31, 2010, there are 1,675 First Section companies, 437 Second Section companies and 182 Mothers companies.[5]
The main indices tracking the TSE are the Nikkei 225 index of companies selected by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan's largest business newspaper), the TOPIX index based on the share prices of First Section companies, and the J30 index of large industrial companies maintained by Japan's major broadsheet newspapers.

桑原 住雄(くわばら すみお、1924年- 2007年);Ben Shahn ;Barbara Rose

桑原 住雄(くわばら すみお、1924年- 2007年);Ben Shahn ;Barbara Rose

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
桑原 住雄(くわばら すみお、1924年7月15日 - 2007年12月15日)は、日本の美術評論家


  • 「日本の自画像」
  • 「アメリカ絵画の系譜」
  • 「東山魁夷 美の道 祈りの旅」
  • 「桑原住雄美術論集 日本編 アメリカ編」
  • 「広場の芸術」
  • 「夢マンダラ」

Image result for 桑原 住雄

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Barbara Rose, Ph.D (born 1938) is an American art historian and art critic. She was educated at Smith CollegeBarnard College and Columbia University, where she studied under Meyer Schapiro. She also studied at New York University Institute of Fine Arts with Walter W.S. Cook. Through Michael Chapman (cinematographer), Rose was introduced to many New York artists, including Carl Andre and Frank Stella. In 1961, Rose received a Fulbright to Spain. Stella joined her in Europe and the two were married in 1961 in London. They divorced in 1969.[1]
With the encouragement of Michael Fried Rose began writing art criticism, which, in 1963, led to a monthly "New York Letter" in Art International. In October 1965, Rose published the essay ABC Art in Art in America, in which she described the fundamental characteristics of minimal art.
  • Barbara Rose, American Art Since 1900, 1967

二十世紀アメリカ美術 (美術出版社) バーバラ・ローズ、桑原 住雄(翻訳) EasyPaymentIcon

  • Image result for 桑原 住雄
    Image result for 桑原 住雄
    Ben Shahn (September 12, 1898 – March 14, 1969) was a Lithuanian-born American artist. He is best known for his works of social realism, his left-wing political views, and his series of lecturespublished as The Shape of Content.